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New expansion info, new job revealed!

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  • #16
    Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

    Just for shits and giggles.


    Which one will prevail?


    • #17
      Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

      COR/NIN ... typical job combo >.>
      THF/COR ... like RNG, without the widescan >.>


      • #18
        Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

        "Support allies with bullets. It's a party support job, not attacker anyway."

        (Blackbeard) BOOM! HEADSHOT!
        Hankthetank gains the effect of Haste.
        (Blackbeard) BOOM! HEADSHOT!
        Hankthetank gains the effect of Regen.
        (Blackbeard) BOOM! HEADSHOT!
        Hankthetank gains the effect of Refresh.
        (Babyhealer) Please make it stop.... ;_;
        (Blackbeard) KILLING SPREE!! YEAAAAH!
        Hankthetank gains the effect of Protect.
        Blackbeard gains the effect of Protect.
        Babyhealer gains the effect of Protect.
        Facestabber gains the effect of Protect.
        Drizzle gains the effect of Protect.
        Kefkujaroth gains the effect of Protect.

        Too bad it'll really just be debuff bullets. /sigh

        But there better be a keelhaul and plank /JA.


        • #19
          Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

          Originally posted by Aeni
          COR/NIN ... typical job combo >.>
          THF/COR ... like RNG, without the widescan >.>
          Sadly I agree ^^ even though I hate the idea of "pirates" persay, Corsair has been in FF before.

          Ill give you a hint she had pink hair. She was a Corsair and not a pirate. They even had a ship graveyard to.. So i stand by the fact that FFXI= ff4-6 + tactics.
          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


          • #20
            Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

            Purple hair.

            Originally posted by Aeni
            COR/NIN ... typical job combo >.>
            THF/COR ... like RNG, without the widescan >.>
            SAM can use guns? I never knew. >_>


            • #21
              Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

              Originally posted by Coinspinner
              Purple hair.

              SAM can use guns? I never knew. >_>
              You're right it was "urple"... /slap me now.. or just SleepII and im good ^^.
              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


              • #22
                Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                Jonny, if it were anyone else, I'd say the job was total BS.
                Looks interesting, but I'll wait for more info (or at least a pic.)
                Rude, but not wrong. ;x
                Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 10 San d'Oria, Rank 10 Windurst
                'Rize of the Zilart' Missions: Completed
                'Chains of Promathia' Missions: Completed
                Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions: #8
                Private First Class
                Purple: O | Brown: O | Black X ;-;
                Mee Deggi the Punisher: 1/1 (no help, no TH)
                "I Kill For Fun, Meng!!" - Tony


                • #23
                  Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                  Incase some of you have't seen on the AK or KI threads yet, there's (half of) a picture up. Here's a direct quote from KI.

                  Originally posted by Reiju from KI



                  • #24
                    Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                    Its got the corsair bit at least :D
                    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                    Woodworking 91.9+2
                    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                    • #25
                      Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                      Go Faris XD I wonder how many THFs are gonna change jobs...XD


                      • #26
                        Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                        Originally posted by Jonnyram

                        New job: Corsair
                        Looks like a pirate. Pics of Elvaan and Mithra wearing AF.
                        Hat is black, clothes are brown.
                        Weapon is gun with hexagonal barrel.
                        Support allies with bullets. It's a party support job, not attacker anyway.
                        Job ability: Gamble Technique.
                        I wouldn't be surprised if they added a "Throw Gil" job ability to this to help drain gil out of the economy ^^

                        "Roobthenoob uses Throw Gil"
                        "Roobthenoob loses 7218 gil"
                        "The Savannah Rarab takes 35 damage."
                        Author of POLUtils (with forums here).


                        • #27
                          Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                          i want pictures x.X i want screenies X.x i wanna see what it looks like
                          pleeease, se... hear my pleas! orz

                          ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                          Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                          I live to entertain!


                          • #28
                            Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!


                            He stole this topic right from BG... I mean copy and paste. le sigh... at least write your own topic.


                            • #29
                              Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                              I decided to translate most of the interview taken from Famitsu. Some of it is pretty interesting. Source if interested:

                              This may or may not be the complete interview, and the questions/answers given may also just be the gist of the point. I guess we find out when the publication actually hits the stands.

                              Interview with Treasures of Aht'Urgan Director Kouichi Ogawa:
                              Q: What's the general concept behind ToA?
                              A: The main idea is to increase areas you can play high level jobs in. Not only areas, but also new gameplay ideas like Dynamis and Limbus. For low level people there are a few new jobs prepared

                              Q: "Treasure" in "ToA" is an item?
                              A: You'll find out by playing.

                              Q: Can it be played without Zilart or CoP?
                              A: It's made to be, but I'd imagine it would be more fun with the others.

