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Weddings ^^

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  • Weddings ^^

    Hello everyone! I am new to these forums but i've been watching them closely. I was just wondering about weddings. I would just like to get all the info i can and and Wedding Videos that you all may have. I'm really interested in FFXI weddings. I would like to get any videos so that i can get an idea about how they go and all.

    Thanks! and congratz to all you who have gotten married. Aren't you all lucky. ^^
    Help the Noobs! Contribute to the "Save Kogii Foundation!"


  • #2
    Re: Weddings ^^

    Well, the only way to be "officially" married in-game is to register for marriage with a GM. For this you must provide proof that you and your partner are married in real life.

    Otherwise, you can always grab your linkshell buddies, go out to Mhaura or something, and hold a little unofficial ceremony.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
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    • #3
      Re: Weddings ^^

      Weddings are a fraud, really. Most in-game weddings are between a male character and a manthra =_=; Also, you do not need proof of marriage, because I've seen marriage between players that were not married to each other (Like this girl who got married in-game to some guy who was already married to another woman ... crap like that)


      • #4
        Re: Weddings ^^

        Do they even do weddings anymore ingame?

        I havent seen or heard about one in well over a year now, but I do hear about people still putting in requests. Seems like the died out after the NA release.

        75 BLU | THF | PLD


        • #5
          Re: Weddings ^^

          Originally posted by Aeni
          Weddings are a fraud, really. Most in-game weddings are between a male character and a manthra =_=; Also, you do not need proof of marriage, because I've seen marriage between players that were not married to each other (Like this girl who got married in-game to some guy who was already married to another woman ... crap like that)
          Lol, Aeni the in-game weddings are marriages between the two character players only not the players themselves. The only oddity that FFXI add to this was that the marriages were bound by POL ID, kind of like they had intended the marriages to be an online marker of what two actual players are married. At least this is the general view of most of the players that actually RPG the game, and is the usual design that other MMORPGs follow by.

          As far as I'm aware they are still doing it, but the weddings have been so backed up on many servers that it'll take a long time and some luck to actually get a wedding time setup.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Re: Weddings ^^

            Originally posted by Macht
            Lol, Aeni the in-game weddings are marriages between the two character players only not the players themselves.
            Macht, I know this. I was just responding to PPMaster, because that statement is false (that proof of IRL marriage is required) Maybe in Japan, but definitely not outside of Japan. Unless players have been lying or producing false documentation to GMs (Exactly how do you do this, which was never properly addressed anywhere in any FAQs) I strongly believe that this whole thing didn't go exactly how SE wanted it to.

            Now I just see a bunch of manthras running around in wedding outfits, flaunting it more out of the necessity of being ostentatious than out of sincere love for their homosexual part- I mean, male "character" counterpart *cough*


            • #7
              Re: Weddings ^^

              Originally posted by Aeni
              Macht, I know this. I was just responding to PPMaster, because that statement is false (that proof of IRL marriage is required) Maybe in Japan, but definitely not outside of Japan. Unless players have been lying or producing false documentation to GMs (Exactly how do you do this, which was never properly addressed anywhere in any FAQs) I strongly believe that this whole thing didn't go exactly how SE wanted it to.

              Now I just see a bunch of manthras running around in wedding outfits, flaunting it more out of the necessity of being ostentatious than out of sincere love for their homosexual part- I mean, male "character" counterpart *cough*
              I see, but the end result of the characters "flaunting it" is more of a two punch deal. If you examined them and it says Opaline or Ceremonial then that is not the offical Wedding dress that is the craft equivalent made for the purpose of the characters to flaunt it. If the dress they wear specifically says "Wedding Dress" then that is the actual one you can get only through the marriage system.

              As far as proof of marriage that I believe was an understanding error. The real method to marry in the game is you must have a 3rd party register the two that are to marry, they must also provide a set of times to try for. If the GM approves a time then you only need the bride and groom really to be present along with whoever else you invite that is on and wants to attend it.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #8
                Re: Weddings ^^

                Wow, thanks for all the reply's! but what's the deal with all these "Manthra"s? and again, are there any videos of FFXI weddings?
                Help the Noobs! Contribute to the "Save Kogii Foundation!"



                • #9
                  Re: Weddings ^^

                  Person had posted a video on here not to long ago, I suggest using the search function to find it.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Re: Weddings ^^

                    there is also a video on google videos and a manthra is basically a man playing a mithra got the nickname of manthra lol most of them actually say when but there are those who will try and play you for gil etc.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #11
                      Re: Weddings ^^

                      Originally posted by Macht
                      As far as proof of marriage that I believe was an understanding error. The real method to marry in the game is you must have a 3rd party register the two that are to marry, they must also provide a set of times to try for. If the GM approves a time then you only need the bride and groom really to be present along with whoever else you invite that is on and wants to attend it.
                      Well, I was appointed as a 3rd party once to arrange a marriage for friends (who were also husband and wife irl) Yes, they required no proof of the actual marriage, but SE were ****** flakes when it came to having those dates pinned down. After the 3rd attempt, it was mostly decided in the LS that it was a waste of time and they instead opted for a better one ... in a Dynamis of all places. w

                      Originally posted by Kogii
                      Wow, thanks for all the reply's! but what's the deal with all these "Manthra"s? and again, are there any videos of FFXI weddings?
                      Man (Male) Mithra = Manthra. Because SE has excluded the male sex of the Mithran race, it is therefore widely accepted that a male player can play the Mithran class since there's no other option. However, many players (male) believe that because there's only the female sex type of Mithras, that many female characters play this race. Not so. I find many legitimate female players play as either (a) hume females or (b) male characters (because they did not want to be subjected to the kind of "player harassment" that you will typically see in a mixed gender game) I find many, many Mithrans are played by male players and that majority of the ones that come out as neutral or did not specify their sex (but it is just accepted on assumption) are basically deceiving the public in general and are not really the female players that they are making other players think.

                      w ... maybe that's more complicated than what it was suppose to be.


