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Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

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  • #31
    Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

    As you can see with my signature, I some experience on almost every job, so if you need help with that, send me a PM.
    Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


    Windurst: ★Rank 10★ | San d'Oria: ★Rank 10★ | Bastok: ★Rank 10★
    Zilart: ★The Last Verse★ | Promathia: ★The Last Verse★
    Aht Urhgan: ★Eternal Mercenary★| Assault: ★Captain★
    Goddess: Fate In Haze | Campaign: Moonlight Medal
    Crystalline: ★A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)★ | Moogle: ★A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)★



    • #32
      Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

      might I suggest offering my services in the storyline department of the game...
      if you want information about the past or characters or anything, I'm theperson you need


      • #33
        Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

        I am a screenwriter, having written a movie that made it to Theatres in early 2002. I have a little bit of experience writing in the novel format. I also love to write as my journal on this site no doubt implies.

        I can give you insight in some form. Mainly mission info, strategies, recommended jobs (although I'm sure other jobs can do it just as well,) and whatnot. I haven't leveled all jobs to 75, so I cannot vouch for how effective each job plays. However, if you seek out someone who likes to write let me know. I can give info on what I stated above. I have cleared all San d'Oria, RoZ, and CoP missions.

        If my services aren't required then here's some tips whereas Bradygames failed.

        - Update the guide on a regular basis. This means updated recipes per update, all new items added and quests as well.
        - Don't be afraid to add all Story details and mission info, as well as strats for all nation rank, RoZ, CoP missions.
        - Gather info and strategies on all BCNM,KS,ENM fights.
        - Wouldn't hurt to post info on Garrison and Expeditionary Force missions.
        - Have a section devoted to the dialouge of this games good story.
        - Details on all abilities per job, including how to get each weapons final weaponskill.
        - Dynamis strategies for all zones, with updated info as people start finishing the newest Dynamis zones. Add in info on what it takes for each relic weapons upgrade.

        The reason Bradygames failed was cause they seemingly didn't care. Maybe some people didn't mind spoilers. Then again... Maybe they just didn't reach endgame status and leeched the info, thus the reason they don't wanna "spoil" the story. I'm leaning toward the latter.

        Those who seek to write a guide for this game need to take special care of it. Otherwise you have a mess of a guide with slightly useful info.

        Hope this info helps you garner a better understanding of where you're wanting to take this, and good luck. Let me know if you require any info or to help in the writing process.

        <--- I'm cursed


        • #34
          Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

          Originally posted by megax11
          - Details on all abilities per job, including how to get each weapons final weaponskill.
          - Dynamis strategies for all zones, with updated info as people start finishing the newest Dynamis zones. Add in info on what it takes for each relic weapons upgrade.
          You might have a bit of trouble with that. It's my understanding that there's very little info at all out there about that (including what it takes to get each final relic upgrade) and the only detailed info is on a a couple of the weapons and a few weaponskills. This is because they are so difficult to obtain. Everything is just speculation and rumor. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.

          Other than that I hope you guys succeed in making a great guide. I cringe everytime I hear someone suggest to a new player to get a Brady guide and only recently have I been able to stop myself from barging in on threads and going on a tirade about how much crap it is. ><
          My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

          Which FF Character Are You?
          Originally posted by Balfree
          Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


          • #35
            Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

            Originally posted by Trouncer
            What's funny about this is you assume that everyone knows about that resource. And the truth is, the majority don't, and don't want to. You also assume that quality of information is up to date, accurate, and uniform -- which it's not. The value from a strategy guide comes from not having to look on the internet, fish out information, and spend a large amount of time researching instead of playing.

            I'm sure there is enough information on the internet to teach you to build a car. Do you want to look for it all, link it together, and present in a way that makes sense to you? Or would you rather just spend a few dollars and have it all right in front of you?
            However, I have yet to see any comprehensive MMORPG guide anywhere. Your idea maybe noble, but it's nothing new. Many people have failed and I will tell you why. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is knowledgeable about all things concerning this game.

