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Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

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  • Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

    Hi everyone,

    This post is for
    I’m Plenum from server Ifrit. I would like to propose an idea to the FFXI community, although my plan may seem idealist in a sense it is plausible and sensible. I have been playing FFXI since October 2003. I am a North American player. I would like to address the problem with the economy not only in my server by the entire world of FFXI.

    There is a serious problem with economy whether you would like admit or not. MMORPGS are not much different from our real world, where people are forced to interact with one another. You cannot disagree that the world of FFXI is a complete lassie-faire or capitalistic market. But even a lassie-faire market needs regulations that is why I propose to you the idea of making governing bodies in FFXI.

    Before I begin yes I know this is totally idealistic and highly unlikely that we can get the members of FFXI to cooperate. Especially with language barriers and age barriers and lack of maturity of our fellow adventurers, this idea may indeed be impossible; but I would like to bring it anyway.

    This governing body is directed towards high level crafters who have a very high (unknown percentage) ownership of the market. Now we all know that Crafters often make a lot of money via crafting and farming. So we do hold the responsibility of offering our goods at a reasonable price. When we make something and sell it we want to make money, this is a basic principle of selling. We make the prices up by seeing what others have sold it for in the Auction House. That has long been the tradition of FFXI economy; sell at the price the last person sold it for and should it not sell you would ideally undercut their price.

    There is something terribly wrong with this. Why do we sell things at the last price sold? It could be that you are not a crafter and you wanted to sell something that you bought and no longer need. Yes it is reasonable that you would want to profit from it, but now remember everyone of use has the power to adjust market price. If you sell Scorpion Harness for X + Y amount of gil (X being the original price, Y is additional price you profit) you make Y profit, but in return that Y profit goes down the line and increase the price of everything. How?

    You sell Scorpion Harness for X + Y, the buyer now lost Y gil he will also want to profit from this or at least break even. He will then sell it for X + Y + Z gil further increasing the price! Then when Scorpion Harness is too expensive to buy another player will sell their goods at an additional price in order to afford. Following the laws of supply and demand if there is a supply, people will want demand it no matter what the price. Now say you’re the original seller of Scorpion Harness at X + Y price. But now you need a new piece of gear – that gear would have increase from inflation that you originally put into the game. Therefore rending that piece of gear over priced, too expensive, and ultimately you sell something for an even higher price further inducing inflation.

    Of course this is but variable that affects the inflation rate.

    But how do we fix this especially with the problem of rouge gilsellers and NM campers etc? By making a governing body we can slightly remedy this major problem.

    I have not done intense research in goods that are ever lasting meaning goods from Goldsmith, Blacksmith, Clothcraft etc. This is because I have done more research on goods that expire such as (in real life) foods and services. This system is more geared toward those kinds of goods.

    I will be using cooking guild as an example, because I come from a cooking guild at level 90+.

    Food is useable and can only be used once. Once you use the food the food leaves the game system and is gone. Meaning that the source can only be from cooks and this also means that there is an infinite demand of food. This means that there will always be a demand for food no matter what so gil is always going to be earned. Much like how farming fire crystals will earn you money no matter what. Yes it is marginal but a business should only aim towards breaking even at a dollar target price.

    Note: I hate the fact that there are elitist in the game who think certain items are meant for them and them alone – people who have gear that is expensive and flaunt it or use foods that are overly expensive at the moment and never share information.

    Anyways moving on…

    My idea is to create a union of cooks of high level all those who obtain a high level can join the union.

    - It will be managed through a linkshell where there are unions divided in each major nation.
    - There will be one volunteered leader of each nation who will then act as a representative of that nation.
    - Each leader of the nation will find and seek those willing to join the union.
    - There will be meetings help via linkshell or playonline mail to inform all constituents of the news.
    - The meetings will talk about how price can be adjusted in the market to help lower inflation and still break even.
    - The prices will be determined as a group depending on how prices of supplies are priced
    o If it is for example sushi we can become fishers ourselves and supply our own union with fish.
    - All nations will be independent of one another expect but will work together as a total governing body
    - Combat gilsellers by under-pricing them while breaking even.
    [Will be edited according to new research]

    Now WHY should we do this, why do we waste our effort and time to create governing bodies in order to not even make profit?

    The answer is simple.
    Do you wish to see the future of Final Fantasy XI to be sustainable?
    Do you wish to see our friends in the future be able to enjoy Final Fantasy XI?
    Do you wish to be able to afford goods a reasonable price?
    Do you wish to be able to have more unity in the world of Final Fantasy XI?
    Do you wish to be apart of a group and have a say in Final Fantasy XI?
    Do you wish to be able to have a say against PlayOnline when they make unreasonable changes?
    Do you wish to see our economy revitalize itself with help?
    Do you enjoy playing Final Fantasy XI?
    If the answers are yes to these questions you should think about why we need to do something about the economy.

    The very survival of Final Fantasy XI is at hand. We are the members of an incredibly MMORPG. We all have the right to fix what we have done wrong. We have the power to make change happen we need to do something about this. The power is ours and we need to make an initiative to make change or else things will become worse as time passes by, the world of Final Fantasy XI will be empty but those who have becoming sickly rich through terrible means. The streets of Juneo once ringing with hundreds of adventures from around the world will be silent. The few elite who play will no longer have admirers or anyone to help. The world of Final Fantasy XI will be gone forever and who will we blame?

    No one but ourselves.
    65 RDM/ 25 BLM/ 33WHM/ 11WAR/ 15THF/ 30NIN/ 21BRD
    Cooking: 85
    Goldsmithing: 22

  • #2
    Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

    Lol. Fail.


    • #3
      Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

      how bout people just stop buying gill..


