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It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

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  • #91
    Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

    He who agrees with me is an intelligent man, he who does not, an idiot.

    I see alot of what I wrote above happening on these boards. I've been playing MMOs since Ultima Online. I tried EQII for a couple of months after quitting FFXI, and after that I went to WOW for a year. I had a level 60 character in FFXI, just tired of LFG, LFG. I went to EQII, and while the graphics *are* amazing, they are generic. I went to WOW for 1 year and level 2 characters to level 60, PVP'd, but quit when I had to put together 4 hours plus for end game raiding.

    Let's face it, the graphical techincalities of FFXI is not on par with EQII or WOW, yet I think that the overall presentation of characters would be ranked as FFXI, WOW, then EQII. POL is also an outdated interface, especially in light of the improved Live system found on the 360. This guy has several valid complaints, although most people can look past these because of the stability and balanced classes in this game. I hate when people jump on the fanboi boat and defend a game as though it were infallible. No game is perfect, no game is infallible.

    That being said, I feel that for me FFXI is the best overall game out at the moment, due to storyline and community. It is why I came back, and why I will continue to build up my characters from scratch.
    Filming on location for Walker: Texas Ranger, Chuck Norris brought a stillborn baby lamb back to life by giving it a prolonged beard rub. Shortly after the farm animal sprang back to life and a crowd had gathered, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked the animal, breaking its neck, to remind the crew once more that Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.


    • #92
      Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

      Originally posted by Sweetkitty
      Im not allowed to. Im leashed to someone.
      Oh. That's a shame...

      (for that person).

      Double Post Edited:
      Going back and reading that article... it's as much trash as the criticism directed at it.

      I mean, it's got some valid points... but it does harp on way too much about POL. The reader gets it Anoop; FFXI commits the cardinal sin of not working well with the LIVE interface... that doesn't mean you can commit the sin of boring us to death with your travails with the POL interface.

      The valid points are more implicit in the article; reading in between the lines, basically its a disappointing lack of upgrades for the X360, to take advantage of the new hardware properly. That's fair enough, given that the general site focus is on the X360 as a new system, rather than FFXI been available on yet another platform.

      What I'm annoyed about then is how he fails to expound on other things... I'm not sure whether or not at this stage if they've actually increased the draw distance in the X360... if they're any other differences. The impressions I get is they're none... even the frame rate is unstable (in cities) and capped to 30. In that case as a new X360 owner, you really would be annoyed that you ended up playing a last generation game on your spiffy new machine.
      So then... while I'd like to punch Anoop in the face, and generally regard IGN as a trashy site (I do), I can't say that the article is entirely baseless or without merit... even if the merit is particularly low as with the overall value of this thread!
      Last edited by Zaptruder; 12-13-2005, 07:13 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


      • #93
        Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

        I wonder why some people still trying to defend the article. With that in mind, I tried to read the article again and tried to be as objective as I can. My feeling about the article still the same. The author of the article seems to use too much sarcastic tone. As some point, he seems to bash the game intendedly. The article fill with his own rants. Some of them are several paragraphs just to vent about one point.
        Things like
        My Xbox 360 launch day was ruined by a three year old PlayStation 2 title and its dated interface.
        And did I mention the happy jazz music they've got playing in the background during this lengthy process? It's a real insult to the ears, considering that this is a company known for its game soundtracks.
        If not, then they ought to stop handing out free beta copies and souring the next generation taste for early Xbox 360 adopters.
        I don't think that the article was written objectively and professionally. Several facts that the author already knew beforehand yet still went on and on about them. For a big site like IGN, don't you think it's a bit unethical?

        Double Post Edited:
        Originally posted by Zaptruder
        What I'm annoyed about then is how he fails to expound on other things... I'm not sure whether or not at this stage if they've actually increased the draw distance in the X360... if they're any other differences. The impressions I get is they're none... even the frame rate is unstable (in cities) and capped to 30. In that case as a new X360 owner, you really would be annoyed that you ended up playing a last generation game on your spiffy new machine.
        So then... while I'd like to punch Anoop in the face, and generally regard IGN as a trashy site (I do), I can't say that the article is entirely baseless or without merit... even if the merit is particularly low as with the overall value of this thread!
        But, his FFXI is a BETA version. Is it really a big surprise when a BETA version does not do what it supposes to do? He knew it's a BETA version yet went on and said this
        Personally, before testing the massively multiplayer Online RPG waters on Microsoft's next generation platform, I'll wait for a game that fixes the visual defects of current generation titles.
        Isnt that what he supposes to be testing? see if the enhancements for the Xbox360 actually working?
        Last edited by Thachsanh; 12-13-2005, 07:35 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


        • #94
          Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

          As my father often told me "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one" Don't lose sleep over a review.


