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It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

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  • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

    Originally posted by Impaction
    Zaptruder is some sort of fortune cookie of insults. Somewhere there's an old chinese man typing up his insults and stuffing them into sugary cookies. Mock him a little bit and he'll open one up for you!
    The effort you put into insulting others, is a reflection of how you feel about yourself.


    • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

      Originally posted by Tan'o
      Keep that on the BlueGartr boards. I don't want to see it here too. >_<
      Originally posted by Rai|Kye

      CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
      Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


      • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

        Originally posted by tazirai

        When SE gives up the sony ps2 ghost I expect by next I predict by next fall FFXI WILL
        look like this ^^.. I think SE is smart enough to know that by showing us a "could be" scenario, they plan to impliment a GRAND graphical update.
        Also With SE's pention for great storytelling and style FFXI will be around for years to come.
        No matter what zap says hehe.

        I agree. As soon as Sony gives up its support for the PS2, the game will change graphically. I don't think I'm as optimistic as next fall though! LOL I will say that when FFXI comes out on the PS3, it will happen shortly after. The only hitch to this is I feel they may just scrap the graphical update and make another FF MMO instead. Why spend the $$ to overhaul an old car when you can spend just about the same amount of $$ on a new one? But, all in all, I can't wait to see what happens.

        But complaining about 30 seconds of "effort" to log into a game is asinine especially when its a beta. (Heh, if you can call pushing buttons on a controller effort! If you do.......God help you! LOL) Also, I don't play FFXI for the graphics. If I wanted to do that I would go play some of the newer more shallower MMO's that are out there.
        Originally posted by Feba
        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
        Originally posted by DakAttack
        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


        • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

          every online game has a loading screen>.<
          even wow had one too, it was just a little shorter cuz that game is smaller
          the guy that wrote that article totally sucked. he's turning people off from a game he didnt even play

          ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
          Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
          I live to entertain!


          • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

            Originally posted by aegina
            every online game has a loading screen>.<
            even wow had one too, it was just a little shorter cuz that game is smaller
            the guy that wrote that article totally sucked. he's turning people off from a game he didnt even play
            That circles back to my main reason and hate of reviews and critics I have. Look throughout history there has been inventions and stories of TREMENDOUS quality and yet never really see the light because a critic or a review shot it away from the general public.

            As for FFXI's graphic capabilities and the graphic engine used, the graphic engine that chosen was because it was the most compatible across platforms (PC and PS2) while being the most effecient for the system it's main focus is to. It's main focus originated with PS2 so of course the graphic engine would best suit the PS2 and the limited VRAM it has.

            So yes if SE decides to drop PS2 from the games platforms and go with say XBox360, PS3, and PC the graphics engine could be upped then and have more lustrous images like the one Tazirai presented. Though my prediction looking at the 3 platforms there is the graphics will likely be limited again by XBox 360 after a year or two.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

              ROFL, why I love Macht:

              . . . the graphics will likely be limited again by XBox 360. . .
              The Tao of Ren
              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
              Originally posted by Kaeko
              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


              • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                Why isn't Zap named Meritless Fat Bitch ;o, Ping make it happen.


                • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                  cause we're all obsessed with other things. like puntang
                  The Tao of Ren
                  FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                  If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                  Originally posted by Kaeko
                  As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                  • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                    Originally posted by WishMaster3K
                    ROFL, why I love Macht:

                    Well sadly specs wise it's the truth. The PS3 and it's design graphics capability on it is scalable, since the Cell processor to improve it's abilities all it requires is a device hooked up to it with a cell processor and boom they system is capable of greater processing. I wouldn't be surprised if you see some time later something of a "Processor Pack" all you is hook it up to the PS3 via USB or Network connection.

                    The Cell processor works with gelsinger’s law a LOT better then how XBox 360 is trying to do. The XBox 360 by it's design is not upgradeable as far as hardware and it's capabilities, you're stuck with the 3 Processor Core and can't go any higher. The PS3 however with the CBE (Cell Broadband Engine) is scalar, which means it's graphics is also scalar since the CBE is designed to also take in graphics and decompress them.

                    That means a PDA with CBE, laptop with CBE, even just a paperweight with a CBE inside that can hook up to the network all will provide more power for something such as the PS3 to do stuff with graphics that will probably be unimaginable. That basically makes the XBox 360 the only device out of the 3 that is not scalable, in fact it's scaling becomes even worse when you consider how much power 1 CBE takes and how much it's able to do in comparison to the 3 processors that the Xbox 360 is using and the power it takes.

