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It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

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  • #16
    Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

    someone surely will not like the game. but still it's sooo biased IGN shouldn't even put it up on the site.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #17
      Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

      IGN has always hated FFXI, is anyone really surprised?

      Anyway, FFXI has a REALLY low polygon count compared to EQ2/WoW but imho they've done a great job hiding it. The texture work is supreme.
      I've played EQ2 on a nvidie 7800GTX SLI, it looked damn nice but I still prefer looking at my FFXI character cause she doesn't look like she's mentally challenged. The new SOGA models help a lot but EQ2 still feels like plastic, the zones can only be described as unimpressive beyond simple polygon count. (Note, I'm only a 25 wizard in EQ2.)
      WoW looks nice and all, but the art direction grows old too fast. With a modified drawdistance in FFXI most places still look amazing although they were designed for a PS2. Wow very seldom felt amazing. I've played wow to 60 twice and plz, someone give me my time back.

      Playing FFXI at 1600x900 with drawdistance 10.~

      I'm so looking foward to FFO2 though, that'll most likely use PS3/XBOX360 as baseline. Knowing how insanely good SE is at doing graphics I bet that'll be a marvel for the eyes. (Cause, admit it, SE games look damn nice even when limited by the PS2. )
      Shina - Rank 6 Mithra of Windurst on Ragnarok, ZM done, CoP done
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      • #18
        Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

        I agree IGN letting that artical post was stupid, that guy is also a moron, he is complaing about things that we all have delt with for 2 1/2 years and the graphics and all have been explained, SE wanted an equal exeriance for all and so the graphics and abilities are limited to what the PS2 can do. Oh and about the interface of POL....what is wrong with it, it is fine like it is.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #19
          Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

          Originally posted by Ockman
          An Aging MMORPG? There is no such thing, MMORPGs get better with age. People still play crap like the first everquest, and dark age of camelot, yet you call FFXI and aging MMORPG, when it was only released in the states 2 years ago (only 1 year before WoW.) How rediculous can you get.

          And you're sounding just as ignorant as the guy who wrote the IGN article. If you know how FFXI works, you can't just integrate POL into the xbox 360 dashboard! The friend list doesn't work the same way, it's not run off of microsoft's xbox live servers! It's ran all by square-enix still, and POL is required, because this is a multiplatform game! They all need to be the same in terms of the programs they use, otherwise they wouldn't function together properly. All FFXI players need to have the same features as any other FFXI to function, and keep FFXI workin the way it is.

          For example, PS2 FFXI Player A starts talkin to XBOX 360 FFXI Player B. Player B wants to add Player A as a friend. This wouldn't be possible without POL installed. Let's say the xbox 360 version totally threw out the idea of POL, they wouldn't be able to become friends with anyone else in FFXI, they wouldn't be able to send and receive messages from anyone else on PS2 or PC version. Xbox 360's dashboard is basically a windows operating system, and POL is just another program opening within the windows program. It's not that complicated. It's like the PC version, on a console.

          EDIT: By becoming friends, i basically mean managing your friend list in my previous paragraph. If POL wasn't on xbox 360, they would only have the xbox live friend list to work off, and obviously, PS2 and PC players wouldn't have xbox live.
          Whoa, calm down there. No one is calling your mother a whore.

          Just learn to accept the facts.

          Yes, I understand the initial technical limitations, but POL in its entirety is far from absolutely essential to running FFXI. The qualifier to that statement is that POL currently does contain much of the code needed to get FFXI up and running, and you're right, POL friends list is tightly integrated; but that doesn't mean you can't strip out these essential elements and redesign a new POL/X360 Live interface that integrates the best of both worlds. Maybe it would've been technically challenging, maybe it wouldn't have been cost effective, but it's far from impossible.

