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New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

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  • New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

    Ahoy there. I am new to the boards and for the most part new to the game. I gave up after one day on my first try (because of my computer), but I want to come back.

    I've played a lot of MMOs and I can't stop thinking about how immersed I felt in FFXI's world just for that one day in that one city (and I'm not a hardcore FF fan). This is the main reason I'll be playing soon (as soon as it gets here). On to the post!

    I hear people saying (speculating?) that the new expansion pack will make soloing easier. While this might be a good thing for someone like me as I probably won't be able to play in a true "hardcore" fashion; I know it sucks to have a core attribute of a game changed.

    it really seems these things come from the most outspoken complaints that are misrepresentative of what the majority feels like (at least the disastrous effects changes like these have on MMOs make it seem that way); for everyone else's sake I hope they don't change gameplay too much.

    More importantly though; if they do make it easier to solo could this include less XP loss upon death or even the removal of deleveling? If so, "How does that make you feel?" I, for one, would not like it I think.

    Hmmm, don't know why my sig is repeating the code there.

  • #2
    Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

    making it so you couldnt de lvl would rock! lol i hate that, and i think everyone else does too. losing xp is fine, it forces you to be good at the game, but delvling is complete overkill and frustrating

    ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
    Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
    I live to entertain!


    • #3
      Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

      <Hmmm.> I have mixed feelings regarding the exp loss from death. Part of me hates it because it sometimes keeps me from taking chances in the game that I other wise would. For instance, going on a prommy run with unknowns. Things go wrong now, I could stand to lose a good chunk of exp >.<.

      On the other hand, lets say they get rid of the exp loss on death. Then, all players have no fear whatsoever of dying and there is no penalty other than having to Home Point or being weakened upon raise. This would also make the distinciton between raise I, II and III nearly useless. I guess if they got rid of exp loss on death they could make raise II and III have better recast times or perhaps lessened weakness times.

      I think the best solution would be a set amount of exp loss on death teired by level. Lets say every 20 lvls or so starting at lvl 10:

      10-20: -100exp
      21-40: -200exp
      41-60: -300exp
      61-75: -400exp

      The problem with making soloing easier is that people will be less inclined to learn thier role in a pt. You would end up with even more people not knowing what they are doing in a party. I think the solution to this is to make solo exp doable but at about 60-75% effectiveness of a pt. If a good PT can get 5k per hour at a certain lvl then a good solo player should be able to get about 3.5k per hour or so. This would still entice players to solo with thier flag up hoping to get a party. Of course this could have an effect on how many ppl start parties to begin with >.<
      Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5 - Bahamut Endgame LS


      • #4
        Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

        They haven't said at any time that Treasures of Aht Urhgan will make soloing any easier. All they've said is that there will be more solo content.
        PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
        Rockman - Fairy

        WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
        Currently Playing:
        FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


        • #5
          Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

          Originally posted by Olin Uzzo
          I hear people saying (speculating?) that the new expansion pack will make soloing easier. While this might be a good thing for someone like me as I probably won't be able to play in a true "hardcore" fashion; I know it sucks to have a core attribute of a game changed.

          it really seems these things come from the most outspoken complaints that are misrepresentative of what the majority feels like (at least the disastrous effects changes like these have on MMOs make it seem that way); for everyone else's sake I hope they don't change gameplay too much.

          More importantly though; if they do make it easier to solo could this include less XP loss upon death or even the removal of deleveling? If so, "How does that make you feel?" I, for one, would not like it I think.
          There's nothing to indicate a change to the death penalty. I think the focus of ToAU is accessible solo, small group, and group content. In other words, casual content. Less flagging, fewer level capped areas, looser group restrictions, useful EX items. I imagine most of it will be "easy".

          I don't think they'll add multi-alliance content for a while.


          • #6
            Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

            They've loaded in bunch of solo content from the previous updates, there's enough comming up now that a player could solo easier then the games start. The thing is lot of the players are not true adventurers so most of the soloing content is kind of hidden away. Hell even potentialy great exp zones are kept out of sight because of player ignorance, stupidity, or failure to see it's potential (I'm not sure which).

