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New expansion info, new job revealed!

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  • #91
    Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

    Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
    Did someone say NEKOKONEKO!?


    And yes, I cannot WAIT to see Tarutaru in the pirate outfit.


    orz..... back on topic >< :smh:
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    • #92
      Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

      Originally posted by Jarre
      I doubt it would be dancer, your thinking of FFX-2, well the Bard does all the buffs the dancer did, (mind you humes and mithra females in that gear Yuna wore ..... mmmmmm *drool* ahem....

      I think it will be a job that FF has never had like this corsair job they have introduced. As all the ones I remember from all the FF series are already here. it will be interesting if its another Melee job, because I'd be first in the que to try it well looks liek well have to wait till the next addition to their site.

      Corsair = FFV
      It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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      • #93
        Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

        Originally posted by tazirai
        Corsair = FFV
        Oh yeah, forgot there was a pirate in FFV too...

        Yeah, Feris Scherwitz (aka. Salsa) is a pirate.
        Last edited by Macht; 01-26-2006, 11:30 AM.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #94
          Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

          mmmm i will have to check my ffv booklet to see.. so pirate was actually a job?


          • #95
            Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

            Originally posted by Darkhound
            mmmm i will have to check my ffv booklet to see.. so pirate was actually a job?
            Not a job as in actual job. FFV had most of the same jobs that are out now except for Dancer, Mimic, Chemist, Elementalist, Mystical Knight, and Master (This is counting Blue Mage as being one out).

            But by story Feris disguised herself as a boy and became a pirate, but the game has a job system and pirate wasn't among the choices so it was by name only.

            It's FFIX that actually gave the Pirate like job some more depth with Zidane.

            FFV has 22 different jobs total.
            Last edited by Macht; 01-26-2006, 11:56 AM.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #96
              Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

              Excuse me if I am mistaken, but wasnt Zidane from FF9 a Thief!?


              • #97
                Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                Originally posted by Darkhound
                Excuse me if I am mistaken, but wasnt Zidane from FF9 a Thief!?
                Story wise he's a pirate/thief, he's with the pirate crew that invaded the castle to kidnap the princess. To Zidane's surprise the princess wanted him to capture her and even aided in the attempt.

                Zidane has abilities of both pirate and thief. Evidence of which in the abilities such as Lucky Seven, Gamble Defense, Annoy, Distract, and so on. This is the same with Sezter though classified as gambler he has the same qualities of that of a pirate.

                In FFV no such gamble job ruled on luck existed. It came after, with Setzer and Zidane setting the tempo.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #98
                  Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                  Yes,,, I know that,, I played FF9 completley. Now that you mention it, it does make sense, I guess I was more focused on Zidanse Job, and never really realized that indeed he was a pirate, i also remember one of his pirates friend's name was "Blanc" anyhow... Trying to remember what Zidane did..... and yes might as well be a corsair thief after all!


                  • #99
                    Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                    Originally posted by Darkhound
                    Shooot .I cant see those sites, blocked at the office. Well yes, we are all trying to think of new jobs based on what we already know has existed, but yes, the Corsair is new, and never before seen in ff history, I think 2 new jobs is not enough but we will have ot wait and see!
                    Here's a mirror of the city for you:

                    And two shots of COR:



                    • Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                      Thank you very much for the screenshots. I hope we get some information on the Corsair habilities! ohhhhh and now that I thinki of it... this means that there will be 2 new drops of AF in dynamis, i wonder... this will be intresting!


                      • Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                        I don't think Zidane was a pirate. The company he was in was a THF guild but they wanted to believe they were also talented show business types. All of his abilities were THF based. Many other abilities can be learned by other characters, so I wouldn't count it. The abilities that are only for a certain character, however, determines the job class that character was. You don't need to be a pirate in order to take people hostage =_=;; Play FFT if you don't believe me.


