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It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

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  • It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

    It's obvious whoever wrote this article knows NOTHING about FFXI. It's so aggravating and annoying, because they pick a person like this to actually do the set up for the xbox 360 beta version of FFXI.

    The whole thing reads like nothing but complaints about the set up for FFXI which has been familar to PS2 and PC FFXI players since it came out, so it's nothing new! He complains about the waiting during installation, the updates, the POL program, the "dated interface" (WTF does he expect? a new interface just for 360 players!), and outdated visuals.

    Playing japanese version of FFXI on 360 sounds just as difficult as it was on PS2, but what does the guy expect?! The POL setup is no different than the PS2 or PC version. It's rediculous how a guy like this, expects a game that's a multiplatform MMORPG (something that's never been done before) to just do away with certain things that he finds inconvient. In order for them to all work together, they all have to play the same ya moron!

    I don't know, maybe this guy is another one of those people who thinks installations processes like this don't belong on a console. Well he needs to get over it. Does he want another everquest online adventures that runs off the disc but doesn't evolve?? It's just frustrating, cause all of his arguments are things we have known all about for 3 years!

    I just think these people who complain that not enough is done to improve the xbox 360 version are just plain stupid and ignorant! The game is 3 years old, yes, but it's not as if they game is not supported anymore! It's not like people have stopped playing it on ps2 and PC, and they're remaking it on xbox 360 to revive it. No no no, that's not how it's going down! They're releasing it on xbox 360 to open it to a wider audience, it's the same game, just a new system. Expecting NEW FEATURES, cause it's on a new system is just plain idiotic. As long as the PS2 version is supported, these morons need to remember that everything happening on the xbox 360 version, MUST BE possible on the ps2 version as well.

    EDIT ADD: And honestly, I don't know if it's just me, but I don't know how people can ever call FFXI's graphics outdated and old looking. Maybe on PS2 with their low res, they look pretty bad. However on PC and xbox 360, I still think they look amazing for an MMORPG. So much richness, and beauty in the enviorments, and characters.

  • #2
    Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

    Lol, that was a really bad review I think he got dumped by his GF or something prior to posting.

    P.S. I for one really like the background music on Playonline.


    • #3
      Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

      Okay...bashing an MMORPG based solely on it's log-in screen.......

      If people like that can get jobs at IGN, I'm sure I could apply and own that website in a month.
      Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
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      Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


      • #4
        Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

        FFXI looks like crap compared to Everquest 2 or WoW running on high-end PCs at high settings, I know cause I used to play both, so his complaint about graphics is valid.

        FFXI does take a very long time to install and update, it takes twice as long to install and update than any other MMORPG I've ever played, and I've played pretty much all of them - I can probably Install/Update Everquest with all the 5 or so expansions it has faster than FFXI which only has 2 expansions, so that is also valid.

        Many MMORRPGs I've played have improved User Interface throughout the game's life, infact in World Of Warcraft and EQ2 the UI has been tweaked and improved many, many times, the WoW UI today, is much better than the WoW UI of last year, but FFXI has the same UI today than it did 2 years ago... so that complaint is also valid.

        I really don't see how any of what he's saying is ignorant, he has many valid points, you are the one that's ignorant.
        Last edited by jeffos; 12-11-2005, 11:08 PM.


        • #5
          Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

          Originally posted by jeffos
          FFXI looks like crap compared to Everquest 2 or WoW running on high-end PCs at high settings, I know cause I used to play both, so his complaint about graphics is valid.

          FFXI does take a very long time to install and update, it takes twice as long to install and update than any other MMORPG I've ever played, and I've played pretty much all of them - I can probably Install/Update Everquest with all the 5 or so expansions it has faster than FFXI which only has 2 expansions, so that is also valid.

          Many MMORRPGs I've played have improved User Interface throughout the game's life, infact in World Of Warcraft and EQ2 the UI has been tweaked and improved many, many times, the WoW UI today, is much better than the WoW UI of last year, but FFXI has the same UI today than it did 2 years ago... so that complaint is also valid.

          I really don't see how any of what he's saying is ignorant, he has many valid points, you are the one that's ignorant.
          Did you even read it? I don't think so, he's complaning about the login interface, not about the graphics. And if you do a res hack, FFXI looks tons better then shitty EQ2.

          Edit: Ah, you edited your post from what you first had up there...

          But, I would pick apart what you said, but I don't feel like it, it's 3am.
          -Baka Inu!
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          • #6
            Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

            I use res hack and FFXI doesn't even looks 1/10th as good as Everquest 2, it doesnt even look better than WoW which already is a not so good looking game.