                    Just got to pray Sony doesn't screw it up.

                    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                    • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                      Macht, change that Meritless Fat Bitch's title.


                      • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                        Sorry to change that would need an Administrator, Super Mods don't have access to that particular area.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                          oh, wow! i finally reached the end.

                          despite how "aged" FFXI is, Ultima Online is still going after all these years.

                          it took somone more than 5 min to go thru all the POL and Content Id stuff? o.O

                          with the shortcut getting thru POL is a little easier and if you're finished playing you don't have to log out, log out, log out, log out, log out, and log out to get back to your desktop just type in "/shutdown" and if you want to do POL stuff then re-load POL it's much faster that way.

                          now all they need to do is take out the "don't forget your family, friends, school and work" page, no one reads it anyways, seriously, the people it's for ignore it anyways also the agreement to ToA should not ask again till it changes. For me I have to stay at my pc and monitor loading of FFXI instead of doing able to do other things while I wait.

                          seriously, (as if i wasn't already) the "shortcut" should take you directly to the character selection screen with picking Games > FFXI taking you to the FFXI main page.

                          i prefer stuff stream-lined before i start voting for better graphics. there are other things about FFXI that could use work but since the article was a "POL and getting to FFXI" bash (despite it was supposed to be about FFXI for XBOX) I'll just leave my POL and getting into FFXI issues here.
                          Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                          G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
                          San Doria Rank 6
                          ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

                          Which FF Character Are You?

                          a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

                          #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


                          • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                            There is a difference between looking bad and not looking as good as the best out there, wile "dated graphics" is an accurate observation, it doesn't mean that the graphics are bad, and truthfully they are good enough.

                            The whole bit about how hard it is to prepare the game is all but worth mentioning since that is just a phase you have to go through to play the game, and not a regular or even frequent activity.

                            Aside from that there are alot of difficulties to playing the game. The player economy is totaly corrupt, and anyone starting the game is going to take a nice long shaft for at least a year unless they get significant help and support from other players. The neccessity and difficulty of getting parties makes the game a serious drag to play even on hardend MMO players, keep in mind he is reviewing this for a console audience, not exsisting players.

                            I would say that anyone who had to just start the game and analyze what he could about it with even a year of time to review it would get a bad impression, because this isnt a pick up and play game, like almost all console games. And a game reviewer who spends his time checking out all the best in games and graphics would readily notice the significant difference and "datedness" of FFXI graphics. But if you tolk a player rating on the maturity, diversity, and social community of the game you would probably get some of the best results compared to most MMOs.

                            I think truthfully that FFXI is a dated game, and wile it is still great, just like all the old FFs, if you start playing next generation games and come back you get a serious wipe lash in datedness. And just like all the rereleased FF games, they should have done some serious visual modifications to make the game more attractive before releasing it on the most recent console. The graphics are said to be better on the Xbox360, but I would say they are probably the worst to grace the system in the lineup that will start the 360 console.

                            The game has the fanbase to continue for years, but the game needs to have more then renovations to continue to draw in new players, it needs a revival, a rebirth. An expansion which replaces the visuals and sounds, and articulates the visual interactions would greatly revive the game. And the whole auto-attack system was dated when they made the game, ATB was always better then auto-attack, and it realy should be replaced as well.

                            Installization and Update times are fleeting difficulties, but current visuals and gameplay arn't going to draw in new players very effectively unless they get revised. SE has made the same mistake they always do with rereleasing FF titles, they didn't rebirth the game, they just tweeked it a little.

                            Honestly, if you think about it logically, only seasoned FF followers and long time players can appreciate the value of this game, it isn't surprising at all that someone who simply had to review the game didn't understand or include the full measure of appreciation that a regular player would. And being so brashly judgemental and short sighted of his dispossion puts you in the exact same boat as him. Making short sighted insults and assuming he is just deficient, Your misunderstanding his situation just as much as he missundersands the game.

                            Instead you should A) write that person an email or IGN about the enjoyable features of the game, even if they don't recognize your point of view they can at least count your satisfaction and others as proof that the game is enjoyable. B) write your own colume about how good the game is and what is good about it. C) recognize the difficulties and areas lacking improvement in the game, rally support to get SE to come up with solutions. D) Not post a equally short-sighted observation about someone (just as short-sighted as he was about the game), and voice your total misunderstanding of his possition as a game tester, reviewer, and well traveled game player.

