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  • Gil

    Ok i have noticed this on the forums and in game...

    People are mad at how th prices on items have gone up drastically, and yes i am with you on this. Some items are way overpriced.

    But then these same people complain when they are farming or crafting items that are overpriced and some one drops the price repeatedly.

    People please decide on what you want. DO you want all the prices to keep going up or do you want them to drop a little bit and stay at the same price.

    SE can not manage the gil or prices by them selves it is up to the players to manage our own economy we can't expect SE to do everything, they cant change what the items value is only the players can.

    So if you want to hurt gilsellers and make items more affordable put your items up on the ah for less. Yes u wont make as much but if you can get a couple people selling similar items to do the same then the prices will drop a bit. And yes say you drop the price of sh down a bit, they items you farm will also drop in retrospect, so its not just all these rare items are all of a sudden going to be more affordable its just that the whole market goes up or down. People are saying how leaping boots have risen in price, well they have you cant get the drop to sell from the nm anymore. But looking at that you no longer have to fight with gil sellers for the item. So you can take a little time and camp the nm instead of just crying that its so expensive.

    You also can't eliminated gil sellers while their are still people that are too lazy to pick up a craft or farm. I have made plenty of gil thru leveling alone, taking up most of my jobs to 20+ now with tons of crystals which pull me from 3k-6k while getting exp. I can get anywhere from 4-9 stacks of fire crystals just taking one job thru the dunes.

    So please respawn here on any ideas on how "we" can fix our problem, you can't cry forever, you evently have to take a stand.
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]

  • #2
    Re: Gil

    People please decide on what you want. DO you want all the prices to keep going up or do you want them to drop a little bit and stay at the same price.
    You pretty much already answered it, people want it as high as possible when they are the seller, and low as possible as buyer, its quite simple really. Wouldnt you? It only becomes a problem when they go "Bitch bitch bitch..." when they just do the same thing xD

    SE can not manage the gil or prices by them selves it is up to the players to manage our own economy we can't expect SE to do everything, they cant change what the items value is only the players can.
    They can, but not without alot of change, like AH history wipe, or item change(ie: Emp pin to BCNM only..stuff like that).

    I also doubt it will necessarily go down just because people sell it for less...Blue cape on my server is 100K now, and i got one for 60K despite the history, but you know what? Who will put it up for my 60K compared to the 100Ks before it? Sellers are going to want more gil, and all i can say is...that person suckered ><;. Those farming the items will want to keep it as high as possible, and those arent farming will want to get it as low as possible, its that simple. Its different when it comes to rare/ex items though, obviously do you think the item will drop LOWER because theres an rare/ex version of it now(thats just as hard to get as before)? No way its going to go up, because you can trade it and move it around for those that dont wanna camp and/or dont/cant do the BCNM.

    Not to be an ass and just say these things but personally i dont think theres anything one person can do, and trying to get a collective of people to do it with you is just quite improbable. I personally dont see a problem because how much something is priced, just means that someone can afford that much and how much "NATURAL" inflation there is. What i feel is that SE needs to put more gilsinks. it should be very obvious that theres more ways gil can go into our economy than out(AH tax is not enough..seriously i mean it its not enough). It has to be proven worthwhile for us players too, and the most i feel we can do is to encourage trading in items for Guild Points and encouraging low level players to buy things from NPC as often as possible.

    BTW i feel that eventually if things ARE sold from NPC, that certain items will never go beyond a certain price with the exception of lack of knowledge. Say Dispel drops from BCNM, its most likely not going to go above the price of the NPC shop in Rabao. So if a certain shop sells Leaping Boots for 500K, it makes little sense for the AH price to go much more beyond that especially for something that good(not to mention thats 500K out the economy). Maybe shops that sell rare/ex gear that is desirable(maybe not AS good but something just about as good) for a reasonable price might be good way of doing things...a weaker O Kote for 500K thats rare/ex? Hell yes(not only that but if you run out of space you might chuck the rare/ex making it so if people need it again, they buy it again making more gil come out).

    There might be flaws in my thinking though...but i dont believe that undercutting will solve anything, thats just a small bump.


    • #3
      Re: Gil

      it was just an idea that worked on some items me and friends have done but again we couldnt keep up with gil sellers who jacked the price back up. this is just a idea forum and i like that idea of npc with more items.
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • #4
        Re: Gil

        I agree with some of the principles here. On one hand, many players want to see prices scale back, especially since quested money has not changed at all since the game was released. Because there is no scaling with monetary gains from accomplished missions and quests, I feel that the whole inflation theory with regards to the economy really shouldn't apply to this world. There shouldn't be this kind of inflation simply since the game itself can't adjust to it.

        With that being said, you'll always have players that will whine about the prices when it's their turn at buying or selling. The vast majority of players do agree that something needs to be done to salvage the economy and rein in on the rising costs, but many of them won't do a thing to help when it comes down to making sacrifices.