                        • Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                          Originally posted by Aeni
                          I don't think Zidane was a pirate. The company he was in was a THF guild but they wanted to believe they were also talented show business types. All of his abilities were THF based. Many other abilities can be learned by other characters, so I wouldn't count it. The abilities that are only for a certain character, however, determines the job class that character was. You don't need to be a pirate in order to take people hostage =_=;; Play FFT if you don't believe me.
                          Alright, Zidane is with a Bandit gang. Bandit is an interchangeble word with Thief or Pirate many games refer to bandit in both sense. It was part of the whole debate before as well as to why it seems it would be strange to add Pirate when there is already a Thief class that covers much of how Pirates have been depicted in the previous FF games.

                          Even the fact that they seperate out Thief and Bandit in many distictions in FFIX indicates they were meaning the two to be identified differently. Basically Bandit was the alternate word they were using for pirate at the time just like Corsair also means pirate.

                          Zidane and Setzer are the two oddities to this, the abilities that are solely to Zidane and not some general one (There were general abilities and ones specific, the list I posted was general and specifics that Zidane got). Even with the Corsair their so far present model style seems to be going along with Setzer and Zidane, like the pirates are still an idea in progress for them.

                          With that same essence Setzer and Zidane both you could classify in that romanticized Swashbuckler type design. With reference to Setzer and Locke being the clear difference between pirate and thief in the vision that SE has them as.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                            I never cease to be amazed by the amount some of you know about Final Fantasy games. Not an insult, just a compiiment to your memory...mine is clogged up with movie quotes and episodes of South Park and Chappelle's Show.


                            • Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                              People/things from previous FFs that might be precedents for Corsairs and their abilities:

                              Setzer, FFVI - mostly a gambler. Weapons included cards and dice. Special command "Slot" could have various results, some helpful, some harmful. Setzer could also use the Coin Toss ability, which throws money at enemies for guaranteed damage unaffected by defense.

                              Cait Sith, FFVII - Limit Breaks were Dice and Slots, similar to Setzer's.

                              Zidane, FFIX - Many of his abilities are thief-like, but he also had some abilities that don't correspond to anything already in the game, like What's That?! which makes enemies look another way (that could be really useful for avoiding sight aggro and even separating potential links).

                              FFX - Abilities aren't that closely attached to specific characters, but anything in Rikku's general area of the grid that doesn't already exist in game could be a possibility. Rikku is part thief, part chemist but also had access to some oddball abilities. With the gil inflation common on so many servers, Bribe sounds really interesting - for a while at least, you could bribe a demon with 5k and get a demon horn worth 50k... NMs would probably be immune, but even so, Bribe is not only a possible way to get loot, but also the ultimate form of add control. (Of course, it should be on a timer, and possibly have a chance of not working, too.)

                              FFX-2 - the whole Lady Luck job (possibly excluding things that already exist ingame like TH and Gilfinder), and possibly Gunner too. Probably not Gun Mage, since it's basically Blue Mage with a gun.

                              FF Tactics - Mustadio has been pointed out as an example of how you can support the party with a gun (although in fact, Mustadio could do pretty decent damage too.)

                              Coin Toss and Bribe - finally, answers to the gil glut?
                              Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                              RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                              All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                              • Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                                Originally posted by Macht
                                Oh yeah, forgot there was a pirate in FFV too...

                                Yeah, Feris Scherwitz (aka. Salsa) is a pirate.
                                FFV is the only one I havn't played. what other jobs are we missing from FF?

                                so far...

                                WHM, RDM, BLM, SAM, SUM, THF, DRK, BRD, CORSAIR, BLUM, WAR, PAL, DRG, Dancer, BST, RNG, I thinkt heirs a few more.

                                The only 2 job types I think have not been included in FFxi thats in the other games is Beserker (FFX-2) and Gunner, though corsair has a gun and it will be itnresting to see if the normal attack is just medium damage from the gun with special bullets doing the de-buffs / buffs.

