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Good News

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  • Good News

    Originally posted by Cashgil
    Dear Customers

    I’m getting many emails regarding the closure of our site, the problem is that there is a very big ban on FFXI accounts a few days ago and everyone is virtually out of stock therefore I need to close down my site for a while, now the price is just rocket high and keep rising everyday since stocks are low and Chinese new year is coming up. Current prices:

    $100.00/10M up to 100M’s.

    Since stocks are low now there will be shortages and we can’t fulfil every order. So please understand if we have to refund your money and that prices will change a lot these days. Everything should be back to normal after 3 weeks.

    I had a friend forward me this after he mentioned it a few days ago. Celebrate or cry depending on which side of the spectrum you're on. I for one will celebrate.

    By the way, prices of gil were down to $40 per 10 million during the holday sale period. Before it they had already dropped below $100, so it seems all the kids bought up their entire supply. If they're smart, they know they've already flooded the economies with gil devaluating it considerably. They can now raise the prices, effectively trapping the players in between themselves and the RMT. With no feasable way to farm they'll be forced to sell what they have or buy more gil at increased prices.

    I think it's safe to ring the "SELL SELL SELL" bell. You can rebuy at lower prices in a few weeks and make a few million.

  • #2
    Re: Good News

    I for will celebrate the fact that hopefully the gil sells will slow down tremendously or even cease.


    • #3
      Re: Good News

      Hopefully the economy will recover once those gil buyers can't buy more gil and realize what suckers they were ...


      • #4
        Re: Good News

        At long last SE are doing something about it (i've lost coutn on how many threads of people anoyed with Gil sellers and the economy) its about time these companies were put out of business. lets hope the expensive items start going down in price, maybe then i may consider levellign ninja. also When I started the game 3 months ago, Zehram soot was 9k for a stack of 12, yesterday in garuda it was 40k, shows the inflation in just 3 months, also Fire crystals were 11k a stack and in just 2 weeks earth crystals trebled in value to 3k a stack from 1k.

        Lets just hope that the economy goes abck to normal and not into a recession.


        • #5
          Re: Good News

          I'm sorry, but the economy won't get any better. Even if gilsellers were completely eliminated tomorrow, it would simply stop the economy getting worse. Getting rid of RMT will not drive down prices. RMT set the inflated prices but it's legit players who keep them there.