            • #7
              Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

              Don't even get me started on EQ2 or WoW. Games are not all about graphics. It's about presentation also, and just artistic quality. EQ2 is like anytown generic fantasy world. The developers don't really have any inspiration when they create the character models, and they look lifeless, and artificial.

              WoW is a little bit better in the artistic aspect than EQ2 is, but the game is nothing but a big PVP fest, and fans of the game just can't admit it. I like the team work aspect of FFXI, PVP is treated like a side sport in FFXI, in WoW, PVP is the entire friggin end game pretty much! WoW is one of the few games I've played also where the female characters are actually butt ugly lol

              Back on the topic of artistic quality is amazing. It doesn't need updated graphics, because the characters are so rich in imagination and creativity, that they seem more alive than even the most recent games with the most advance graphics. They live and breath, and the personality of the player really fuels the characters appearance of life even more.

              Not to mention, the friggin cutscenes! Why the hell no other MMORPG has taken a hint at what FFXI has laid down, but the missions, and the amazing cutscenes using the game's IN GAME graphics, instead of prerendered stuff are just truely impressive. Tell me another MMORPG that does this? As far as I can remember, the rest just have stupid NPCs, that stand there, maybe have voice overs, but just stand there and do nothing nonetheless, and give you a journal to read. Never anything visually entertaining to watch.


              • #8
                Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                Yea, you can't trust these commercial sites that seemingly dedicate themselves to the gaming industry. Even channels like G4 have skewed opinions that weigh more heavily on outside funding contributions than actual gameplay. Game Pro does the exact same thing all the time, and we all know they recieve free accounts just for slipping WoW into every single article somehow, or hyping up the bugged out game immensely in a seemingly random editorial about nothing.

                It's all about the benefits. Obviously he didn't get a free FFXI account so he's going to bitch about the POL interface. I spend, what, all of half a minute in POL getting to FFXI? I mindlessly press a few buttons and then I'm in the game, damn that encumbersome interface!!!


                • #9
                  Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                  Considering how solid the X360 live interface is, playonline is a dramatic step back, in that it forces players to go through it... ideally it would smoothly integrate the playonline interface into the X360 dashboard...

                  as it stands, this 360 FFXI is simply a lazy cynical port, with the intent of slightly widening the player base of an aging MMORPG.

                  Get into the a play session of the beta version of X360 FFXI, and you'll find a dated game running on new hardware. In still shots, the game may look like it's been improved some over the PS2 title, but in motion, the changes don't make for a particularly attractive X360 showcase. The biggest culprit is frame rate, with the game chugging to keep up with large-scale environments and the large number of potential players, just like it did on the PS2. Character models and environmental detail are also too low for a reasonable next generation title.
                  Relative to other X360 titles then, FFXI is soundly relegated as the last generation hand me down that it is.

                  In otherwords, trash (for a new game machine).

                  Double Post Edited:
                  The only merit that FFXI has over most other MMOs is the fact that its art style is still among the best of any MMO in the last 5 or so years. It's a shame it isn't coupled with a reasonable game engine.
                  Last edited by Zaptruder; 12-12-2005, 12:46 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                  • #10
                    Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                    Originally posted by Zaptruder
                    Considering how solid the X360 live interface is, playonline is a dramatic step back, in that it forces players to go through it... ideally it would smoothly integrate the playonline interface into the X360 dashboard...

                    as it stands, this 360 FFXI is simply a lazy cynical port, with the intent of slightly widening the player base of an aging MMORPG.
                    An Aging MMORPG? There is no such thing, MMORPGs get better with age. People still play crap like the first everquest, and dark age of camelot, yet you call FFXI and aging MMORPG, when it was only released in the states 2 years ago (only 1 year before WoW.) How rediculous can you get.

                    And you're sounding just as ignorant as the guy who wrote the IGN article. If you know how FFXI works, you can't just integrate POL into the xbox 360 dashboard! The friend list doesn't work the same way, it's not run off of microsoft's xbox live servers! It's ran all by square-enix still, and POL is required, because this is a multiplatform game! They all need to be the same in terms of the programs they use, otherwise they wouldn't function together properly. All FFXI players need to have the same features as any other FFXI to function, and keep FFXI workin the way it is.

                    For example, PS2 FFXI Player A starts talkin to XBOX 360 FFXI Player B. Player B wants to add Player A as a friend. This wouldn't be possible without POL installed. Let's say the xbox 360 version totally threw out the idea of POL, they wouldn't be able to become friends with anyone else in FFXI, they wouldn't be able to send and receive messages from anyone else on PS2 or PC version. Xbox 360's dashboard is basically a windows operating system, and POL is just another program opening within the windows program. It's not that complicated. It's like the PC version, on a console.

