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New expansion info, new job revealed!

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  • #61
    Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

    Originally posted by tazirai
    That AF looks Horrible good god.

    They need faris blown up or at least take the suit from FFX-2
    Ehh, don't know. I think it has kind of a Pirates of the Carribean kind of influence to the design when I look at it. I think it's pretty good .

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #62
      Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

      From the looks of the bottom right image, the Corsair is firing at an enemy (red explosion) and receiving a buff effect of some sort (blue aura).

      It's Harry Potter 4, by the way. Jeez.
      PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
      Rockman - Fairy

      WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
      Currently Playing:
      FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


      • #63
        Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

        Originally posted by Kagerou
        Its ok, mithras can make almost any armor look good.
        Unfortunately, for us elvaans, the AF makes us look like Ron in that dress in Harry Potter 3 (movie sucked to no end btw)
        Couldnt agree more. Seems every piece of armor in this game is designed around Mithras. Case and point... the clamming gear. Did they even look at that on an elvaan before implementing it?

        75 BLU | THF | PLD


        • #64
          Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

          Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
          From the looks of the bottom right image, the Corsair is firing at an enemy (red explosion) and receiving a buff effect of some sort (blue aura).
          Looks a lot like the Detonator WS for guns.

          PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


          • #65
            Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

            Looks a lot like the Detonator WS for guns.
            that's what i am told as well (from high-lvl RNGs).

            Thanks Yyg!


            • #66
              Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

              Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
              It's Harry Potter 4, by the way. Jeez.
              It was so bad, I didn't remember the number of it


              • #67
                Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                AF just looks out of place to me. Maybe they will tweak it to look better before release.


                • #68
                  Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                  Originally posted by Aeni
                  Who said CORs can only use guns? orz =_=;; So, what else do you see in that crystal ball of yours Coinspinner?
                  Weapon is gun with hexagonal barrel.
                  Support allies with bullets. It's a party support job, not attacker anyway.

                  Q: Its main weapon is a pistol?
                  A: It's not a weapon that has great fire power like a RNGs, but instead can support the party and give buffs.
                  Looks to me like their support abilities are tied to their weapons and the gambling thing is a JA. So I don't really see how SAM/COR benefits from the bullet aspect unless they can use guns. The gambling JA we know nothing about.


                  • #69
                    Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                    That corsair is definitely firing Detonator. Which means two things:

                    1) Corsair uses (can use?) Marksmanship, instead of some "new" skill category (e.g. "Cannonry")
                    2) Corsair has at least a B rating in Marksmanship (Detonator is 250 WS)

                    Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1


                    • #70
                      Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                      Is that maybe theyre AFv2 seens as the whm taru is kitted out in AFv2?
                      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                      Woodworking 91.9+2
                      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                      • #71
                        Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                        Originally posted by Kagerou
                        It was so bad, I didn't remember the number of it
                        Blaspheme I say!

                        Yes, AF reminded me of Seinfeld as well as the pilot for Arrested Development. "Its a Pirate themed retirement party Tobias."
                        If it has a decently high rank in marksmanship, then its inability to do dmg like a rng must be limited to the type of ammo its allowed to use. (No silver bullets for them.) I'm guessing job specific ammo. Otherwise the higher lvl or marksmanship for RNG would mean RNG could do both jobs. Unless a secondary skill is required to make the ammo work right.
                        Not too terribly excited about this job, but I will definately have to see more, i.e. the entire expansion.
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian


                        • #72
                          Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                          The Corsaires should have a JSE that is similiar to Setzer's outfit ^^\

                          Perhaps there will be some dice involved. Or even cards. Gambit ftw.

                          Imagine...Fixed Dice. If you ever used that properly in FF6 you know damn well that it > all.


                          • #73
                            Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                            If you look closely at the ToA main website, they have the character page set up to hold at least 3 to possibly even 4 'job pic' boxes. You'd have to do some pixel measurements and addition/subtraction. However the setup can be done to evenly distribute 3-4 new job pictures. Blue Mage, mage.... Corsair, PT support.... need a new tank!


                            • #74
                              Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                              (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ====【†】 BIBLE FIGHT !


                              • #75
                                Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                                Originally posted by Dezso
                                If you look closely at the ToA main website, they have the character page set up to hold at least 3 to possibly even 4 'job pic' boxes. You'd have to do some pixel measurements and addition/subtraction. However the setup can be done to evenly distribute 3-4 new job pictures. Blue Mage, mage.... Corsair, PT support.... need a new tank!
                                Damn.... you are right!!! I just compared the jobs section wit the a "A world unexplored"... and everything points out that the bluemge portrait is the 1st of a set of portraits for the following jobs!