                            If you realy think about it, this guy gets payed very little to play games for thousands of hrs. Between being forced to play nearly every game under the sun and seeing all the best (graphics being most apparent), and being forced to play FFXI, which is a drag on most players, and a serious hassle to begin and break into, he had nothing but a perfectly rational observation of the game. And anyone short of a seasoned and experienced FFXI player would have given the same review. Your guilty of Hypocrocy, which is worse then ignorance alone. Maybe if the world was full of ppl who thought about things thouroughly then he wouldn't have posted that review, but you wouldn't have posted this either.
                            Learning > Intelligence > Experience. Weak minds are subject to experience before realization. Inteligent minds understand quickly with minimal experience. Learned minds excersise knowledge gained from study, and do not require experience to reach realization. Which is your claim?


                            • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                              Originally posted by Macht
                              Well sadly specs wise it's the truth. The PS3 and it's design graphics capability on it is scalable, since the Cell processor to improve it's abilities all it requires is a device hooked up to it with a cell processor and boom they system is capable of greater processing. I wouldn't be surprised if you see some time later something of a "Processor Pack" all you is hook it up to the PS3 via USB or Network connection.

                              The Cell processor works with gelsinger’s law a LOT better then how XBox 360 is trying to do. The XBox 360 by it's design is not upgradeable as far as hardware and it's capabilities, you're stuck with the 3 Processor Core and can't go any higher. The PS3 however with the CBE (Cell Broadband Engine) is scalar, which means it's graphics is also scalar since the CBE is designed to also take in graphics and decompress them.

                              That means a PDA with CBE, laptop with CBE, even just a paperweight with a CBE inside that can hook up to the network all will provide more power for something such as the PS3 to do stuff with graphics that will probably be unimaginable. That basically makes the XBox 360 the only device out of the 3 that is not scalable, in fact it's scaling becomes even worse when you consider how much power 1 CBE takes and how much it's able to do in comparison to the 3 processors that the Xbox 360 is using and the power it takes.

                              Just got to pray Sony doesn't screw it up.
                              What? ... I severely doubt you'll be able to upgrade the PS3 capabilities in any manner. I know there was early talk about it before the E3 unveiling this year, with all kinds of wild speculation, and that you are correct in that the CELL chip can scale up very well with the addition of other CELLs and more SPEs, but the PS3 itself... I haven't heard anything about its 'upgradability' since E3 launch... and I keep a very close ear to PS3 news.

                              In this sense then, we can still expect the PS3 to kick a lot of ass... but not quite like you're hoping or dreaming. But compared to the X360, it still compares VERY favorably. A lot of the PS3 graphics shown so far you're left with the impression; that is next gen; I don't think I could see that on any PC, no matter how awesome.
                              Where as with the X360... the opposite is true; "It's very nice, but it's not all that far from what's already on PC. (more 2005+ cutting edge games, as well as 3D mark demos)"

                              As for the aging comment, a lot of people have been taken a back by it... but I'm not saying it'll die. If its anything like other MMOs, you'll have a pretty dedicated group of players that will follow it for over a decade... but with aging MMOs, their playerbase isn't expanding nearly as fast as it was before... with the oldest, it's definetly shrinking. FFXI should be around for a long time yet... but I'd be suprised if it managed to crack the 1 million player base mark in its life time. As it is... around 600k+... maybe expand slightly for a couple more years, before receding. Depends on how radically S-E revamps FFXI, to make it more casual friendly or prettier or what not.

                              BRP, get over yourself. I've humored you for a bit, but really... what the hell is your point? All you've done is come in and verbally insult me; haven't even bothered commenting on what I've said, more just riding the back of all the other haters however justified/unjustified their comments might be.
                              I mean... here I am saying something negative about your favorite thing and you instantly percieve it as some kind of threat or grave sin; I don't even come in with an agenda; I don't like IGN, I don't like the X360, but dammit I'll say something (constructive) if I find fault in what others are saying/thinking.
                              Your mindlessness then is pretty damned annoying, you can't see beyond the negatives of what I've said, can't understand for a damn second that I'm not trying to rip into your precious FFXI and that I'm just trying to bring some reasoning back into the playing field.
                              So I don't do it as tactfully as could be done, so what? I'll be damned if I let some half brained chimp like yourself give me shit over exercising critical thinking/debating skills.


                              • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                                I think you are just going to cause conflict, so if I can make you feel unwelcomed, it is for the better ;o. Its not even about not liking FFXI. I liked it when you left these forums 1 year ago, why did you come back ;o?