          Moreover, my original point still stands; for whatever reason they didn't do it, the entire X360 port reeks of cheap cynicsm; increasing resolution? That's the only upgrade a machine 20 times more powerful than the original target machine gets? No increase in frame rate? Before FFXI fanboys jump on me for this statement, yes I'm aware that the game mechanics of FFXI is closely 'tied' to the frame rate, but that doesn't mean it can't be done, or that its even that difficult to do.

          In absolute terms, FFXI may not be the oldest MMORPG on the block, but its definetly aging; 3 years since its initial release, one console generation later... it's was half a MMO generation earlier than the current spate of MMOs (WoW, L2, CoH, EQ2). Regardless of the fact that EQ1 is still played, there's no way you can deny that's an aged MMO, just like Ultima Online.
          Built upon little to no foundation in MMOs back then, the game has continually gone under modification to give players more to do, but there's no denying it; it can't be compared to a new MMO built from the ground up with absolutely new tech, with the experience of previous MMOs to take lessons from.
          In the same way that users might still be in EQ, but very few new users are trying it, the same could be said for FFXI; not as severe, but definetly, its growth is starting to flag, especially compared to other newer MMOs in the market.
          Before you pull up the MMO charts, you'll have to note that no official figures were reported for FFXI this year; that the author simply extrapolated from last year's trend... of course many big new MMOs have been released since then.


          The main point is that, it's depressing to see the hypocrisy (calling others ignorant), fanboys so eager to jump in and defend their MMO of choice that they can't see the meat of critcism; simply that FFXI is a lazy/sloppy conversion to the X360, taking advantage of very little of the X360's advantages... as a X360 title it is probably one of the worst (examples of showcasing what the new console can do); it isn't so much a comment on FFXI as a MMORPG. Many have already waxxed lyrical on its many pros and cons.

          Originally posted by Ockman
          And honestly, I don't know if it's just me, but I don't know how people can ever call FFXI's graphics outdated and old looking. Maybe on PS2 with their low res, they look pretty bad. However on PC and xbox 360, I still think they look amazing for an MMORPG. So much richness, and beauty in the enviorments, and characters.
          Because it has low res, low color textures, with limited frame rate, no native anti aliasing, ansitropic filtering, shader effects, heavy popups (as opposed to fogging in, which looks much better.. at least when not over done).

          The game still looks decent (largely due to the art style), but that doesn't stop it from looking outdated. Or old looking.
          Last edited by Zaptruder; 12-12-2005, 05:36 AM.


          • #20
            Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

            What a worthless review.. Never mind him, no one will listen. Real FFXI fans know he is talking out of his "Upper part of the male genitial".

            War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


            • #21
              Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

              I have a complaint; that was one of the most annoying articles I've read. I didn't even finish it because it sounded like a rant that had no point. What the hell kind of information was I expected to gain from this? He could have made the article a lot shorter and less whiny and we would have gotten his point, even though it was a stupid one.
              You kill one man, your a murderer
              Kill many and your a conquerer
              Kill them all... your a God.


              • #22
                Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                Firstly, Ockman, you're taking the review way too personal. Chill a bit.

                Secondly FFXI was always going to need POL. There's no way around it. Sure it would have been possible for them to jazz it up a bit for the 360, or use higher res textures. however I get the feeling that SE are a little more conserned with getting final products out at the moment, such as the new expansion pack, the new patch, or other games rather than making a beta version of a game look pretty. Ockman has also correctly mentioned why POL is needed, while it would have been good if the friend list intergrated that might not be possible, it like saying why can't I talk to my ICQ contacts using MSN, also by cutting out POL 360 users would be missing features available to people on other platforms, such as greetings cards or Vana'diel Tribune. Sure, these are small features but they all give FFXI something that no other game has.

                If something was going to be cut out I would have much rather seen XBox Live cut out. Its friend lists aren't needed in FFXI since it has its own, but I doubt Microsoft would allow that since people couldn't recieve cross-game invites.

