Idea... Income tax.. take money out of the game.
This tax would be surveyed monthly.
1% for people with income under 1 mil gil
2.5% for income 1mil-10mil
4.0% for income 10mil-25mil
5% for 25-49mil
and 7.5% for 49 mil to 100 mil.
if you have mules then they would count, so you cant hide gil.
if an extra content id has a job over 30 that would count as a 2nd player and that would be taxed on its own merit.
The income tax would be auto deducted from your gil.
This would help remove money from the money supply.
This tax would be surveyed monthly.
1% for people with income under 1 mil gil
2.5% for income 1mil-10mil
4.0% for income 10mil-25mil
5% for 25-49mil
and 7.5% for 49 mil to 100 mil.
if you have mules then they would count, so you cant hide gil.
if an extra content id has a job over 30 that would count as a 2nd player and that would be taxed on its own merit.
The income tax would be auto deducted from your gil.
This would help remove money from the money supply.