            As far as deleveling and exp loss they are in for the very reason someone posted, it's a check system to define the real adventurers from the cowards. Please don't try to make my statement as if I'm stating it as a blanket statement to anyone who waits to learn more, in some cases it is totally valid to wait till you get more info especially if it's a mission or quest that you've exausted all ideas on and still can't find a resolution to it.

            With that said like Pai Pai Master said the expansion only mentioned having more solo content, this could mean more of quests you solo or even providing more things such as ENMs that are solo fights. It doesn't specifically mean that you can solo for exp in the content.

            As far as EXP loss they had reduced it the changes they made to it already were very drastic to how they use to be. They smoothed out the needed EXP to get another level (50+ use be extreemly ridgid not as fluent as it is now) and had also changed the exp loss for 51+ to be 8% instead of 10% of the TNL total.

            Just that change to 8% from 10% means basically anyone that dies only loose the EXP equivalent of having Moghancement: EXP active. Now with that change player with that Moghancement are loosing even less EXP, on top of this they adjusted the EXP loss to capped zones so you loose the EXP equivalent of a player of the capped level (75 player in a 30 cap zone only looses exp that a 30 player would).

            Before capped zones would always take out 10% of the TNL of your jobs actual level and levels 51 and up were a lot slower to progress in because they had ridgid 20k for 51-60, 30k for 61-70, etc.. steps you had to do to advance instead of this more fluent 10k for 51, 11k for 52, 12k for 53, 13k for 54, and so on. To bad the newer players will never really know of these changes or see them unless they actually talk to and listen to players who've been playing longer.

            Knowledge has tremendous power as long as you know how to apply the knowledge. The irony is some people truely don't know how to apply what they know it ends up being a paradox.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #7
              Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

              this could mean more of quests you solo or even providing more things such as ENMs that are solo fights. It doesn't specifically mean that you can solo for exp in the content.
              I hope it is mostly this. That way, people can have solo content but will need to learn to team to really level and still do a lot other things I'm sure. I should have specified that I don't have any great desire to level fast, or as fast as I can while I'm playing; I just thought some solo content would be good for me sometimes, being a moderate player (not really more casual or hardcore)

              I'm really stoked to hear that there are a lot of places with soloing or any other kind of content to discover while adventuring that a lot of other people don't go to. I like exploring, but the fact that I might actually discover cool and useful spots is well cool.

              It's strange because, while I don't mind seeking out some more technical information like the stuff about xp you mentioned earlier, I truly am adventurous because with most things (especially finding places, quests, learning to play better) I like to ignore most resources and guides and discover things ingame.

              Hehe, some people are probably groaning thinking about teaming with someone who doesn't take the time to research guides and things, but I like my immersion! and only learning what I can learn in game, through other players ingame and experience is so much more um, immersive...and rewarding to me. I guess it's like you said, only when I can't seem to find a resolution.

              Oh and in case you haven't figured it out, I like exp loss for pretty much reasons that have been covered, increases skill, party coordination, makes things matter; I used to like Lineage 2 (I know I know it sucks), so I don't mind losing even million dollar items sometimes if it makes the experience that much more intense.

              I see that xp loss is nothing like it used to be, but I'll guess I'll have to play for a while before I can gauge whether the penalties are severe enough to make me worry about dying. Although I'm guessing they are severe enough at high levels requiring more time to recoup.
              Last edited by Olin Uzzo; 01-05-2006, 02:53 PM.


              • #8
                Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

                As far as EXP loss they had reduced it the changes they made to it already were very drastic to how they use to be. They smoothed out the needed EXP to get another level (50+ use be extreemly ridgid not as fluent as it is now) and had also changed the exp loss for 51+ to be 8% instead of 10% of the TNL total.

                Just that change to 8% from 10% means basically anyone that dies only loose the EXP equivalent of having Moghancement: EXP active. Now with that change player with that Moghancement are loosing even less EXP, on top of this they adjusted the EXP loss to capped zones so you loose the EXP equivalent of a player of the capped level (75 player in a 30 cap zone only looses exp that a 30 player would).