                Also as far as the graphics go remodelling everything that has been put into FFXI over the last 3 years and rewritting the engine from scratch would have been a big task. As well as giving 360 users an advantage over other users which would have discouraged SE, MS probably wanted the game out ASAP to get Japanese players interested in the 360. They need all the help they can get over there.

                Originally posted by amnclown
                im not a big fan of letting the xbox onto the FFXI anyways why didnt they do it with the regular xbox i would ask? it had online capability as well.
                They tried but Microsoft wouldn't allow them to use POL, they backed down on the 360 though for some reason. For the original XBox they wanted it to soley use XBox Live.


                • #23
                  Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                  Originally posted by Sweetkitty
                  What a worthless review.. Never mind him, no one will listen. Real FFXI fans know he is talking out of his "Upper part of the male genitial".
                  1) The vitriol in the post is already insulting/offensive enough... you don't need kid gloves on the other insult.

                  2) The phrase Talking out of your dick... is probably more reserved for guys that ... you know I'm not even sure the phrase is supposed to be that. It's "Talking out of your ass." ... as in what you have to say is crap. "Thinking with your dick" indicates a lack of proper judgement due to male lust...


                  • #24
                    Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                    I don't really care what IGN says, they are biased, we all know this.
                    EQ2 has better graphics than FFXI hands down, FFXI has better character design I think.
                    WOW just has horrible character design, when I quit EQ2 graphics weren't on my mind too much really, just a good game.

                    POL is a necessary evil for interfacing with the multiple platforms this game covers but the graphics are dated, no helping that without a complete redesign of the game and moving it to the PC only.
                    Gameplay wise this game is still awsome.


                    • #25
                      Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                      square needs to just update the graphics within the next year because the ps2 is about obsolete now, and isnt that the reason they gave for not updating them?
                      Lv 57 Summoner of Asura
                      Avatars: 8/8
                      Genkai 1 & 2 Done
                      Rank 5

                      Rapper 50 Cent squirmed wildly, trying to beat back bullets with his hands when assassins pumped nine shots into him - leaving him such a bloody, crumpled heap the trio fled believing he was dead, according to bombshell court testimony yesterday.


                      • #26
                        Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI


                        FFXI > All.

                        I am so not biased!
                        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                        • #27
                          Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                          Lol, all I have to say is what do you guys expect from a Review (aka. Blackmail site). Most of those messed up review sites you find online are going to give a review based on how the company treats them, Square-Enix if you look at their marketing section they are very cheap there. It's likely that they sacrifice their marketing section to produce games and storylines at their best.

                          As far as polygon count go for FFXI this you can not completly blame on them, at the moment FFXI is hindered by existing on PS2. This means a next gen. console which could easily dish out many more in polygon counts won't be benefiting the most out of it. If FFXI does decide to drop PS2 in the future though then it provides the chance to up the polygon counts and really make the game look lustrous.

                          Outside of that the game really does it's best given the platform it's supporting. Now if anyone were to state that WoW looks better then FFXI that is an absolute laugh, like someone here already stated WoW uses very cartoony color schemes and character models oh please every character you can choose looks like they are in a stupor.

                          As far as game size I've looked that up actually, and the complaint of update is horrendously stupid. EQ and EQ2 size wise are smaller then FFXI, to add to this there really are only two methods possible you can do for updates. You either do multiple small updates in which players will complain of it's frequency they have to update, or you do one massive update in which players complain in how long it takes. There is no win either way, and no possible way to shorten the time for the download itself.

                          This is data being transferred after all it's illogical to expect 56k, DSLs, or other connections to download and unzip something instantly. The time Square-Enix says it'll take on each update matches to what is the best possible give each file size. You look at EQ updates and the updates are usually 2MB-5MB, FFXI is dealing 10MB-20+MB so ofcourse it's going to take awhile. So far every update has introduced enough new things to the game to warrant the download times it always takes.