            Also, about your comment about information o nthe internet that isn't up to date, accurate or uniform. Might I remind you that whoever you appoint to write this guide up will probably not have any time to devote to playing this game while writing up the guide and will more than likely be behind on the latest developments and information that comes up. FFXI will not stop for anyone and I'm sure you're aware that anything published was done so after many many months from the time the final drafts hits the printing press and when Joe Blow buys it from the store.

            I'm being a realist here, but your utter lack of experience in this field really shows in your original post and subsequent replies. 70 pages? You realize that even FFXI somepage's guild recipe list in Arial 10 pt. font would be about that many by itself. You're looking at least 200 pages of just text if you're lucky, excluding all end game content. Including end game content, tips to beat NM, bosses and other various monsters as well as strats on missions and quests would push it to beyond 400 pages of text. A guide that size will cost roughly $100 USD when you throw in the graphics and images.

            My only advice is that you keep this project to just a beginner's guide with the basics (including etiquettes) of partying, touch up on BCs and the like, include maps and maybe coffer/treasure chest locations, and go over quests and missions. No offense, but when the expansion comes out, any guide return before it would be obsolete and render your efforts futile.

            If you are being ambitious and going for the ultimate guide, your paltry sum of $500 for someone's work in this matter that may potentially make you several hundred thousands of dollars is an insult to anybody's intelligence.


            • #36
              Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

              A Beginner's Guide should have little or NO spoilers in it. All CoP, RoZ, and most Rank missions NMs should be left nameless and vaguely described.


              A guide that tells everyone exactly what to do, is a bad guide. People should learn from the game and the guide at the same time. A book of tips is better than people playing this game step by step, like some chinese gil seller on a japanese message board. Please contact me again, I have many good ideas for this guide. And without pictures, it can be 70 pages.
              Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 01-10-2006, 03:17 PM.


              • #37
                Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

                Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                A Beginner's Guide should have little or NO spoilers in it. All CoP, RoZ, and most Rank missions NMs should be left nameless and vaguely described.


                A guide that tells everyone exactly what to do, is a bad guide. People should learn from the game and the guide at the same time. A book of tips is better than people playing this game step by step, like some chinese gil seller on a japanese message board. Please contact me again, I have many good ideas for this guide. And without pictures, it can be 70 pages.

                You realize that a beginner's guide, like what you've outlined, cleverly written could be less than 50 pages of light text. Yet, the OP seems bent on needing or wanting some level 75 fully merited player (Possibly with two, three or more level 75 jobs under the belt) to write this guide. Why? For a beginner's guide, you don't need an HNM player to write it up. Yet the OP makes this a requirement, which leads me to suspicion that his motives, while not up front and clear, is a bit more ambitious than just a simple "Beginner's Guide." The knowledge you gain from meritting for exp chain #48 in a MNK burn party in KRT is useless to a level 1 nub just starting out in the game.

                I believe someone like Icemage, who I know was a quest whore from my days on beta and a perfectionist to boot, would be someone more in the league of helping straighten out a nub and get them going on their way in this game. Whether or not he is even remotely interested is another question.


                • #38
                  Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

                  When did you get the idea I'm not a quest whore?


                  • #39
                    Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

                    I personally like the idea of a guide for FFXI. (Normally I buy guides just for fun to read later about all the stuff I can get ) Anyways, the updates sounds cool, and accurate information would be nice. (I cant tell you how many mistakes Bradygames makes in it's guides). I once bought a Bradygames guide for a game called Monster Hunter, looking through a weapons section I see a weapon called "Ravager Axe" with a picture of a small hammer and tons of spelling mistakes. Anyways, enough ranting, even though I havnt been playing long, I DO know that Blood red poet could give you all the info you'd need.


