What is a S^tona? I sounds really familiar, but I can't seem to find information on it anywhere. I'm not sure if SE made it up, or it's a real term used in music, but that ^ in the name is throwing me off. Also in the book of sheet music it's called a S^tono. Maybe that's plural.
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Memoria de la S^tona
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
I figured it out! The song title is actually "Memoro de la S^tono" whereas it's printed as "Memoria de la S^tona" in the game I think. It means "A Memory of the Stone". I'm not sure yet how that ties into CoP though. Maybe it has something to do with the statue in the Sacrarium?
Esperanto is listed as in artificial language in one translator, I'm not sure why. If it wasn't written as S^tono I probably would have recognized it as Spanish or French and worked my way from there.Last edited by DakAttack; 12-06-2005, 07:56 PM.
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
Originally posted by ImpactionI figured it out! The song title is actually "Memoro de la S^tono" whereas it's printed as "Memoria de la S^tona" in the game I think. It means "A Memory of the Stone". I'm not sure yet how that ties into CoP though. Maybe it has something to do with the statue in the Sacrarium?
CoP missions have deep ties with the Vana'diel thory of creation, mutch like our Adam and Eve or Big Bang.
No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
Rest of my sig
All San d'Oria, Zilart, CoP, ToAU Missions finished.
February 25, 2006 11:30 PM EST...<sea> O
May 13, 2005 4:00 AM EDT....<sky> O
RDM AF: COMPLETE (9-18-04)
"Paragon of Red Mage Excellence"
Nov. 14th, 2004: Recived a rose from Tazirai
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
The Adam and Eve theory has a lot of flaws...but the Big Bang doesn't have overwhelming proof like some other scientific theories (Ex: Continental Drift and Pangea).
Basically my point is, if it's only a thoery of Creation in Vana'Diel, what's the other considered belief of the people of Vana'Diel? Everything has to have 2 sides. (Actually physically everything has at least 3 sides...even paper(Ex: Cylinder)).
**Excluding Spheres or two cones smashed together at the flat end.**Last edited by Sepukku; 12-07-2005, 12:17 PM.
Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
Uhhhh. Now that this has delved into a confusing place I'll add more two cents. There's an opposite to everything, but not two opposites, so there can only be two sides, and one spoon.
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
Well FFXI's Opening Theme Song is called:
"Legend-The Crystal Theme; Memory of the People, Memoro de la S^tono, Memory of the Wind"
If you look at it each expansion so far has been in this. The Crystal Theme (FFXI Original), Memory of the People (Rise of Zilart), Memoro de la S^tono (Chains of Promathia), Memory of the Wind (Treasures of Aht Urhgan, perhaps?)
I'm guessing that Wind is Aht Urhgan because the Wind usually has symbolizms with Forgotten or a Far Journey (Far East for example). The other intresting thing is you'll notice that only Memoro de la S^tono is done in esperanto, possibly to further give that section a feeling of like being a memory of the first born existance. Esperanto works pretty well for that considering it's an attempt to make a universal type language that various other languages can learn with some general equal difficulty.
Double Post Edited:
Originally posted by ImpactionUhhhh. Now that this has delved into a confusing place I'll add more two cents. There's an opposite to everything, but not two opposites, so there can only be two sides, and one spoon.
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
Originally posted by SepukkuThe Adam and Eve theory has a lot of flaws...but the Big Bang doesn't have overwhelming proof like some other scientific theories (Ex: Continental Drift and Pangea).
Basically my point is, if it's only a thoery of Creation in Vana'Diel, what's the other considered belief of the people of Vana'Diel? Everything has to have 2 sides. (Actually physically everything has at least 3 sides...even paper(Ex: Cylinder)).
**Excluding Spheres or two cones smashed together at the flat end.**
Macht is right, when you come right down to it, you can have an unlimited number of ideas how a world was created, just as you have that limitless bound of space.
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
Originally posted by SepukkuThe Adam and Eve theory has a lot of flaws...but the Big Bang doesn't have overwhelming proof like some other scientific theories (Ex: Continental Drift and Pangea).
Basically my point is, if it's only a thoery of Creation in Vana'Diel, what's the other considered belief of the people of Vana'Diel?
As far as we know the whole current world of Vana'Diel has been influnced by the belife of Altana and the fragments of Memoria de la S^tona that have been passed down sence the Zilart died.
It is verry possible that the next expansion willl review what the Far East belive about the creation of the world. This is simular to Earth's own history, Europ belived in Adam and Eve, while our own Far East belived other things.
Remember, everything we know about the Far East is that it is completly different from what we know right now.
No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
Rest of my sig
All San d'Oria, Zilart, CoP, ToAU Missions finished.
February 25, 2006 11:30 PM EST...<sea> O
May 13, 2005 4:00 AM EDT....<sky> O
RDM AF: COMPLETE (9-18-04)
"Paragon of Red Mage Excellence"
Nov. 14th, 2004: Recived a rose from Tazirai
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
Originally posted by ifandbutI was just giveing a well known example and relateing it to the current discussion, no need to turn this into a Big Bang vs. Creation argument.
As far as we know the whole current world of Vana'Diel has been influnced by the belife of Altana and the fragments of Memoria de la S^tona that have been passed down sence the Zilart died.
It is verry possible that the next expansion willl review what the Far East belive about the creation of the world. This is simular to Earth's own history, Europ belived in Adam and Eve, while our own Far East belived other things.
Remember, everything we know about the Far East is that it is completly different from what we know right now.
It could bring about more realization of how the game truely works that is still a huge enigma.
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
Originally posted by SepukkuThe Adam and Eve theory has a lot of flaws...but the Big Bang doesn't have overwhelming proof like some other scientific theories (Ex: Continental Drift and Pangea).
Basically my point is, if it's only a thoery of Creation in Vana'Diel, what's the other considered belief of the people of Vana'Diel? Everything has to have 2 sides. (Actually physically everything has at least 3 sides...even paper(Ex: Cylinder)).
**Excluding Spheres or two cones smashed together at the flat end.**
The Universe was dark....
And god created light....
The Big Bang created the universe with a colossal explosion......
And god created the earth....
After the big bang life began with the cosmic soup....
So god created Great Sea creatures...and let the earth bring forth living creatures.....
Creatures Big and small swam the seas and walked the land...
and god created man......
It all began with a stone.....It's Official Promathia Hates me....
それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie
BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage
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Re: Memoria de la S^tona
It's pretty clear that the cosmogony of FFXI is derived from in one sense the Judeo-Christian monothestic God creating the universe out of its own will (the crystal and Altaana), and the Japanese creation myth where the peoples of the world were created out of the activity of a pantheon of Gods (Izanagi and Izanami in Japanese mythology, and thus the inclusion of Promathea in FFXI and the way in which the 5 races and 5 beastmen came to be as part of their actions). Like Ifandbut, I hope this thread will steer away from people's own personal beliefs and cosmogonies - we're here to chat about FFXI. Nevertheless, the Devs appear to have taken their sources for creating the FFXI mythology from mainly two sources, Christianity and Shinto - no surprise there since they're all Japanese
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