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ELeMeN RMT article

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  • #16
    Re: ELeMeN RMT article

    that's why you should just say "gilsellers" and leave out the "chinese" party -__-

    ...or everyone can just start saying damn "american gilbuyers" =|


    • #17
      Re: ELeMeN RMT article

      Someone mentioned that there's no way to know where the gil buyers live? It’s not hard to do. First of all, when giving up your credit card, you usually have to fill out a form which has your billing address. That is because many credit card processing companies will verify the person submitting the credit card number with the zip code of the billing address kept in the bank’s database. Now, they have added CVM numbers for additional security.

      BTW, IGE is not American company. Their company is actually listed with a business address some place in Hong Kong or Taiwan. So are many other companies. There is one company, however, MOGS, which do operate in the U.S. and as such, must keep records of every transaction. Even IGE will do this. A simple inquiry, disguised as a business newsreporter requesting the break down of regional gil buying can be made and the data will be provided. As such, that is where this notion that most of the gil buying are done by NA players were made. Simply because these gil selling companies know that already. LOL. You cannot lie about that now, can you?


      • #18
        Re: ELeMeN RMT article

        It's located in Hong Kong, but the guy who runs it is American.

        I find what you said there more offensive than anything in that article, don't care what nation you're from
        Open your eyes and you'll get over it.


        • #19
          Re: ELeMeN RMT article

          Originally posted by Impaction
          It's located in Hong Kong, but the guy who runs it is American.
          That may be so, but the company itself is not American, it is a Hong Kong registered business, paying taxes to the government there.

          Addendum: Otherwise, it would've been a simple matter for SE to shut down IGE if they were an American company, doncha think?


          • #20
            Re: ELeMeN RMT article

            Thats funny in a way because never have i seen Indian gilseller or Japanese gilseller or etc something like that, all i see is Chinese and it seems to single them out and all i have to say is it really does feel like discrimmination. Whether they be the majority or not, i hope you understand where that comes from. Hence i just label them gilseller, but i wont really label anyone as a gilseller ever(unlike people who says "OMG THATS A GILSELLER!" JUST because they are camping the same NM or have a lower rank -_-..).

            In any case, economical times over there makes this happen, if US is in the same state i wont doubt it might happen too. But i hope you understand what i mean when people say "Chinese gilseller" and singling out someone(and only chinese). Gilsellers are gilsellers, who gives a crap what race?

            Although i do apologize in advance if i seem rude, it does get a little touchy at times when it comes to this for me and i hope you understand why. It sometimes turns me off playing the game.

            NA "may" buy the most gil, and Chinese "may" sell the most, but i really dont see why anyone needs to go beyond gilbuyer/gilseller.
            I find it odd that people take offense at this at all.

            I've never seen a professional Indian gilseller or a Japanese gilseller or an American gilseller. Individuals who every now and then sell virtual currency for some pocket change? Yes. But professionals who do it as their full time job? No.

            Literally 100% of the RMTs I've seen not only in this game, but in WoW too have been Chinese. Even my Chinese friends admit this.

            Do I think every Chinese is a gilseller? Obviously not. But do I think most professional gilsellers in FFXI and many other MMORPGs are Chinese? Probably.

            I don't see the point in covering up cold hard facts for the sake of political correctness. It's like airport security wasting resources strip-searching a 90 year old French Catholic nun for hidden bombs just because they have to be politically correct.

            Not to sound racist at all, but if I'm head of airport security and I've been given a suicide bomber warning, I'm going to prioritize looking for one specific group of people and not waste my time with 90 year old nuns.

            My own country has it's shameful facets too. Heck we have an estranged "brother country" to our north that's probably the laughingstock of the world. Am I ashamed of them? Yes. Do I pretend they don't exist? No.
            Pounce (RETIRED) Mithra Bastok R.7 Titan server
            DRG 62 | RDM 65 | WAR 34 | SAM 30 | WHM 33 | BLM 33 | THF 15

            (guess my name =P) Mithra Bastok R.1 Titan server
            MNK 18 | WAR 3
            Future NIN -_-


            • #21
              Re: ELeMeN RMT article

              Then i guess no one should complain when we say NA gilbuyers.


              • #22
                Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                lionx, I undestand why you're sensitive to this subject, as I can only guess your lineage is that of Chinese ancestry (I mean, your profile just screams this, whether you want to admit it or not )

                For everyone here, professional gil sellers are not necessarily Chinese. I have encountered a Russian group before on Ragnarok a while back and I know there's an article from 1UP that had explicitly stated that there is a gil selling company that is based in Russia using Russian minimum wage workers. So yes, non chinese "professional" gil sellers did exist in this game. Whether or not they are still active or were victim to the deleted accounts a while back, I do not know.


                • #23
                  Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                  why even bother with including "chinese" in "chinese gilseller"? why not just "gilseller"? whats the point in acknowledging race in this issue when you can just say "gilseller" and include all gilsellers no matter of what race? why not, as lionx said, just start coining gilbuyers as "na gilbuyers"?


                  • #24
                    Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                    What the heck does RMT mean? I was never good with acronyms and I just can't figure this out?