                          Now I would be worried if it took 30 min. to only introduce 10 items and that's it. No new areas, No new functions, No new quests/missions, none of that stuff then I'd worry about their time for the updates.

                          Lastly about the interface again I have to point back to the systems that FFXI currently supports as well as the speed limit they went with. If they change that I'm quite certain you could see FFXI absolutly crushing what you'd see from the other MMORPGs as much of the 3D models and such demonstrate that people have done with FFXIs models. They've shown that FFXIs models are capable of going even better then they are now, just they are intentionally reduced do to the systems they current support.

                          A person doing a review should of kept all of this in mind while making his statements, but like I stated review sites only sweet talk the companies that line their wallets more.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #28
                            Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                            Blackmail site?

                            One (sub)site gives your game of choice a negative impression and you slander the entire industry?

                            That my friend is ignorance, prejudice, hypocrisy speaking.

                            They're none of the qualities you need when objectively assessing something.

                            Not to say that particular review was great or anything, but I'm urging all of you to think with clearer minds.

                            What keeps you enjoying something; is it more the emotional/psychological attachment due to large time (and other) investment that causes you to feel the need to justify your continued investment?

                            Understanding that things can be flawed despite your support (and maybe enjoyment) and that enjoying things that can still be flawed is one of the keys to enjoying life more. It's good to have a team to support, but at the same time, life isn't a case of 'them and us'. To be able to see and accept things for what they are then will allow you to enjoy them more naturally then otherwise.


                            • #29
                              Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                              ...Why bother reading a review on a game that's been out for 4 years that you've been playing for 2?
                              Rude, but not wrong. ;x
                              Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 10 San d'Oria, Rank 10 Windurst
                              'Rize of the Zilart' Missions: Completed
                              'Chains of Promathia' Missions: Completed
                              Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions: #8
                              Private First Class
                              Purple: O | Brown: O | Black X ;-;
                              Mee Deggi the Punisher: 1/1 (no help, no TH)
                              "I Kill For Fun, Meng!!" - Tony


                              • #30
                                Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                                Originally posted by Zaptruder
                                Blackmail site?

                                One (sub)site gives your game of choice a negative impression and you slander the entire industry?

                                That my friend is ignorance, prejudice, hypocrisy speaking.

                                They're none of the qualities you need when objectively assessing something.

                                Not to say that particular review was great or anything, but I'm urging all of you to think with clearer minds.

                                What keeps you enjoying something; is it more the emotional/psychological attachment due to large time (and other) investment that causes you to feel the need to justify your continued investment?

                                Understanding that things can be flawed despite your support (and maybe enjoyment) and that enjoying things that can still be flawed is one of the keys to enjoying life more. It's good to have a team to support, but at the same time, life isn't a case of 'them and us'. To be able to see and accept things for what they are then will allow you to enjoy them more naturally then otherwise.
                                LOL, I work in Marketing. I've seen review sites slander my companies names because we wouldn't pay for a nicer review or given them a dandly little chocolate sample for christmas. The whole Review site and critic industry I find a complete joke, sorry but that is the hidden truth. If you really want great advertising you either have to pay HUGE bucks or be someones b****.

                                Outside of that the Review that IGN put up just ranted and raved about having to go through POL. The idiot doing the review seems to think that the whole online central hub thing that is Xbox Live is supose to be the sole support for any friendslist or other such menus. At the same time this ignorant person is likely signing up and registering his name with other sites with their own seperate friendlist, wishlist, etc.. on multiple other online sites.

                                Why don't he complain about that as well, why should we have to download IM to talk to one group of friends and yet also have ICQ for another set. Lol, I mean can even go into why the hell do web based IMs and such not have the same list of friends that the software IM I downloaded have. The problem the guy is complaining about is something that's been in existance of Online function for years.

                                He couldn't find anything else to really slander the game so he slanders that. It's the perfect thing to slander a company for that doesn't give them what they think they should get.

                                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