          • #95
            Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

            Thach, while real betas may have a few bugs with them... in general they're quite stable and representative of the release product. In this case, the game has already been around for quite a while... basically, they've released something that works on the X360. Great. But in all seriousness, if the changes aren't already in the beta, I doubt they're going to take the 3-4 months extra to add additional features (that could compromise stability).

            The purpose of the beta in this case then is simply to see if the X360 client is stable enough to integrate onto existing servers.


            • #96
              Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

              Originally posted by Rai|Kye
              i like the review, will keep Gill buying noobs away

              about the IGN fanboy thing...
              Keep that on the BlueGartr boards. I don't want to see it here too. >_<

              Originally posted by Zaptruder
              Oh. That's a shame...

              (for that person).
              lol. You don't need to make attacks like that on people's character no matter what they say. As it stands now this thread is essentially done. The reviewer seems to be too opinionated. Some people are being blinded by their love for the game and some people are being influenced by what weaknesses they see in the game compared to arguably better engines/systems of play.

              Anyways, the soundtrack thing is really stupid. I like the POL music, much more than some tracks in the game.


              • #97
                Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                Finally, i reached the end of this thread. Sheesh, i've been wanting to chime in at multiple points here, insert my objective critisism here and so on and so forth, wanting to don my Flame Jacket, but here I stand, at the end of a heated debate.

                Oh well, I'll survive, there will be other posts >.>

                Regardless of that, you either like FFXI or you don't. It has it's flaws, but as such, it's flaws are not SEs fault per se, what they're doing with the 360 is just stepping stone:

                Getting more next gen support to get people ready for the PS3 release. When that happens, we may see the retirement of the PS2. I'm not sure how many people still play Phantasy Star Online on the DC, because I know that sequals are on the GC, but take a look at that. . .

                If the DC version is dead, it is because it was not compatable with newer versions.

                A large majority of FFXI gamers play on the PS2, and it would not be in SEs best intereset to allienate them. And also, quite frankly, the FFXI support on XB360 falls into one category:

                -People who have the game elsewhere and are buying the 360 to play FFXI(trust me, a huge category of current FFXI players is like this)

                This said, those that purchase the game understand it and want to enjoy it from the comfort of a couch, or chair, or what have you.

                I doubt the target audience of the XB360 appreciates the nuances of FFXI, hell, to the ppl that have never played the game, they think they'll be able to use the voice chat.

                XBLive is simply a portal from the XB onto SEs services. The only thing SE can do is create a shortcut icon on the 360 dashboard or w/e you store your games that brings you directly to the FFXI "Accept" "decline" message AFTER you set up an account via PlayOnline.

                But it's first generation BETA on a first generation Console. Given SEs track record of doing a lot with little (very few games on the XB rival the prowess of FFX. That's what happens when you understand Vector Programming -.-), don't fret that FFXI on the XB360 will be short of awsome.

                And if it's not, well, it's still the same Vana'diel, same macros bar, and the same interface.

                POL is not cumbersome, that IGN editor didnt have a USB keyboard like every PS2 FFXI owner on the face of the planet. He couldnt take a keyboard from somewhere else and plug it into the 360's ports? LAAAME

                Complaining about something within your power to change is like bitching at your fruit for tasting bad when you have ample water for cleaning.

                This whole review was bashing things from an objective point of view, not even taking into consideration the richness of a game. It is likely the editor has never played FFXI.

                And, yes, I agree that it is never represented fairly in reviews, namely because reviewers only have a limited amount of time with it, and it is limited to the installation, the update and a first few levels. Reviewers never get to experience the lush forest of ZiTah, the lively jungle of Kazham or the quiet fear present on TuLia.

