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new to ffxi plz help me out

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  • new to ffxi plz help me out

    hi i m brand new to this web site and to ffxi
    i got the game and im gunna install it soon.
    plz i need someone to tell me about the game basics and just how ffxi works
    it would be cool if someone could get me on their server if thats possible so they could help me that way
    really excited about playing the game so and feed back would be awesome

  • #2
    Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

    Well where can we begin...

    Some general pointers;

    1) Read the manual for the basics of basics. From chat commands to setting up your POL account and content ids.

    2) Take your time with the game, don't rush it or you'll burn out.

    3) Be freindly and courteous with others as you'll be sharing the same world as them.

    FFXI in a nutshell to me is;

    a MMORPG consisting Final Fantasy folklore that focuses on PVE (player vs. environment) rather than PVP (player vs player). You chosse a job class and start to level up by fighting monsters. After Level 10, you will have to party with other adventures to tackle on stronger monsters. You are given many options how to play FFXI, between the periods of leveling, you can take on skills such as crafting, fishing, and such.

    Hell the game is so dynamic you and a buddy could wager some gil to race on chocobo from Bastok to Jueno fasfest. lol.

    Its a fun game, just don't lose your life to the game. That sthe hard part.

    If you would like a WP to Titan, PM me and I'll be more than happy to.


    • #3
      Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

      if you read around these forums, you'll find a lot of the answers you're looking for

      ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
      Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
      I live to entertain!


      • #4
        Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

        just look threw the forums for a couple of days and youll probobly find EVERYTHING you need. youll probobly come across 20+ threads titled " N00b question plz help L0Lz"
        Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
        InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


        • #5
          Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

          ill post links to some of those "newb questions" threads here in a sec

          these are just a few to help you get started

          Last edited by aegina; 01-16-2006, 05:59 PM.

          ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
          Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
          I live to entertain!


          • #6
            Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

            one thing i think i noticed... Starting out along time ago was such a better time for a forum browser. I started Xmas 03 during that treant event, and the forums from what i remember were drowning in posts filled with helpfull stuff for anyone anylevels. Now half the posts are about inflation and dat stuff... what a crazy time for noobs to start

            Dat / Image rend. Posts are a good thing though >_>
            Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
            InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


            • #7
              Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

    's still fine, if not better, to start out now.


              • #8
                Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

                Better now than never! Always nice to see fresh faces in FFXI.


                • #9
                  Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

                  hi guys,
                  well I'm also a new beginner in ffXI.
                  I've played most of the ff games, except part 3, 4 and 5.
                  I played wow now for a year (gnome rouge, really good equiped, 3 epic mounts etc.) but now it's time for a new adventure

                  I've allready installed the game and the 2 addons but unfortunately I can't play it right now - I have to wait for my credit card ... I thought it's possible to start with the free 30 days and give them afterwards my credit card number but... so sad

                  anyway, maybe we'll see us soon in vana'diel
                  hope that there are some beginners like me out there, so that I can begin with them this adventure...
                  one more question: how many players are on one server? is it like wow (between 8000-14000)???

                  hope you could understand me, my english is not that good - I'm from Austria (Europe)


                  • #10
                    Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

                    I played WoW for a year too! 60 warrior, epic geared, 2 epic mounts. And I've seen alot of people, but the FFXI server only displays 30 or so people at a time to cut down on lag. (Or so I'm told)


                    • #11
                      Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

                      depending on your server there can be anywhere from as low as 1500~+ to 4000+

                      i dont know if its really known by the general public what the total population is for individual accounts, but take the Total Amount of subscribers ( i think its around 500 thousand) and divide it by 32, and you get about 16.5k people on average per server, but population varies from server to server and plus theirs a little more than 500k subscribers, thats the last number ive seen floating around though.

                      just a rough estimate

                      Double Post Edited:
                      dont take my word on those numbers, their just educated guesses based on what i know, i didnt do any research to get those numbers >_>
                      Last edited by eriatarka; 01-16-2006, 09:14 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                      Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                      InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                      • #12
                        Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

                        craft early craft often....

                        RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


                        • #13
                          Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

                          Originally posted by Rashen3695
                          Well i'm looking for a id key so i could try the game would anyone help me? cause i dont want to just go out and buy it. so would anyone help plz if not i guess i'll just get back to looking for online free trails. oh and if everyone can download the full game by buying it over digital DL from this site then i would have to see some screens then decide if i want it
                          and if that somone can give me a ID to try it out then buy it if i liked it eh?
                          You already asked this in another thread. You have to buy the game first. The "free trial" is the subscription fee is waived for the first month. You already determined that since you have to buy the game first, it wasn't a "cool" game. Bye bye.


                          • #14
                            Re: new to ffxi plz help me out

                            I'm new aswell, and this board has been awesome with it's support. The community really surprised me when I started posting (started playing 2 days ago) here by actually being courtous and helpful. Don't get that anywhere else. It really makes me enjoy the game that much more.
                            Moogle. It's time.