        In the end, it's all greed. Greed, greed, greed. "Greed is good," I believe that's the current slogan going around in the world today.


        • #5
          Re: Gil

          Whenever I'm selling the price drops repeatedly, and whenever I'm buying the price rises considerably. This is all because of gil sellers.


          • #6
            Re: Gil

            Just wait til FF11 comes out on the 360.... Inflation {no thanks}
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #7
              Re: Gil

              i will pity those xbox306 player who dont buy gil; ;
              they will be gimp for a long time


              • #8
                Re: Gil

                Watch as Kuu comes and ends up having to repeat what he says in every single threads like these.

                I'll just copy and paste what I said in my last response to these type of threads after Kuu posts.
                noein 萌え



                • #9
                  Re: Gil

                  Originally posted by JeanRC
                  i will pity those xbox306 player who dont buy gil; ;
                  they will be gimp for a long time
                  Being able to buy expencive weapons and armour won't make them play any better.


                  • #10
                    Re: Gil

                    Originally posted by Kafeen
                    Being able to buy expencive weapons and armour won't make them play any better.
                    not being able to buy sniper ring will make them miss more ;p
                    Not that u need the most expensive weapons and armour but you do need some decent item like sniper ring which now cost 3-3.5M in ragnarok


                    • #11
                      Re: Gil

                      Originally posted by JeanRC
                      i will pity those xbox306 player who dont buy gil; ;
                      they will be gimp for a long time
                      Not really. A lot of things that SE has done has ended up helping the new players more than hindering them. I can think of one instance right off the top of my head: Silk.

                      Yes, the cost of silk sucks for most people right now. Since the update that NPC's prices raise as thier stock goes down, the price of silk on the AH has doubled. Its a direct reflection of the fact that NPC's price has effectively doubled. This translates from silk thread to cloth, etc.

                      While this utterly, totally, and entirely blows for crafters (Especially people skilling up on silk, which I started right after the prices capped out on the AH again), it has helped new players outside of windurst.

                      The reasoning is very simple: Prices on basic spells, low level aromor, weapons, etc., has not reached cap. There are not enough people buying it that it has doubled in price like silk has, and some of those items don't even sell out like Silk does, and therefore hasn't gone up in price even a little bit.. But these same players are still able to sell silk for twice the cost they could six months ago -without increased cost of equipment to themselves- at all.

                      Yes, the inflation sucks; but its a natural part of every economy, real or virtual. But it doesn't quite suck all the time, nor will it suck for those low level people all of the time.


                      • #12
                        Re: Gil

                        Sniper Ring is not a decent item seems like a luxury item, i never feel anyone should get one, but if they do great(although sometimes i rather they use STR rings...) but if they dont i cant care less as long as they hit. Verener's Ring is a good substitute and i would say if you want Acc thats the minimum along with Life Belt. I just dont see how a Sniper is considered "decent" >_> No one's Acc is that bad.


                        • #13
                          Re: Gil

                          items like sniper ring shouldn't exsist. Pooring effective stats into a few items and not having a legitimate variety stiffles the economy, driving players to get the 1 item that can improve their character.

                          Some side items have been introduced, but they don't drive down the cost of overly coveted items. Having an item with 5 acc and 5 Racc is a jerk around IMO. Rangers can get better Racc items then snipper ring, but the best acc ring a melee can get also has 5 racc, which drives up the price to no gain, with the change to ranged gameplay few ppl even play ranged and melee.

                          Too many overly effective items encumbered by a sea of useless items makes prices so lop sided and inflates the few items which can realy improve your character. I usually don't go into this on this forum because it doesn't have a suggestion section, which helps keep out ranters. But the economy is the most threatening difficulty in the game ATM, if something isn't done then the game will be ruined by endless grind in the pursuit for equiptment and items, Grind just doesn't belong in a game, no matter what the activity is, it needs to be fun.
                          Learning > Intelligence > Experience. Weak minds are subject to experience before realization. Inteligent minds understand quickly with minimal experience. Learned minds excersise knowledge gained from study, and do not require experience to reach realization. Which is your claim?


                          • #14
                            Re: Gil

                            The biggest problem is that people jack up the prices. We're talking a lot more than you would ever think someone would pay. Instead of people paying double the original price or whatever, they just need to wait until the person jacking up the price lowers the price to keep things stable. The prices of EVERYTHING is absolutely outrageous and looking at those prices, it's just not even worth it anymore half the time.


                            • #15
                              Re: Gil

                              Economy works like real life. Thing is, this econmy is for a great % ruled by kids and there is no government :X

                              Double Post Edited:
                              So there is nothing else to say it.. The way things are.
                              Last edited by Kittyneko; 12-30-2005, 02:11 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                              War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75

