WHile visiting the Multiple nations thread I kinda came to the conclusion that SE has had ffxi planned from day one.
They probably looked at it as an offline game in terms of storyline. A multidisk offline game but a complete one none theless.
They are doing things in phases and makign minor adjustments to each phase.
I think the game will end with the retaking of Tavnazia the full archaepilago nto just lufaise and misereaux. What better way to end the game than to come full circle. They started 20 years ago in tavnazia and may well wind up back there.
I think thats a great idea if thats the case. SO i mad esome speculations from day one relase to current state and then the future.
Lets look at what Final fantasy Xi has brougth us and some future Speculation.
I've noticed alot of things With promathia that i hadnt noticed with RoTZ
Doors that were now unlocked. gates no longer barred.
For example
Khazam has a gate right outside the city that leads where?
The blocked off exit in Norg.
Blocked doors in bastok and windurst.
Doors to no where in Jueno.
The tenshodo airship dock.
Theres tons of things Now that I will mark and look for once new expansion is released. DAMN SE and their forward thinking ^^.
EDIT: Can't get the dang list commands to work right >< so bear with me till I fix it.
EDIT2: they work now ^^
They probably looked at it as an offline game in terms of storyline. A multidisk offline game but a complete one none theless.
They are doing things in phases and makign minor adjustments to each phase.
I think the game will end with the retaking of Tavnazia the full archaepilago nto just lufaise and misereaux. What better way to end the game than to come full circle. They started 20 years ago in tavnazia and may well wind up back there.
I think thats a great idea if thats the case. SO i mad esome speculations from day one relase to current state and then the future.
Lets look at what Final fantasy Xi has brougth us and some future Speculation.
Dont' read if you no want Spoilies^^
I've noticed alot of things With promathia that i hadnt noticed with RoTZ
Doors that were now unlocked. gates no longer barred.
For example
Khazam has a gate right outside the city that leads where?
The blocked off exit in Norg.
Blocked doors in bastok and windurst.
Doors to no where in Jueno.
The tenshodo airship dock.
Theres tons of things Now that I will mark and look for once new expansion is released. DAMN SE and their forward thinking ^^.
EDIT: Can't get the dang list commands to work right >< so bear with me till I fix it.
EDIT2: they work now ^^