                      • #12
                        Re: Weddings ^^

                        LOL, the I'd like to see is number proof. People state that the majority of Mithra are male players yet 6 of the 8 in my LS are female, 3 of which I actually know irl.

                        Mithra I believe just got focused and given that name only because of it being the only Female Race without a counter part. I know Galka's that are female quite a few actually that to anyone with the right mind set could think that most Galka's are female.

                        That's the only reason realy that Mithra got it's nick name of Manthra, mostly as non-RPG players insecure of their own gender or whatever their problem is. Sorry for the out-burst but the term Manthra just bugs me and is just such a disillusory word for me when I do tend to RPG. I don't really care if the character is male or female in real life, if they play the part fine in the RPG and if choose to give them an item it's my choice of RPGing it.

                        Either way my money is that Mithra's nickname is solely due to a select groups mind set that carried enough influencing force to make it stick. The reality I bet on is that any race and gender has near equal numbers in the quantity of female players in each.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Weddings ^^

                          Originally posted by Macht
                          LOL, the I'd like to see is number proof. People state that the majority of Mithra are male players yet 6 of the 8 in my LS are female, 3 of which I actually know irl.

                          what about the other 3? lolorz ... again, don't assume what you think you know to be true ... there were a couple of male players that totally had everyone on Hades fooled until several months later ... yes, they maliciously lied and misrepresented themselves in order to swindle other male players of gil, rare items and other such things.

                          Mithra I believe just got focused and given that name only because of it being the only Female Race without a counter part. I know Galka's that are female quite a few actually that to anyone with the right mind set could think that most Galka's are female.

                          That's the only reason realy that Mithra got it's nick name of Manthra, mostly as non-RPG players insecure of their own gender or whatever their problem is. Sorry for the out-burst but the term Manthra just bugs me and is just such a disillusory word for me when I do tend to RPG. I don't really care if the character is male or female in real life, if they play the part fine in the RPG and if choose to give them an item it's my choice of RPGing it.

                          Either way my money is that Mithra's nickname is solely due to a select groups mind set that carried enough influencing force to make it stick. The reality I bet on is that any race and gender has near equal numbers in the quantity of female players in each.
                          First off, your LS is unique. It's like that 1 in 10 LS. So, no, your LS cannot be the base standard for this discussion {That's too bad.}

                          Secondly, there was a study done by PC Gaming magazine about gender in RPGs. How many of the females IRL play these games (due to the stereotyping of RPG players in general) I believe FFXI had the most female gamers, but it's still in a very large minority, where the vast majority of females hail from NA/EU (I believe in Japan, women are less interested in RPG games than here in this country) I won't peg a number, but I remember it being less than 15% playing FFXI as being females IRL.

                          Then, you look at the break down, from the last census, of player races. Remember, mithras are a female race. Saying otherwise is just plain silly. Add that # in with those females of other races - Elvaan, Tarutaru and Hume - and you can see the number is largely skewed.

                          This, of course, does not include mules, since it's a given that mules should not count for anything in any census/statistical calculation.

                          I know 3 IRL girls that play male characters. I know they exist and that while they are still in a small minority, you should keep that in mind.


                          • #14
                            Re: Weddings ^^

                            My point was that any female race is subjected to the same male players playing them then just solely Mithra. Mithra gets focused though because it's the only race were females are the only choice when playing it. Outside of that the number of rl females playing a male character or a female character, as well as playing mithra, elvaan, taru, or hume are likely even in ratio.

                            Basically yes in the game on a server of 3000 players you may see 1800 female characters. Out of the 3000 players maybe only 900 will be females in rl, however 400 of them may only be playing actual female characters while 500 are playing male characters.

                            To sum it up, I just hate the term Manthra because it's singling out a single race when you are certain to have just many Hume Females who are not female irl and just as many Elvaan and Tarutaru Females who are also not female irl. That is my sole annoyance with that term.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #15
                              Re: Weddings ^^

                              Originally posted by Macht
                              Basically yes in the game on a server of 3000 players you may see 1800 female characters. Out of the 3000 players maybe only 900 will be females in rl, however 400 of them may only be playing actual female characters while 500 are playing male characters.
                              You're being to generous. w

                              I'd say, as in example that ...

                              3,000 players on a server

                              At most, only 500 of them are IRL females.

                              1,500 characters are females.

                              66% of these characters are played by males IRL, if no female players play a male character (which we know not to be exactly true, but for this discussion, nice round numbers usually make a more convincing argument)

                              In other words, there's a great chance that the player playing Mithra is a guy IRL. Now, as to Manthra, it's coined by guys who wanted to make sure that the public didn't go around calling him her/she.

                              I now know your pet peeve. Know what mine is? Say a well known Hume Female is played by a male IRL.

                              "Where's Toki?"
                              "She said she had to run to get some groceries."

                              No ... it's HE when you're refering to someone outside of the game in that capacity.

                              SIGH ...

