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ELeMeN RMT article

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  • ELeMeN RMT article

    I like to go to their site and see if I can figure out anything new or special we don't get on our NA FFXI sites

    They seem to have an in depth article on RMT at their site. Here is the bable fish translation.

    I was wondering if any of the Japanese speaking posters could take a look and let us know what this article is about.

    Thank you.
    Sergeant Major
    75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
    22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
    Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan

  • #2
    Re: ELeMeN RMT article

    Here is what I got from the first few paragraphs:

    This site, as a PlayOnline Community, has always been maintained with accordance and have been respectful to the policies of PlayOnline. To that end, we have taken a similar stance against RMT as it is in clear violation of the policies of PlayOnline.

    This article was presented to you with as little biasness as possible. However, due to our policies and stance as stated above, the information presented will be highly critical on the issue of RMT.

    The whole phenomenon of RMT was first made apparent following the North American release of FFXI. Because of the near nonexistence of RMT prior to this time period, the appearance of RMT has been made conspicuous and the future of this development is as of yet uncertain.


    Basically, the whole article then goes on to review the past problems, including rusty cap fishing and the like, and basically tries to uncover the methodology of RMT practice and how the phenomenon came to being.

    I have to agree, though, that the whole issue of RMT was not a problem prior to NA release, regardless of just how much or how little activity there were. Immediately following the release, RMT became more noticeable.

    The article is controversial and I'm sure will start many flame wars of which I will not illuminate at this point. I've yet to read the whole thing, but I know that some of you will not like it.


    Another interesting point in the article, about 2/3 of the way down, included some sources of polls and studies done with regards to online gaming. About Koreans with regards to their minors playing games online and citing it as problematic and bordering on psychological issues while the minors in Japan can control their addiction far better (I think that was what it translated to) and I guess it doesn't help the image for Koreans when news about so-and-so marathoning an online game like StarCraft and passing away due to exhaustion.

    Other points were made that majority of RMT use NA client to "farm" the gil and some sources cited that majority of RMT customers are players residing in the NA territories. Again, this is what the article has said and some of you may take offense.

    In no ways, however, are they blaming the NA community at large, but at the same time, they are taking this issue with a controversial stance.

    *dons flame suit*
    Last edited by Aeni; 12-01-2005, 04:05 PM.


    • #3
      Re: ELeMeN RMT article

      So.. they're not blaming the NA for RMT... but they're hinting that it's our fault @.@ because gilbuyers live in NA.

      That's not cool >.>.

      Corwynn's Journal

      Red Mage for life.

      What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


      • #4
        Re: ELeMeN RMT article

        NA's aren't much nicer, blaming RMT on Chinese all the time... but I digress.

        While there is probably a certain truth to it, part of me suspicious about the writer being xenophobic. (I get that general feel whenever I travel to JP) There is a semi-underground resentment in JP today where some are are quick to blame all non JP for problems, and showing them as inferior--even sub-human. In particular, some favorite targets of recent accusations are the Koreans and the Chinese.

        Reminds me of the KKK somewhat, but more grassroots in form. Noticed some extremely racist manga poping up, saying some pretty... mean stuff.

        Oh well, just had to share. :3


        • #5
          Re: ELeMeN RMT article

          While there is probably a certain truth to it, part of me suspicious about the writer being xenophobic. (I get that general feel whenever I travel to JP) There is a semi-underground resentment in JP today where some are are quick to blame all non JP for problems, and showing them as inferior--even sub-human. In particular, some favorite targets of recent accusations are the Koreans and the Chinese.
          I agree entirely, while i am not saying every Japanese does this, i have a huge feeling that alot of them do somehow.

          But regardless, its not a matter of race or anything, if its true that more people living in NA purchase gil that doesnt mean that NA is the source of all controversy and everything surrounding RMT, just like there might be more Chinese farmers, doesnt mean that they are entire source around it either.

          I just found it funny how they generalize everything into groups, NA, Chinese farmers, Korean stuff...blah thats a nice way of putting things unbiasly.


          • #6
            Re: ELeMeN RMT article

            So.. they're not blaming the NA for RMT... but they're hinting that it's our fault @.@ because gilbuyers live in NA.

            That's not cool >.>.


            • #7
              Re: ELeMeN RMT article

              I don't see it as offensive at all. Our society has a lot more problems than Japan's society and we brought each one along with us once the game was released in America. Lie, cheat, steal, all to get ahead, are all familiar mannerisms of Americans. Though sterotypical, they do apply to about 60% of us. IGE is American, and so are the several other companies and private sellers that ruin our economies.