      • #4
        Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

        I actually rather like the Idea and would help were I proficient in any skill. Sadly I'm not nor am I on the server, but if you could get some of the others to help somehow, that would be kool. ^^b

        Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

        Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

        80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


        • #5
          Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

          I do realize this is a very tough idea to implement but its good to dream.
          65 RDM/ 25 BLM/ 33WHM/ 11WAR/ 15THF/ 30NIN/ 21BRD
          Cooking: 85
          Goldsmithing: 22


          • #6
            Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

            well based on the economy and the way things are going if you thought about it, unless they make new servers in the future or something like that everything will be really expensive and there for the community of FFXI might die, but on the other hand if every thing gets really expensive then that might mean ulll make money off of stuff you farm or mine and etc... and be able to buy stuff in the economy....


            • #7
              Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

              - Combat gilsellers by under-pricing them while breaking even.
              Tried it. Failed horribly. Seems like if somethings been goin' for a steady price, the buyers won't even TRY to get a bargain out of it.... or maybe thats just the Nub's on my server...

              j/k I my Rag buddies


              • #8
                Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

                Originally posted by (Takemuke)
                Tried it. Failed horribly. Seems like if somethings been goin' for a steady price, the buyers won't even TRY to get a bargain out of it.... or maybe thats just the Nub's on my server...

                j/k I my Rag buddies
                Yeah, it seems like when someone ends up buying the item for a lower price they just think "LOL ROFL THIS NOOB PUT IT UP FOR CHEAP".
                This idea looks good on paper, but it fails in practice, because people are greedy, and will not settle down to think for even a second.


                • #9
                  Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

                  Going to have to agree. I've tried several times to affect prices by undercutting a sizable amount of items but the sheer number of items on AH and people's mentality of not caring pretty much makes it nil. It is an awfully nice idea though and I wish something like that would work.
                  Last edited by nanatsu; 12-02-2005, 03:01 AM.
                  My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                  Which FF Character Are You?
                  Originally posted by Balfree
                  Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                  • #10
                    Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

                    The lack of unity or repsect for our community is horrendous. I know this is one of those looks good on paper but wont work in reality. If only the GM or POL did something aobut this. It also shows what happens if there is no governence in place. Things get out of hand, god forbid we were allowed to PK... (early days of diablo2)... That would have just been terrible.

                    I dream that one day we can do this, be the first of our fellow MMORPG to take action and set an example. Also being united gives us awsome bargining power with POL and SE. Think about it, if we were just 5,000 strong in 1 server how much power we would have.
                    65 RDM/ 25 BLM/ 33WHM/ 11WAR/ 15THF/ 30NIN/ 21BRD
                    Cooking: 85
                    Goldsmithing: 22


                    • #11
                      Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

                      How about this... instead of dropping any items, just give anything away you're too lazy to at least go to a local shop and seel yourself (where possible)?


                      • #12
                        Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

                        I don't remember mentioning about dropping items. I said to collectively set a price that is reasonable to sell.

                        Why must people be so greedy can't they see its self-destruction?
                        65 RDM/ 25 BLM/ 33WHM/ 11WAR/ 15THF/ 30NIN/ 21BRD
                        Cooking: 85
                        Goldsmithing: 22


                        • #13
                          Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

                          Human. Nature.

                          Thanks to Bila for the signature


                          • #14
                            Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

                            Plenum, i agree completely, and i would love to be part of something this big, but like this thread clearly shows, people are bashed, brought down and then ran over by a truck when they even DARE to come up with ideas, the truth is that almost everyone buys gil, it's sad but very true and because of that they won't even care about these issues, because a measly 10$ will solve their problems.

                            I would, for fucking ONCE, see a unity in FFXI, if people cared, they woulnt say things like "You Fail."

                            Now, i wish square would implement some sort of special AH, where people would receive points when placing stuff for sale, these points would serve for some other gains, something to leave it up to SE to come up with, in this AH, prices would be capped, or atleast you would only get the points if you put the items for sale within a specified price range, also in this AH you would only be able to sell expendable goods like food and medicine.
                            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                            • #15
                              Re: Just an Idea on Economy (Long Post)

                              It's a wonderful idea. But I've seen people bring up stuff like this before many times in forums (including this one) only to get laughed at and mocked or just have their posts sit there in silence. I would love to see some unity in the FFXI community as well but I lost my faith in that a long time ago. I just don't see it happening with the way people act and treat each other. Now it's not my intent to tear down the OPs ideas and draems or whatever. But as he himself admitted, knowing the community so far I just don't believe it will happen. It sucks but I've been around too long to expect anything more out of the FFXI community. He said this before he even started:

                              Before I begin yes I know this is totally idealistic and highly unlikely that we can get the members of FFXI to cooperate. Especially with language barriers and age barriers and lack of maturity of our fellow adventurers, this idea may indeed be impossible; but I would like to bring it anyway.
                              So I think he knows what's up. Some of us were just echoing what he expected from his attempt in the first place.

                              If someone really wants this then they'll work hard to change people's minds and get some results so that people will have faith in their ability to see this through. You have to expect people to be extremely hesitant or doubtful, considering the sheer enormity of his proposal and the apathy of the FFXI community in the first place. It's on the person who really wants this to happen to take charge and make it work, no matter who says what about their ideas. A person should not get discouraged just because everyone isn't saying "Good job! That's a wonderful idea! You're so great for coming up with it!" That's not how the world works and I think everyone knows this. In fact I think it's safe to expect to get negative feedback and that's where you're supposed to convince people. If you expected anything else then well, you're setting yourself up for a big disappointment.

                              All that aside I will say again that it's a wonderful idea, and it would be very nice if people could get together to get this going. Who knows? If something like this actually works I may have my faith in the community restored.
                              My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                              Which FF Character Are You?
                              Originally posted by Balfree
                              Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?