                Before capped zones would always take out 10% of the TNL of your jobs actual level and levels 51 and up were a lot slower to progress in because they had ridgid 20k for 51-60, 30k for 61-70, etc.. steps you had to do to advance instead of this more fluent 10k for 51, 11k for 52, 12k for 53, 13k for 54, and so on. To bad the newer players will never really know of these changes or see them unless they actually talk to and listen to players who've been playing longer.

                Knowledge has tremendous power as long as you know how to apply the knowledge. The irony is some people truely don't know how to apply what they know it ends up being a paradox.
                Oh man... I remember back when you got to 50 then you hit a wall that was just horrifying to get to 51.


                • #9
                  Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

                  naaa you guys are bums. i love losing 3k exp to a mob with a silver a life left. while im 3/4 full. while the mob i was fighting was only going to sell out aqbout 50 exp.

                  an macht i dont know what you are talking about with solo content already in the game. its something i have not seen yet as of late. an trust me when i say this as a 70 bst. i have been to zones that had 0 people in it for 3 days. an then those who came by were only on their way to an enm. when i was a 68 bst i watched a 75 rng/nin get pawned on a mob that conned D/C with low eva to me. funny thing was it was low on health cause i had released it not to long back. solo friendly in my eyes has yet to be seen.

                  as for players not going to new areas. this is because everyone lives in the cookiecutter world. you go here for x amount of lvls, then you go here for x amount. meanwhile everyone else is thinking the same thing. this is probobly do to lack of exploration, the fact you have to rely on 5 other players to make it to an area an not have to up an leave in 10 mins cause daddy wantes them to paint the fence. or get pissed an die because sneak wore, an they are to cheap to cough up the gil to buy sneak powders. meanwhile you take a 10 minute trip an it turns into an hour.

                  85% of vana'deil is empty, while the other 15% are way to freakin crowded. quote the beast, nevermore!

                  Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                  • #10
                    Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

                    or get pissed an die because sneak wore, an they are to cheap to cough up the gil to buy sneak powders.
                    its nice being a whm >.>


                    • #11
                      Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

                      Originally posted by bikkebakke
                      its nice being a whm >.>
                      yeah it does seem to be the melee who die. plds usually pretend like they are protecting the whm, but really they are the most afraid.. =)

                      Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                      • #12
                        Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

                        I tried getting people out of the common leveling spots. It didn't work usually. A lot of creatures aren't exp-able, or require a specific PT config (I like PUGs).


                        • #13
                          Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

                          I tried getting people out of the common leveling spots. It didn't work usually. A lot of creatures aren't exp-able, or require a specific PT config (I like PUGs).
                          I'm not trying to sound smart or anything, but is it literally unexp-able, or is a relative thing. If these less common spots had as much more exp as the common spots have more than the less common ones actually do have now; would you be saying the common spots were not exp-able.

                          Or is it like Anarchy Online, where there are just tons of areas and tons of mobs out in the open but like none of them are over level 20, which in FF levels would be more like level 10 or maybe even 7?


                          • #14
                            Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

                            I dont quite get the question above me, but i think coinspinner is just saying some monsters are too hard / too much trouble for the EXP they give. Reading the question again i still dont get it... lol it might just be too late for me to be up
                            Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                            InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                            • #15
                              Re: New Expansion=Easier Solo=Less XP loss no deleveling?

                              Originally posted by eriatarka
                              I dont quite get the question above me, but i think coinspinner is just saying some monsters are too hard / too much trouble for the EXP they give. Reading the question again i still dont get it... lol it might just be too late for me to be up
                              Thats what i am thinking too, an IT say i ono..Mandragora will give you 200exp upon death, and its only REAL deadly move is AoE Sleep...however a Malboro thats IT, that has all these status killer moves or Gobbue with AoE Silence and super the same 200 exp as the being a reasonable person with a brain...what are you gonna choose?

                              However some people are pretty Makara(pug) are more NIN friendly than say Yhoator in lvl 28s, and instead of killing them in SSG, they fight Mandies ANYWAY....or crabs in SSG...those are fine subsitutes...but people dont go and thats where i agree wtih Macht. However some monsters are just too much trouble for their worth compared to the norm, and why i understand some people wont exp off of certain monsters because its just not worth it.

