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New expansion info, new job revealed!

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  • #46
    Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

    Originally posted by Xuande
    Imperial Capital of Al'zabi(sp)
    "Imperial District": Place where nobles live. A lot of elvaans. At first will not be accessible by players.
    "Commoner District": Various races. Packed with merchants and salesmen.
    "Dweller District": Lots of humes. People with no citizenship and the old overthrown emperor dwell here. Menanced by beastmen.
    to me sounds like we got us a lindblum area o.o also if corsair = gambler type would that mean like the moblin fantoccini = a corsair?


    • #47
      Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

      So I wasn't the only one who thought of Seinfeld when the image first appeared?


      • #48
        Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

        Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
        So I wasn't the only one who thought of Seinfeld when the image first appeared?
        no your not...

        Cant wait for my Puffy Shirt
        Kelenae - Ramuh - Mithra Female - Windurst Rank 10 - Gone?
        Dirtha - Taru Taru Female - Windurst Rank 2 - Gone? (|Please check it|)


        • #49
          Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

          Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
          So I wasn't the only one who thought of Seinfeld when the image first appeared?
          Certainly not!

          Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but in that interview, was there a mention that Blue Mage was going to be added? That's the first I ever heard of it! [EDIT] But apparently that's just because I haven't looked around enough... like the official site. Simply awesome!
          Resident Canuklehead



          • #50
            Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

            Yes an apprently they are hinting of more Jobs intresting Exp so far lol
            Kelenae - Ramuh - Mithra Female - Windurst Rank 10 - Gone?
            Dirtha - Taru Taru Female - Windurst Rank 2 - Gone?
   (|Please check it|)


            • #51
              Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

              Originally posted by Anaki
              to me sounds like we got us a lindblum area o.o also if corsair = gambler type would that mean like the moblin fantoccini = a corsair?
              Don't think so fantoccini means more along the lines of puppet master. The moblin's equivalent is animating an inanimate object is what it breaks down to in its basics. If you really wanted to try and go for a stretch you could almost say fantoccini = necromancer or psychic (Depending which way you go with it).

              At first I was a little weary of the idea of Corsair, but then started to think. If he debuffs using range attacks then will his debuff abilities be transferable over to say a RNG. Seemed to add a little intrest then, got to see more of what the Corsair will be like.

              Still on the fence to weather I like Corsair or not, I do got to say their AFs look quite interesting.
              Last edited by Macht; 01-25-2006, 10:37 AM.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #52
                Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                /sigh i'd never be able to be a gambler xD i have horrible luck .. just the other day i went to a casino and rolled under 500 14 outa 16 times >.> by then i was pissed and jsut left xD later while i was chocoing i did a couple more randoms and they were all under 500 too xD ya so that jobs outa the question for me yessireee bob it is.

                Which FF Character Are You?


                • #53
                  Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                  While they've been quiet about it, they have said that it's primarily a support job, and that it somehow supports party members with its bullets.

                  The kindergarteners over at Allakhazam keep saying they think the Corsair shoots special bullets at party members, which doesn't make much sense.

                  My little theory is that the Corsair is able to use special bullets (similar to Ninja tools, maybe?) which hit the monster for moderate damage, and have some sort of magical bounce-back AOE effect on nearby party members. This could involve strategy similar to a Bard's work, with the Corsair having to organize times in which he or she must command the mages to step forth and gather around the monster when using a bullet with a Refresh effect, and having them step back again to replace that Refresh effect with an Accuracy+ effect or something on the melees. Just a theory, but I sure as hell can't think of how else it could be a party support job.

                  Edit: Just so you guys know, PiNG is putting up a forum for Corsair as I type this. If you're gonna make any new threads for Corsair, please put 'em in the new forum.
                  Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 01-25-2006, 10:53 AM.
                  PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                  Rockman - Fairy

                  WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                  Currently Playing:
                  FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                  • #54
                    Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                    Debuff bullets and a JA for random group buffs/debuffs was my impression.

                    Q: Will there be limitations other than level caps?
                    A: You might see some new ones like the "no subjob" cap in the new Dynamis areas.
                    Holy crap.
                    Last edited by Coinspinner; 01-25-2006, 11:06 AM.


                    • #55
                      Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                      Well, I hope that they are useful Jobs that actually have a good impact on the game and not just disguised jobs of the same. SE needs to really refresh us with something new if they want to expand the life span of the game! So far, the Bluemage and the Corsair seem ok, we just need to wait and find out as more information is released!


                      • #56
                        Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                        Originally posted by Xuande
                        Jonny's post is 2 hours ahead of BG's if by BG you mean So I'm not really sure what you're implying.

                        Anyway, a pic was finally posted on joyfulyy but it got bogged down, I only manged to escape with the thumbnail:

                        Hopefully we can get the bigger one later.
                        Edit: And here it is:

                        That AF looks Horrible good god.

                        They need faris blown up or at least take the suit from FFX-2
                        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                        それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                        A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                        BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                        • #57
                          Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                          Originally posted by Pai Pai Master

                          My little theory is that the Corsair is able to use special bullets (similar to Ninja tools, maybe?) which hit the monster for moderate damage, and have some sort of magical bounce-back AOE effect on nearby party members. This could involve strategy similar to a Bard's work, with the Corsair having to organize times in which he or she must command the mages to step forth and gather around the monster when using a bullet with a Refresh effect, and having them step back again to replace that Refresh effect with an Accuracy+ effect or something on the melees. Just a theory, but I sure as hell can't think of how else it could be a party support job.
                          I was wondering about this too. I mean, aside from BRD, RDM, SMN, and NIN (debuffs), what other "support" abilities are really left to add to a PT without recycling spells and skills?
                          Last edited by Kaickul; 01-25-2006, 11:40 AM.

                          75 BLU | THF | PLD


                          • #58
                            Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                            I just kinda passed out when I saw Corsair. Seems really fun (although the AF looks a bit cheesy). New jobs are always very fun.

                            Now I want some hot babe to give me CPR.


                            • #59
                              Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                              Originally posted by tazirai
                              That AF looks Horrible good god.

                              They need faris blown up or at least take the suit from FFX-2
                              I agree. =_=;; Looks like something you'd wear to a flambouyant costume party during Mardi Gras. orz

                              Originally posted by Coinspinner
                              SAM can use guns? I never knew. >_>
                              Who said CORs can only use guns? orz =_=;; So, what else do you see in that crystal ball of yours Coinspinner?


                              • #60
                                Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                                Its ok, mithras can make almost any armor look good.
                                Unfortunately, for us elvaans, the AF makes us look like Ron in that dress in Harry Potter 3 (movie sucked to no end btw)