                    • #40
                      Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

                      Heh. I'm still a quest whore, though I make it a point to always leave a handful of quests in each city unfinished, to give me the illusion that I have something else to do.

                      I think Trouncer needs to clarify exactly what sort of guide he wants written. While I personally am pretty neutral towards the idea of writing a guide (I've posted several guides for FFXI in different flavors, as well as other games I've played), we're talking about a very large investment in time and energy.

                      I get the impression that he wants someone with multiple level 75 jobs not so much because he wants an end-game guide, but rather to ensure that someone has enough perspective to know what all the various stages of FFXI play require, from beginning to end. There are a lot of players who get locked into the "Oh, well, I'm just a <insert job here>" mentality and filter all their perspectives on the game through that lens, which in turn can color their opinions on some elements of the game.

                      It's also possible that he wants the guide written in such a fashion as to guide a player down a path where they'll be successful at end-game. There aren't any like that in existence now, and I'm certain there are a lot of new players out there who would like to know what they're getting themselves into in the long term when they select a job to play; as a matter of fact, quite a lot of the questions on this forum refer to exactly this specific topic.

                      Either way, I think the multiple 75 job requirement, while somewhat arbitrary, is at least a reasonable filter against someone who lacks sufficient experience to present a complete viewpoint in some cases. For instance, WHM/BRD, which was my opening path to level 75, is a fantastic way to get to 75, but it's a pretty weak combination once you start doing large scale end-game activities. Other oddball combinations like RDM/DRK and PLD/NIN never see the light of day in a good XP party, but have very valid uses at end-game. Without HNM and other experience, knowledge of this sort just isn't possible.



                      • #41
                        Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

                        Originally posted by nanatsu
                        You might have a bit of trouble with that. It's my understanding that there's very little info at all out there about that (including what it takes to get each final relic upgrade) and the only detailed info is on a a couple of the weapons and a few weaponskills. This is because they are so difficult to obtain. Everything is just speculation and rumor. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.
                        I think Mysterytour has complete information on relic upgrades now. But in any case, I think when the previous poster (this site doesn't support nested quoting, boo) said "final weaponskill", they probably meant the quested weaponskill (Savage Blade, Evisceration, Asuran Fists, etc.), not the relic weapon WS. Detailed and complete info on the WS quests would be trivial to obtain on any number of internet sites.

                        However, if the OP is looking to write a short guide, he/she can't hope to cover more than the low levels (up to 30, maybe 40), so it's reasonable to leave out quested WS, level 3 SC mechanics, whatever/SAM at 60, practically everything/NIN at 74, etc. and instead focus on basic party tactics and etiquette, gear and subjobs appropriate for low levels, the level 40 or lower cap PMs and low rank national missions, etc. At the end of the guide could be information on websites that have more info for higher level chars, or an ad for Vol. 2 of the guide that covers levels 40-64. (Don't forget the supplementary guide(s) for crafting - the newbie guide should probably just advise low level players not to craft, it costs too much for them to afford.) Vol. 3, covering levels 65-75 including ZMs, sky, sea and Dynamis, would be a real mammoth.
                        Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                        RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                        All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                        • #42
                          Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

                          Can the OP please contact me again? I'd like to go further but you seemed to have disappeared.


                          • #43
                            Re: Looking for FFXI veteran who also knows how to write.

                            I just found this thread today and I am most certainly interested in helping you out with my knowledge of the game. I have two level 75 characters and have experienced every nook and cranny that this game has to offer. Alot of my in-game friends tend to refer to me as the book worm as well since I constantly just blurt out facts or strategies during an event which we are doing.

                            I'm sure that I could definitly make an excellent contribution to this information guide, but as BRP said there isn't really a way for us to contact you. You could message me on AOL Instant Messenger at screen-name: Chibi Teffie. Or you could send me a PM and I'll be sure to reply back as soon as I recieve it.
                            | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
                            Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
                            Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
                            Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)