                    EDIT: By becoming friends, i basically mean managing your friend list in my previous paragraph. If POL wasn't on xbox 360, they would only have the xbox live friend list to work off, and obviously, PS2 and PC players wouldn't have xbox live.


                    • #11
                      Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                      I think FFXI is a more "beatiful" game in terms of the art, but graphically speaking EQ2 simply has more polygons, bigger textures, etc and thats a fact. I never said graphics were all that mattered in a game - I only said his point is valid, FFXI's graphics DO suck. There's games from 10 years ago that have good artistic style even until this day, does that mean the graphics dont suck? No, the graphics do suck, they just have a nice artistry.

                      As for cutscenes... In-game cutscenes in FFXI have a nice cinematic style that help tell the story well, but the graphics are still sub-par.


                      • #12
                        Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                        Originally posted by jeffos
                        I think FFXI is a more "beatiful" game in terms of the art, but graphically speaking EQ2 simply has more polygons, bigger textures, etc and thats a fact. I never said graphics were all that mattered in a game - I only said his point is valid, FFXI's graphics DO suck. There's games from 10 years ago that have good artistic style even until this day, does that mean the graphics dont suck? No, the graphics do suck, they just have a nice artistry.

                        As for cutscenes... In-game cutscenes in FFXI have a nice cinematic style that help tell the story well, but the graphics are still sub-par.
                        In the end, what's your point? Games from 10 years ago may have worse graphics and good artistry, but do I stop playing them? No. Ocarina of time is prime example. Wind Waker clearly better in graphics, but Ocarina of Time beats it in every other friggin possible way.

                        Even with the "sub-par" graphics in the cutscenes, they're still impressive as hell to watch, and all these other MMORPGs with their "better graphics" don't offer as entertaining of a visual experience. Better graphics, sure, but more enjoyable to look at? No.


                        • #13
                          Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                          im not the most educated person on graphics, but i agree that i spend a whole few minutes on POL just to get to the FFXI interface. i disagree with WoW or EQ2 looking better then FFXI, the enviroment in WoW is cartoony also the characters armor almost blended into the character itself there is no real harmony with players either, its usually every man for himself unless your lvl 60. on the pvp servers the lvl 60's run around killing lvl 25 players! which is effertless to a lvl 60 so why do it at all. im not a big fan of letting the xbox onto the FFXI anyways why didnt they do it with the regular xbox i would ask? it had online capability as well.


                          • #14
                            Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFXI

                            What I'd like to know (b/c apparently he can only compare it to is ps2) is if the graphics and framerate are on par/better than a top of the line gaming pc. I'm not sure why he expected it to not use POL. Its how SE keeps track of it all, seems like it should seem pretty obvious that they wouldnt totally refigure it just for one (of the three possible) consoles. Hell, its the reason you dont have to have xbox live to play it. (Atleast thats what they originally said.) It seems like he could have summed up the entire experience by saying "Its on par with a high end pc." But apparently he'd rather write two pages about how the graphics aren't as good as PGR.
                            I'm sure putting in all the info to POL w/o a mouse is a pain, but how often do you actually have to do it? Like once ever? Thats the reason they put in the shortcut button on the POL mainpage. I'm on pc and dont use my mouse to log in anymore.
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #15
                              Re: It is true, can't spell ignorant without IGN, IGN shows their ignorance about FFX

                              Originally posted by Ockman
                              In the end, what's your point? Games from 10 years ago may have worse graphics and good artistry, but do I stop playing them? No. Ocarina of time is prime example. Wind Waker clearly better in graphics, but Ocarina of Time beats it in every other friggin possible way.

                              Even with the "sub-par" graphics in the cutscenes, they're still impressive as hell to watch, and all these other MMORPGs with their "better graphics" don't offer as entertaining of a visual experience. Better graphics, sure, but more enjoyable to look at? No.
                              Can you read? My point is that the reviewers remarks regarding the FFXI's graphics are entirely VALID and are not ignorant in any way. Geez how many times do I have to repeat myself. Check your rabid fanboyism before you go calling a reviewer ignorant. If I was in his position I'd give the same review, even though I love FFXI I wouldn't let that in the way of giving an honest opinion which is what the guy did, the graphics suck, the UI needs works, installation time should be half of what it is now, period. Deal with it and move on.
                              Last edited by jeffos; 12-12-2005, 03:59 AM.