                All FFXI reviews are biased because they are not reviewed accurately from untainted sources. I'm in my 70s and have put 60days of game time into this world. Anything I say will be influenced by my experiences, and expert gamers of FFXI are the best to review it.

                Not highly bribed editors whose idea of an RPG is morrowind, Fable or KOTOR, where a cutscene is simply talking to a character, hearing voiceovers and choosing a decision.

                Current RPGs are no worse than FFTactics, except you can run around in the towns. Tactics was, cutscene, fight, walk to next town. Repeat. This is what the multitude of american RPGs are because for some reason, developers think we don't have an attention span past our next beaten hooker, or stolen car, or lack luster FPS.

                FFXI should be praised for carving it's own niche in a genre full of rehashes and updates that are nothing more than the same race with a different skin tone.
                The Tao of Ren
                FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                Originally posted by Kaeko
                As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                • #98
                  Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                  Originally posted by WishMaster3K
                  FFXI should be praised for carving it's own niche in a genre full of rehashes and updates that are nothing more than the same race with a different skin tone.
                  *adds to his quotable quotes list*!


                  • #99
                    Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX


                    To correct an wrongly stated logic of the update and transfer rates. The 56k restriction is on the game server only the update server is unrestricted, this is why when you look at the file size for the updates SE always gives you 2 estimates for time to download one for 56Kbps speed and one for 1Mbps speed.

                    The game servers themselves are about the only area on their network that partitions it bandwidth to 56k per person. This allows for 1 like T3 or even OC12 line that'll support everyone equally and better creates an illusion of responses being almost instant. Due to DDoS attacks as well as other uncontrollable conditions though the illusion can be distorted some.

                    Anyway point is 12MB (on 1Mbps = 125KBps) will take you 2 min. regardless of how you look at it. And that is if you get the full 1Mbps during the entire download, most I usually see it achieve is 300Kbps - 700Kbps (37.5KBps - 87.5 KBps) depending on bandwidth the site has which means download alone is going to take you 10min. - 3min.

                    Then go with 56Kbps (7KBps) means if you actually achieved that it would take a minimum of 28 min. and 30 sec. but again 56Kbps is not the speed the modem will dedicate purely for the user's data, this speed includes protocols required to maintain sessions over the network or internet. So to the user themself only about 20-35 Kbps (2.5KBps - 4.4KBps) is dedicated to the user/application, which means a 56Kbps connection will take 1hr. 20 min. - 45 min. for download alone.

                    This is just plain physics of the hardwares restriction, there is no magic button that SE can do to alter physics. As far as I know there is no device to alter space and time to make such things possible, the limitation presented that the guy is complaining about is complete BS or as I stated a guy who doesn't know jack s*** about technology.


                    Just incase, because I've found this to confuse those that lack the technological end of knowledge as far as transfer rates:

                    b = bits
                    B = Bytes
                    Kb = Kilobits
                    KB = KiloBytes
                    Mb = Megabits
                    MB = MegaBytes

                    8b = 1B
                    8Kb = 1KB
                    8Mb = 1MB

                    When calculate estimate download speed 56Kbps and 1Mbps have to be transferred from bits to Bytes first.

                    56Kbps = 7KBps
                    1Mbps = 125KBps

                    Transfer 5MB

                    5,000,000/7,000 = 714.2857~ Seconds
                    714.2857~/60 = 11.904761~ Minutes (Approx. 12 min.)

                    5,000,000/1,000,000 = 5 Seconds

                    Above is excluding protocols needed to maintain sessions, as well as imperfections in the medium to transfer the data, and possible transfer rate from server end. So these transfer rates are impossible, they are derived by an Average using a device that streams data through the device. The highest stable dataflow that can be achieved becomes this number, while testing though it is pure electron flow no actuall data and no protocols are present at that point.

                    Also should add the Modems with the 56Kbps that is an enforced restriction by the FCC. DSL modems using the similar technology is only able to go higher because it's medium is of higher quality and better design but still following the same methods of the 56Kbps modems. It is due to the medium it uses before reaching the POP at your house that allows it go beyond 56Kbps without the FCC restricting it.
                    Last edited by Macht; 12-13-2005, 11:38 AM.