              This is just the way I see it, and I see things pretty clearly. I'm not siding with anyone, but I wont deny the truth either.


              • #8
                Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                I don't really think I'm being -that- naive when I say that I think the majority of the American population doesn't "Lie, cheat, steal, all to get ahead".

                I find what you said there more offensive than anything in that article, don't care what nation you're from .

                Corwynn's Journal

                Red Mage for life.

                What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


                • #9
                  Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                  there not putting all the blame on us there just saying it became more noticible meaning there was gil buying around before we came but after we came there was just ALOT more then before. the reason we say "chinese gil seller" is because a big of gil sellers ARE chinese.
                  Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                  InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                  • #10
                    Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                    I got the game at just prior to the NA PS2 launch. I got the PC version 2 weeks before the PS2 launch becasue after seeing screen shots in a PS2 Magazine I couldn't wait, and built a PC to play the game.

                    After playing a couple weeks I needed to figure out how to play the game. I googled FFXI and such and the first 3 or 4 sights I ended up at were JP gil selling sites and not NA gil selling sights... strange. The pages were in Japanese and it was a list and the prices were listed with the yen symbol. I thought "oh wow no wonder all the Japanese players have such good stuff." I didn't even know that the game had been out as long as it had at the time.
                    Sergeant Major
                    75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
                    22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
                    Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


                    • #11
                      Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                      In that case then, we say NA gilbuyers, because most of the people that buy gil ARE NA.


                      • #12
                        Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                        im not so great at saying what i mean over the keyboard so ill try to elaborate... what i mean is people who log onto ffxi everyday for the point of getting gil to sell to companies are usually chinese, im sure you know of all the workshops that are set up for this. there arent actually jobs in this country that will pay you minimum wage to farm gil. if its an american selling gil its just some random guy who all the sudden decides he has too much and wants to buy some sweet plushies or something i dont really know...

                        its not like theres records of How many NA's bought / sold gil, how many JP's bought / sold gil, and how many Chinese bought / sold gil. its all speculation unless someone can enlighten me with facts on how they know were not the majority of the gil buyers.

                        and one more thing, when people say "chinese gil sellers" alot of the time there actually referring to people who actually ARE chinese, and not just saying all sellers are chinese
                        Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                        InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                        • #13
                          Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                          Thats funny in a way because never have i seen Indian gilseller or Japanese gilseller or etc something like that, all i see is Chinese and it seems to single them out and all i have to say is it really does feel like discrimmination. Whether they be the majority or not, i hope you understand where that comes from. Hence i just label them gilseller, but i wont really label anyone as a gilseller ever(unlike people who says "OMG THATS A GILSELLER!" JUST because they are camping the same NM or have a lower rank -_-..).

                          In any case, economical times over there makes this happen, if US is in the same state i wont doubt it might happen too. But i hope you understand what i mean when people say "Chinese gilseller" and singling out someone(and only chinese). Gilsellers are gilsellers, who gives a crap what race?

                          Although i do apologize in advance if i seem rude, it does get a little touchy at times when it comes to this for me and i hope you understand why. It sometimes turns me off playing the game.

                          NA "may" buy the most gil, and Chinese "may" sell the most, but i really dont see why anyone needs to go beyond gilbuyer/gilseller.


                          • #14
                            Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                            i personally dont use the term "chinese gil selller" ( probobly the reason i always use it in quots ) lol, but alot of people use it because still the majority of sellers ( allegitly) are chinese and to them im guessing chinese gil sellers are worse than any other gil seller. I think they are worse because they do operate in groups unlike NA sellers. you dont see too many groups of noob NA's trying to level up and farm together so they can sell gil.
                            Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                            InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                            • #15
                              Re: ELeMeN RMT article

                              It's a fine line to walk, but I do belive that the majority of gil-farming is done by chinese. It is incorrect to say gillsellers are chinese, or in general say that chinese players are there for RMT, but there is a pretty good sense that a lot of gill sellers are chinese. How to comment on that is difficult.

                              There was always a RMT presence with the JP side (even I've seen the gil selling sites). But with the much more cuthroat culture of the USA, I think RMT became much more prevalent with our much less patient 'got to be best' attitude. I don't like swipes that make NA players look bad in general, but it may be the truth for a good number of people. Again, difficult to comment in a non-bais manner. You're going to step on some toes no matter which side you take.

                              On a side note I couldn't make sense of their data figures. It all looked made up to me.

