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Weddings ^^

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  • #16
    Re: Weddings ^^

    Originally posted by Aeni
    You're being to generous. w

    I'd say, as in example that ...

    3,000 players on a server

    At most, only 500 of them are IRL females.

    1,500 characters are females.

    66% of these characters are played by males IRL, if no female players play a male character (which we know not to be exactly true, but for this discussion, nice round numbers usually make a more convincing argument)

    In other words, there's a great chance that the player playing Mithra is a guy IRL. Now, as to Manthra, it's coined by guys who wanted to make sure that the public didn't go around calling him her/she.

    I now know your pet peeve. Know what mine is? Say a well known Hume Female is played by a male IRL.

    "Where's Toki?"
    "She said she had to run to get some groceries."

    No ... it's HE when you're refering to someone outside of the game in that capacity.

    SIGH ...
    Correct and in that capacity that would be an OOC communication, so gender wise of He or She only applies if the person knows the RL players gender. If they don't then the player character's gender is usually acceptable when deciding a gender descriptive word to identfy that person.

    Otherwise if they know and they still use the PC's gender when stating something in OOC that I can see being annoying.

    P.S. We should really take this to either PM or a new thread. This discussion has nothing to do with Weddings.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #17
      Re: Weddings ^^

      wow! that's a lot of replys.. thanks for everyone for clearing up that mombo-jumbo. ^^ well, see yall around in Seraph!
      Help the Noobs! Contribute to the "Save Kogii Foundation!"



      • #18
        Re: Weddings ^^

        pst! They don't belong to seraph!
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • #19
          Re: Weddings ^^

          For the whole Manthra stuff, here's how you know if it's a Mithra or Manthra.
          "Can I have gil?" - Manthra
          "Doesn't this outfit look cute?^^" - Mithra
          "This outfit is hot" - Manthra

          Ha ha, the last 2 are a joke. I see a lot of Mithra asking for gil, and I later find out they're men (after talking in /tell). It doesn't really bother me men play as women, it's all about who they are on FFXI, who cares about personal life. My brother played my character once for 10 minutes (on the ship to Selbina), so I guess Jekk is like 0.1% man D:

