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Will you Quit?

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  • #61
    Re: Will you Quit?

    if i quit then not because the economy..

    i make my way through it, you can benifit from it after understanding the whole..

    like i said, if i quit then only because of my family or friends, i see a lot of time spending at ffxi. thats the main reason i`m worried about



    • #62
      Re: Will you Quit?

      my friend on the Xbox Beta already powerleveled his Goldsmithing to 100 -.- the prices are ridICULOULY low. . . All you have to do is NPC your items and go to the guilds and take a loss. ~.~
      The Tao of Ren
      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
      Originally posted by Kaeko
      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


      • #63
        Re: Will you Quit?

        Originally posted by Avenius
        I have absolutely no reason to quit. I came back to the game very recently, and actually started over with a new character (quit a year ago). I would rather stay in FFXI with a buggered economy than to keep playing WoW or GW.
        Same here.


        • #64
          Re: Will you Quit?

          I wont quit... why should i??


          • #65
            Re: Will you Quit?

            There is no reason to quit whatsoever. To me, the economy is arbitrary compared to the entire game. If I quit, it won't be because of something stupid, such as inflation or whatever. If anything, inflation is bad and good. Bad because you will end up paying more for stuff, but good because you can sell for more too. That's it. I know gilsellers/buyers are hijacking the prices, but I won't quit just because they inadvertedly raised the prices of goods. If anything, the economy will get better over time. It won't stay like this forever. Either that, or we're gonna end up w/ an endless supply of money that we won't know what to do w/ and SE's going to have to step in sooner or later if the ecopnomy is over-saturated, to prevent a major in-game breakdown. The number of people playing the game = the amount of money SE earns. I don't think it will let something such as the economy destroy everyone's playing experience.
            Last edited by Mog; 01-23-2006, 10:02 AM.
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #66
              Re: Will you Quit?

              I dunno, I personally appreciate that S-E is taking their time dealing with issues in game. It shows me that they're actually *thinking* about the outcome of their actions. I don't like the current situation in the game, but I'm not thinking about quitting it out of spite, either. I have a ton of friends here and I've found other MMORPGs like EQ and GW to be lacking in any consistent feeling of community like I get in this game. Sure, S-E is slow to deal with problems, but they aren't instituting "fixes" that screw things up worse than before with every single patch, like I saw in EQ. Anyone here ever play back when Everquest patches invariably meant that Necromancers got nerfed hard and Bards were basically completely unplayable for a few days? Yeah, I'll pass on that, thank you. Or Guildwars, where you can reach the level cap and complete most of the mission lines without ever having to speak to another player, let alone find people to join/form a guild with? We take for granted a lot of good design decisions that went into this game.

              That said, think about the consequences of banning all gilsellers/buyers. They've done it in the past, how long did it take IGE/Mogs/Yantis/etc employees to create new accounts? Even if S-E banned their IP addresses, domain names, even connections from certain billion-citizen Asian countries, there's a work-around. The company just calls a hosting company in Japan, sets up a bulk mirroring contract with them, and continues doing business as usual.

              Bottom line: S-E isn't dealing with Gilsellers in a forceful manner because at the moment there isn't a good simple solution for dealing with the problem. At the very least there is no solution that will not invariably lead them to harm a good number of players who are following all their rules and policies. Raising AH taxes or instituting trade taxes hurts everyone. Likewise banning connections and the like prevents people who are following the rules from enjoying the game just as much as it harms those who abuse it.

              Right now, someone over at S-E is still working out how to solve this problem without hurting the rest of us, just as they've been doing for about the last 3-4 years. They've moved some NM and HNM spawn points around enough to make them harder to 'bot. They've changed some drops completely to make people actually work for the seals to get certain items. They've made it so morons like Miian and Dashing of Diabolos can't MPK my party if we get the claim on a just spawned HNM and are happily killing it. None of these solutions has directly hurt me. Many of them have helped me immensely in my enjoyment of this game. I'm happily awaiting whatever else they tweak to help me out. Given my experience with overly aggressive game reworks, I'm glad S-E moves at the sometimes glacial speed they do.

              Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


              • #67
                Re: Will you Quit?

                Originally posted by neighbortaru
                no, that would still be asura.
                yes it is. it was actually better the first time it was created. when the second round of migrations happened we really got some crap thrown in.
                oh yea the dawn of remora -> next set of immigrants was what i like to call the "age of the second na migration renaissance". when we first arrived on remora, the world was wonderful. peak times sustained approximately 1.5-1.8k users. rarely did i ever see it peak above 2k. camps were open. lvling areas were civil. however, after what i like to call, the "post migration blues" everything just started to go down the hole.

                quitting isnt really something i can do, i sure as heck played a lot less recently. playing bst makes me upset, and the fact that 6-9 nin can seek at any given time drives me nuts. oh how i long for the days where finding a nin was like finding a brd that would stay with your pt for more than 30min~ doo do dooooo~~~

                as far as gf aggro well, thats tough luck. i think all gfs (well, mine atleast )come with true sight and draw-in as well as charm, tame, stay and silence.
                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

