Does the scroll of instant reraise work automatically for your char when he/she dies? Or does it only work on teammates?
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Scroll of instant reraise... work auto when you die? Or just for teammates?
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Re: Scroll of instant reraise... work auto when you die? Or just for teammates?
it only works on yourself
you have to activate the scroll, the scroll is lost then (you must be alive to use the scroll)
you gain the effect of the WHM spell reraise.
means if you die you can reraise yourselftMonchichieTaruTaru, Windurst
RDM/75, WHM/41, BLM/37, DRK/37, NIN/20, WAR/18, SAM/15
Clothcrafting 88(+5), Goldsmithing 40, Leathercraft 36, Smithing 31, Bonecraft 21, Alchemie 10
W-M: 6-1 CoP: 1-3 ZM: 14 ToAU: 14
Ayumieon ICE
Mithra, Windurst
SAM/49, THF/49, WAR/32, NIN/31
W-M: 5-1, CoP: 3-1 ZM:
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Re: Scroll of instant reraise... work auto when you die? Or just for teammates?
Originally posted by Last_Viperit only works on yourself
you have to activate the scroll, the scroll is lost then (you must be alive to use the scroll)
you gain the effect of the WHM spell reraise.
means if you die you can reraise yourselft
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Re: Scroll of instant reraise... work auto when you die? Or just for teammates?
If I remember correctly, it takes a bit for it to activate. The general use would be: If you think you run a high risk of dying and you don't have raise available, use the scroll before battle. Then, for the next hour (or 30 min?) if you die, you will be able to raise immediately, just as if someone cast the spel on you right after you died. This scroll can only be used on yourself, not anyone else in the party. Finally, another thing to remember with this, if you die and the pt is still fighting the mob, unless you think by coming back is the only way (and has a good chance of succes) to save the party, then I would wait until the battle is over. You will come back weakened just as from the normal raise spell which I believe takes 5 minutes to wear off. This means a gobbie bomb or the like will instantly take you down if you are within range afterwards, or are just unlucky and it is thrown just as you raise.
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