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2 Nub's Needing Advice

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  • #31
    Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

    >.> when we said powerlevelling, we meant having a high level friend cure you while you play.

    i can't believe you posted a link to a site like that lol...

    edit: oh, it's an ad. didn't read it that close. dang gilsellers...
    Last edited by aegina; 12-09-2005, 07:38 PM.

    ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
    Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
    I live to entertain!


    • #32
      Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

      Guy must have lost his mind >.<;


      • #33
        Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

        Hmm, well i tihnk ive got a good idea what im going to be/do, youve been a great help everyone and once again

        Happy Hunting !


        • #34
          Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

          you're welcome^^ and good luck!

          ... lol, it's raining chinese gillsellers! lmao

          ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
          Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
          I live to entertain!


          • #35
            Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

            not all gilsellers are chinese, don't generalize please.

            and mr scribble, good luck with your game and welcome to vanadiel!

            Thanks Yyg!


            • #36
              Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

              i am chinese >.< but i am not from china


              • #37
                Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                i think the above one was. he spoke broken english and stuff.

                sorry, i didn't mean to generalize.

                Originally posted by JeanRC
                i am chinese >.< but i am not from china
                i'm irish, but i'm not from ireland. welcome to the US lol^^
                Last edited by aegina; 12-10-2005, 02:52 AM.

                ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                I live to entertain!


                • #38
                  Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                  try here in Australia, everyone is something else, except for Aboriginals. But yeah, damn it Scribble my game doesnt come till Mon, so blegh youll have to wait a bit longer.


                  • #39
                    Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                    for melee best towns to start in are San d'Oria or Bastok, npc vendors sell low level armor and weapons really cheap, in Windhurst I couldn't find any NPC vendors for melee job armor and weapons, so I had to resort to AH and pay 5-10x as much. That gave me the idea though to buy stuff in those towns and send it to my windy mule and sell there

                    for magery, Windhurst has some nice quest item spells that go for a bit on AH. also Windy has alot of Spells availiable that if you started in Sandy or Bastok, you would have to travel to Selbina to get the rest.

                    Sandy has Drain, and if you quest it, you can get it for 1k but you have to be on mission 2-3 to unlock the area you need to go to get it. Warp is in Bastok and cheap if quested as well, but all Warp needs is Fame, unlike Drain.

                    Crafting: the only one i can recommend is Cooking and that is to make juices. Since juices do not stack, this can be a real space saver. ie. 12 Orange Juices > 12 slots or stack of water crystals + 3 stacks of Oranges. Orange Juice is the first juice you can make. and eventually you'll be able to make other foods for more mps and other stuff. For foods that are good for melees, it'll cost quite a bit to get there so one will be better off buying meat mithkabobs and such.
                    Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                    G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
                    San Doria Rank 6
                    ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

                    Which FF Character Are You?

                    a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

                    #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


                    • #40
                      Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                      ITS HERE! I thought id just post that FXI has fiannally arrived after waiting over a week and a half before i opened it up :DDDDDD

                      -edit- (((( damn it its was a book :'( Evil delivery people! It is meant to come today and the order tracker says its "out for delivery" so hopefully i alctually get it today, not some book.....
                      Last edited by oobilytoob; 12-11-2005, 06:20 PM. Reason: i was wrong


                      • #41
                        Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                        Sry bout dbl posting. BUT its actually here this time!!! not some stupid book :D finnally have FFXI +2 expansions, but i need my mate to come over with his dvd drive.... -.- , but its hehre FTW

                        I will see some of on hopefully, in a few hours time *dances*
                        Last edited by oobilytoob; 12-12-2005, 11:29 PM.


                        • #42
                          Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                          Originally posted by Jei
                          Apart from cooking to make juice, there's no real craft associate to job imo.
                          You don't even need to do that. Whichever country is in first place, go to that and from those travelling troupes, buy ginger cookies. At 11 gil each (With my hero fame) it's a total steal. Each cookie lasts about a couple of minutes or so and gives +5 mp/tick when you're resting. I believe this stacks with a RDM's refresh/BRD's ballad.


                          • #43
                            Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                            paladins should cook juice in the field, imo. mages should just use those cookies. i use those cookies on my whm, and they're a real godsend

                            ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                            Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                            I live to entertain!


                            • #44
                              Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                              the best advice is never blow off suggesstions from a more experienced player when they give you advice on how to play your job.

                              the greatest complaint most experienced players have about newer players is that the newer players seem to get extremely offended when offered advice.

                              be humble and incorporate everyone's advice in your style of play and find out if it fits you. if it doesn't, just move on.
                              observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


                              • #45
                                Re: 2 Nub's Needing Advice

                                The thing to remember about crafting, like the others have well put it, is that it's a money sink. You'll never be able to craft equipment appropriate for your level, because you'll never have the gil at that level to make something worth it. Even if you find a piece of equipment or two that is actually appropriate, you can probably find it on an NPC for much less, you can buy it on the AH for less, or you can buy its High Quality version on the AH. The non-generic pieces of equipment that are really worth making are so expensive in terms of materials, and it would take you so much gil to get to the point where you can make it reliably anyways, that you'd be much higher in level by the time you could make that kind of money. Juices (and cookies) are already available at random item/grocery shops in the main nations, as are cookies. Once you get to Jeuno, you can find juices from the most basic (Orange) to the more powerful ones (Melon/Grape) for less than the AH as well at the tavern. The only situation I can find a craft being practical for a job is if you can make pineapple juices (arguably the most cost-efficient juice) in the field, and even that is dubious because crafting time could've been spent resting that MP in the first place, unless you have downtime in the party, which is generally what you try to avoid in a party, so it's not something you can count on. The best you can do in terms of making juices is be a non-mage DD job that doesn't need to pull, so you can synth juices for a mage friend between pulls. And you can't base your whole job decision on that, really Basically, crafting doesn't offer you much except for a few early recipes that can make gil. There's a few crafts you can take up a few points and make gil doing so, but don't try to level a craft with the goal of raising your skill, because it's going to cost you a lot, and you won't have much to show for it.

                                Regarding Gardening, if you do a bit of research (like at PikkoPots) it can be good for side money. Since you only have to check it periodically (aside from planting and harvesting at the proper times) you can farm or do just about anything else between checkings. And yes, please do accept other's advice. Every time a newbie blows up on me when I offer them some advice, it almost makes me want to stop giving out advice to new players altogether. But if you accept it kindly, even if it doesn't fit you, you may make a new friend that'll help you out along the way.