                              Q: Are Geomancer and Sage new jobs?
                              A: I wonder.. (grin)

                              Q: Do you need ToA to play the new jobs? SMN was playable without Zilart.
                              A: We're considering it.

                              Q: How does Blue Mage learn magic?
                              A: Secret. Just keep in mind that it's a job with MP.

                              Q: New abilities are acquired in new areas?
                              A: New abilities are unlocked with merit points.

                              Q: Can you go to new areas immediately? Even as a low level?
                              A: There will be requirements to going to new areas. They are geared at high level jobs. Xbox360 users and newbies should have fun with getting the new jobs.

                              Q: How many new areas will there be?
                              A: Compared to Zilart and CoP there aren't as many. But that's not to say the amount is exceeded by other expansion discs.

                              Q: Are the areas outside of conquest influence?
                              A: Yes.

                              Q: Will there be gimmicks like the cliff sliding in Uleguerand?
                              A: CoP had a lot of obstacles to hinder the player, but I'm thinking it would be good if we added some to ToA that would actually give some kind of advantage to the player in using them.

                              Q: Are there level capped areas such as in CoP?
                              A: I can't say that there aren't. But, we are thinking in the direction of not limiting the player.

                              Q: Will there be limitations other than level caps?
                              A: You might see some new ones like the "no subjob" cap in the new Dynamis areas.

                              Q: There's a new area that looks like Windurst. Is it Windurst related?
                              A: No.

                              Q: Can players also be captured by pirates?
                              A: We plan for the theme to be reflected in the gameplay. Players becoming prisoners sounds interesting, but also kinda scary. (grin)

                              Q: Will there be expediary force missions in ToA?
                              A: We will be adding a totally new conquest battle system to ToA that will be difference from the current conquest system. A hint is in the currently released public images of ToA.

                              Q: What's the relationship between the new and the old beastmen?
                              A: There's a hint in the scenery of what we've currently exposed of ToA.

                              Q: Is Mamuuja's(sp?) pet cockatrice rideable by players?
                              A: No.

                              Q: It seems like there are a lot of enemies that are just old ones with new colors. How many new ones are there?
                              A: Secret. We will add as many as we can.

                              Q: No way, "Corsair"?
                              A: We thought of adding a gambler to ToA, but outside Japan the impression of "gambler" isn't so great so we went with Corsair. Basically it looks like a pirate but is essentially a gambler type.

                              Q: Its main weapon is a pistol?
                              A: It's not a weapon that has great fire power like a RNGs, but instead can support the party and give buffs.

                              Q: Not an attacker?!
                              A: The main concept is for it to be a party support type.

                              Q: Will gambling techniques also be party support-ish?
                              A: Some will. It's a gamble, so maybe people will be like "That Corsair has bad luck!" etc.

                              Q: Any other new jobs?
                              A: Hmmmm.. (grin)

                              Q: Will there be new regions aside from the Aht'urgan Empire?
                              A: Yes.

                              Q: The "Far East" country at war with Aht'Urgan is in the east?(unclear)
                              A: I'll leave that to your imagination.

                              Q: The Imperial Capital of Al'zabi(sp?) looks huge.
                              A: It's the Jeuno of Aht'Urgan. There's a AH, rental house, and guards. We'd like to add a chocobo too.

                              Q: Will monsters invade the city?
                              A: Enjoy finding out.

                              Q: Can you ride the ship from the port in the "Commoner District"?
                              A: That port will become the means of coming and going (to/from Aht'Urgan). As far as where exactly the ship comes from to get there, I will say that you can get here without Zilart or CoP.

                              Imperial Capital of Al'zabi(sp)
                              "Imperial District": Place where nobles live. A lot of elvaans. At first will not be accessible by players.
                              "Commoner District": Various races. Packed with merchants and salesmen.
                              "Dweller District": Lots of humes. People with no citizenship and the old overthrown emperor dwell here. Menanced by beastmen.

                              Q: Will there be a huge version up to accompany ToA?
                              A: For the new items and jobs there will be a mandatory version up for those even without ToA. The changes to be made to the game system will be done on release day.

                              Q: How's the xbox 360 server doing?
                              A: There are already lv50s. Most JPs are pre-existing users switching platforms/returning to the game where as NA/EU users are new.

                              Q: What are you doing with the March NA event?
                              A: It'll be done for 2 days. We plan on having items available you can't normally get. We're also considering such an event for JPs.

                              eddited for typos and clarity
                              Last edited by Xuande; 01-25-2006, 05:16 AM.
                              Gatts - PLD75/WAR37
                              and you call your self a canadian

                              PiNG broke my sig and all I got was this T-shirt.


                              • #30
                                Re: New expansion info, new job revealed!

                                Gambler nice.acualy this is more like a Pirate/gambler but because of the abilities it is more of a Gambler, witch is cool, that is what Setzer was in FFVI ^.^
                                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

