Ok, i know that it was huge news that FFXI was coming out for the Xbox 360 but we have gotten over that and now we ask some questions. With the graphics of the Xbox 360 version being upgraded does that leave the PC users with the proper hardware in the dust? Why should SE deny the PC users ab upgrade if they can get it? I mean i have a lot of PC games so i got a good graphics card and all that so why not upgrade the graphics for the FFXI users like me? That are on the PC NOT limited by hardware? If there is a possibility then why not? The PS2 is limited because of its hard drive and other components. The PC users are not, we can upgrade, and the game should do so aswell. So i ask what do you guys think about this?
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Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
Well, to me it isn't that big of a deal. I mean sure, the Xbox 360 will probably have graphics better than some of the best PC's out there, but seriously, is it that important? You've went all this time with the graphics you have now and you're enjoying yourself aren't you? If you're a total graphics whore (don't get me wrong, I'm one to drool over good graphics too) then just get an Xbox 360 lol, otherwise just stick to what's workin'.
Btw, Senior year of high school I had to write a paper over that book, The Catcher in the Rye. I hated it :S
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
I believe they've already stated that they plan to update the PC version to conform with the X360 version. Of course, everything on the PC version will be adjustable.
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
the graphics are 100% the same on each platform...every model and texture is the same exsact thing...
The diffrence between the three is just ressolution and AA and AF...And xbox360 has a bigger draw distance...And acctually most PC users edited the registry to over HDTV ressoultion, making FFXI look better on PC than with 360...not to mention you need a HDTV to get the full thing out of 360, if you dont have one then your basicly playing PS2 with a bigger draw distance...
All they needa do to put PC on par with 360 is just let the drawdistance go further, i dont see why they wouldnt either, if your computer cant handle it you could always turn it down...
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
I guess you havn't been dealing with microsoft for very long, now have you?
Microsoft demands for any game that comes to their system, they have "EXCLUSIVE" content.
I dunno for what this will have in store for FFXI, but just about any other game has to have something new just for the xbox.-Baka Inu!
Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
oh but the X-box version will have things the other two dont have, better draw distance and HD resolution suport. SE has already stated that this will be the only diffrance in the versions, and if Microsoft does not like it, then to f'ing bad lol.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
Graphics aren't everything. Some people seem to think so. I am going to be getting the 360 version of ffxi for the simple fact that my computer is 2 years old and can barely handle the game as it is. It will be nice to be able to play without graphics problems lol. I don't really care though, as long is it is fun and I have a good time playing it, I am a happy camper, lol. I think graphics are a major part of a game, but they are not everything in a game. I think they should allow the updates to pc users. Why aren't they allowing it?
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
I think you are jumping to conclusions OP ^^
Square hasnt released this yet, i bet my left one that we will get a patch for the computer to heighten the graphics, whereas the Ps2 players won't have this option obviously, but people who play on Ps2 probably don't give a rat's ass to the graphics, hail to them!signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
Originally posted by InuTrunksMicrosoft demands for any game that comes to their system, they have "EXCLUSIVE" content.
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
Yeah, in the gaming industry it seems kind of stupid for a gaming console to make such a demand. They may request it in order for Microsoft to support the game in a marketing standpoint, but if you don't care if Microsoft helps you advertise or not then it should matter. Otherwise if Microsoft really does that then many game developers are more likely to abandon XBox for PS3, the last latest news I had seen that seemed like a higher possibility since the Cell Workstation actually seems to make programming for the Cell Processor easier as opposed to previous development methods which is kind of how Xbox 360 is demanding the developers to keep going with.
Technologicaly it seems to look more and more to me that XBox 360 sits right in the middle of PS2 and PS3 in it's development. It has the processing cabilities and such now to handle functions it couldn't before yet PS2 still could, but isn't quite acheiving that level that PS3 looks like it's heading to. Still got to wait and see though, but it would be quite stupid for a company developing the hardware to demand exclusive content from the software developers. It's more likely the software developers will just start saying "Screw You!" then if they did.
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
Macht, here's how I look at it for the upcomming systems.
Xbox360 - Online Play
PS3 - Single Player Play, and Best Graphics, best "new" games, best devolopers
Revolution - Innovation (Always a best by nintendo, I mean, look at the N64, the Cube, and then the DS).-Baka Inu!
Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
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Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
Originally posted by InuTrunksMacht, here's how I look at it for the upcomming systems.
Xbox360 - Online Play
PS3 - Single Player Play, and Best Graphics, best "new" games, best devolopers
Revolution - Innovation (Always a best by nintendo, I mean, look at the N64, the Cube, and then the DS).
As far as statments have gone both XBox 360 and PS3 are targeting more to Online play. The PS3's system even with it's processor it designed with the intent of improving performance through networking and online functions, XBox360's performance is fairly static in it's intention and accepting Diminishing Returns by their 3 processor core design.
As far as how the people get the consoles use them as, is something that'll be seen with the games the system release. In particular the ones that release for that system only. The ones that are cross-platform will have little effect to this.
If the logic is coming because of XBox Live, well in that respect XBox Live is just a hosting system similar to Playonline and the hosting servers that the PS2 games go to now and have been free.Last edited by Macht; 11-07-2005, 10:49 AM.
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
I don't think Inu's comments were due to the specs pf the machine, as you said the PS3 is very capable but from recent announcements it looks like Sony could be making the same mistakes as they did with the PS2's online capability and not using a centeralised network like Xbox Live.
Personally I would have liked to see a deal between Sony and SE to use POL as the centeral core for the PS3's online play. Well, maybe one day
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Re: Issues with the Xbox 360 version of FFXI
Centralizing networks is up and down. Xboxlive cost money, even if you think silver is anything more then AIM on game, if even that.
If sony decides to leave the network up to decentralize 3rd party, and only spend a fraction of their own money to "freely" network these 3rd parties, then who win's there?
PS2 wasn't an xbox, it was before its time and a step to late. Just like DC with there Sega online.
PS3 doesn't need xbox live like subscription. Only good groundwork. Kinda like how compuserve, AOL, and all those other private networks failed, but WWW flurished.
xbox live is crappy imo, for every 10 you get to subscribe, 100 won't, and we're not even talking about forgein markets, but every 3rd party markets like SE's POL. MS live wants to bully everyone to their money making scheme, and many will think, "Why should you be making money off me?"
As for ffxi on 360...we don't know how closely or even if PCs will get it. motion blur for instance may never come to PC, simply because SE can say, "The xbox360 specialized" that is diffcuilt to mimic on PC.
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