                    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                    • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                      a guy who doesn't know jack s*** about technology.
                      That's how you get a job at IGN.
                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                        To be fair Macht, when I have updated I have never seen FFXI really go above 56k transfer rates even though I have an 8 Mb connection But I will admit I was wrong~
                        Happy happy gogo Mana is full of



                        • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                          Originally posted by Ockman
                          Let me put it to people this way though. Anyone who can agree with that guy's arguments, isn't a fan of FFXI. Complain about the trivial things that this moron said, then why do you even play it or post on this forum? This is a one time setup deal, and after that it's smooth sailing. Personally, I always enjoyed the installation process, it built up my excitement and hype, cause I knew in the end it was gonna pay off. It is a hard game compared to other MMORPGs, there is alot of grinding and leveling up. It is hard to solo, and it does force you to work with others. But in the end, that's what makes the game so rewarding! You feel like you've accomplished something, and you don't just breeze through stuff.
                          This is primarily why I stopped playing WOW. I have to give Blizzard credit where it is due. They did open up MMORPG to many players and allowed the typical working American to be able to spend time with the game without sacraficing sleep in the process. However, many times did I find myself feeling that the game was simply too easy and that no matter what Blizzard did to even out the PVP playing field, the hard core players will always dominate the scene and wield their advantage over all other players in dueling, which was an aspect I had looked forward to. Because of this imbalance of power and the greater accessibility of NMs and rare drops in instances, I stopped enjoying the game while I continued to get tossed like a rag doll by players who simply had more time on their hands and not necessarily a reflection of any real player skills. That to me was the achilles heel of WOW.

                          As for EQ II, many players who are in FFXI and WOW have complained about it. I guess SOE tried too hard to duplicate a formula which only works once and didn't really evolve the game as they should've done ...

                          FFXI has a very steep curve. With the hard work, however, comes the reward. You are better able to hone your skills and every single tick of a point in every nuance of your character just makes you better and stronger. You feel this passion and love for the game that you cannot find anywhere else. Sure, many players left the game in frustration, but time and time again some of those very same players return to Vana'Diel, disenchanted by the promises of other titles or simply craving for that difficult process in which once those obstacles are overcome, pays the player handsomely and the feeling of accomplishment is probably the best kind of adrenaline rush any player can find in an MMORPG title right now ...


                          • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                            Hey, Zap, you suck! Gooz bai.


                            • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                              Originally posted by Manatra
                              To be fair Macht, when I have updated I have never seen FFXI really go above 56k transfer rates even though I have an 8 Mb connection But I will admit I was wrong~
                              If I had more detail of when you do the downloads, network design, etc.. I bet you I could find a logical reason for the limited transfer rate.

                              It is possible during heavy access by multiple sessions to enforce a transfer minimum, this means that their bandwidth becomes partition only to a point and once reached it'll reject any other incomming connections. This seems feesible considering that when everyone goes to do an update at the same time the update servers will reach a point were it won't allow anyone else to connect. Restricting it that the server on their end can not go any lower then something similar to what a 56Kbps connection would get seems the most logical point. With this the people with 56Kbps connection will get an equal chance at downloading, so it makes it fair for 56Kbps connections to possibly get into the game at same time the other initial 1Mbps or greater get in the game.

                              Outside of this the other thing I have to ask is how the heck do you have an 8Mbps connection? You paying for a dedicated T1 line? or are you going through a Highspeed Internet company? If it's a Highspeed Internet company then that 8Mbps is not guarenteed, 1Mbps is likely guarenteed but no way that 8Mbps could be unless you're paying a fee of like $100-$300 a month. Really intrested to find out how you got that 8Mbps, even with the Highspeed Internet I use the best I've gotten out of it is 3Mbps (375KBps).


                              Actually I lied, I just remember one point were it did achieve 12 Mbps. That was on a Holiday though and seemed everyone in my service area was not home.
                              Last edited by Macht; 12-13-2005, 12:11 PM.

                              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                              • Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                                Yeah, because Companies in general Over-Subscribe their lines. Most of the time, hell, almost all of the time, they're letting 5+ users share your EXACT same connection. So a lot of speed is intermitten.
                                The Tao of Ren
                                FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                                If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                                Originally posted by Kaeko
                                As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