                    • #25
                      Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                      The thing about saying "Chinese" gilseller is very important. China has not come aboard on much of the international trade laws and regulations set forth in the recent years. Meaning, they can pretty much do whatever they want and not be punished by violating another company's ToS. Yes, there are other gilsellers from other places, but every time I have seen one they speak in Mandarin, which I have actually learned pretty well from some of my friends. Next time you're at an HNM spawn, say "Wo cao ni ma wo ma ma" to a suspected gilseller, and see what they do. SE will have a hard time trying to shut down a chinese company. Right now the only way I could see SE making a swift solution to the problem would be to block every IP address coming from China. But I know many people wouldn't like that because I know a lot of Chinese importers that aren't gilsellers, and they're very cool. But, gilselling (Chinese or not) is destructive to the economy in FFXI. It NEEDS to be stopped, so people who try to make gil honestly won't have to combat rising prices on certain items that many gilsellers have a stranglehold on (example...Nozokimi has been the ONLY person on our server who has gotten regular claims on Siren's Hair in the last 2 months....the price of cursed gear has doubled in two months.)
                      Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                      90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                      Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                      • #26
                        Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                        RMT means Real Market Trade. There's still a bit of bad blood between Japan and China, so it might not be the best move for a Japanese company to be picking on poor Chinese citizens.


                        • #27
                          Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                          Originally posted by Rodin
                          Right now the only way I could see SE making a swift solution to the problem would be to block every IP address coming from China. But I know many people wouldn't like that because I know a lot of Chinese importers that aren't gilsellers, and they're very cool.
                          Are you assuming these very same people live in China? Some of them may be of chinese in origin and may have command of the language, but do not necessarily live in China. From what I understand, a large percentage of the chinese player base hail from Canada and Australia, seeing the tie with British colonization of Hong Kong before that land was turned over to China in '96 (or was it '95, I can't remember it correctly) Other countries can also include Singapore, Taiwan and Southeast Asia (Canton region) I know that in Singapore, the laws are very strict and they have strong respect for international trade laws and that anyone caught doing RMT and what have you would be prosecuted and punished VERY severely (Frick, they give prison time for spitting on the sidewalk, so imagine life in prison for RMT lol)

                          Anyway, going offtopic, but if you do read the Player Agreement charter, SE has already stated that importing and playing the game will not be supported. In other words, if you're living in a territory and have a problem, you forfeited all rights to legal recourse and action simply because the game is not supported or officially recognized by the company in that territory.

                          That means if SE is going to block out IP if you live in China, then boohoo to you. In the first place, you weren't suppose to play the game and legally speaking, SE has every right to shaft you because of this.

                          But, gilselling (Chinese or not) is destructive to the economy in FFXI. It NEEDS to be stopped, so people who try to make gil honestly won't have to combat rising prices on certain items that many gilsellers have a stranglehold on (example...Nozokimi has been the ONLY person on our server who has gotten regular claims on Siren's Hair in the last 2 months....the price of cursed gear has doubled in two months.)
                          There's no truth to this at all. Simply getting rid of Nozokimi will mean nothing. Another player or HNM LS or what have you will claim the drop and monopolize the industry. How can you say for sure that an NA player won't be monopolizing the drops and start charging crafters 5 times more than what Nozokimi is?


                          • #28
                            Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                            They aren't hinting its "our" fault. People in Japan buy gil... people in europe buy gil... why else would they have web pages with all those different languages? I think it might have something do do with the huge boom in the influx of new players to the community. Also, correct me if I am wrong, but Japan and China aren't on much of what I would call good terms, so RMT based in China probably would be more inclined to buy the North American release of the game perhaps... just a theory on that. Or like someone else said, they might not even live in China they could be based somewhere where english is a main language and the NA version of FFXI would be way more convienient to use.

                            Which FF Character Are You?


                            • #29
                              Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                              Originally posted by Rodin
                              Right now the only way I could see SE making a swift solution to the problem would be to block every IP address coming from China.
                              I read an interesting interview some weeks ago where the DE development and
                              management crew were answering questions regarding including these matters.
                              Their response about blocking IP's (from China) was that while these Asian
                              countries are not included in the suppored regions, it isn't against the regulations
                              either to access from these regions. (as an example, a FFXI player traveling abroad
                              should always be able to login wherever they are).

                              Also it isn't only the sellers that are guilty but also the buyers and just blocking
                              their IP's will just not have the desired effect as many of these connections go through
                              proxies. (Same can be said of DDoS attacks that randomly change and disguise their IP.)

                              The steps they are taking against RMT (and external hack tools):
                              They are doing followup surveys with the help of detailed logging serverside,
                              some ties outside of the game (?not sure what they mean by that)
                              and not to forget GM monitoring (pffft).
                              That may result in pebalizing all parts invalved.

                              Meaning that even if it wasn't observed directly, they might get punished for it later on.

                              Sorry, I forgot to link the source as usual.
                              This was also linked from the eLeMeN News page under "NEWS:2005-11-25"

                              I just noticed that Aeni also mentioned this article in her first reply...
                              Last edited by Alontier; 12-07-2005, 05:42 PM.
                              Rank: 6 ジョブ: 暗 61, シ 38, 戦 37, 赤 26, 白 25, 黒 20, モ 20, 竜 10, 獣 10, 吟 10, 侍 10, 狩 10, 忍 20, 召 15, ナ 1, 青 10, コ 10, カ10
                              Never argue with a moron. They pull you down to their level and beat you through experience.

