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ffxi PVP

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  • ffxi PVP

    i havent played ffxi in a long long long time, ive been off on other mmorpgs like WoW and SG, only becuz of the pvp that is so enjoyable... but i think ffxi would be better then both if only it had pvp as well, but i doubt that will happen any time soon, anyways, i played before they had this ballista and duel actiongoing on, so im wondering is, how does ballista and dueling fair compaired to normall pvp?

    im mostly just looking for an excuce to come back to the game hahaha

  • #2
    Re: ffxi PVP

    There is no dueling. At the moment, there is only Ballista. Ballista is, in my opinion, good, but it is very far from dueling. To be anything good you need to work together. A lot people new to Ballista don't take it seriously, which sometimes can kill a fun time. You'll have to play it for yourself to understand.


    • #3
      Re: ffxi PVP

      teamwork, ya that is something other mmoprgs lack. on SWG and WoW whenever i bring that to the battle people are amazed at how well things work hahaha. well, anyone who's played either of those games come back to ffxi and enjoy it?


      • #4
        Re: ffxi PVP

        Its a shame they don't have dueling in FFXI.

        It really is one of the more enjoyable aspects of an MMO, been able to see the fruits of your labor; item and knowledge acquisition pay off against other players.

        It's always fun to test yourself against better equipped players, and pull off a win, with strategy and style.


        • #5
          Re: ffxi PVP

          Ballista is great but it's completely different than what you may enjoy in other PvP systems. As mentioned it's very team oriented. Trying to solo a group of enemies is garaunteed suicide and it takes a great deal of patience to learn how the system works before you start scoring high. That said I really enjoy it. Even as support class it's fun.


          • #6
            Re: ffxi PVP

            Well when I first started FFXI *Looks back at all those times getting killed by lvl 1 worms* I was hoping for making a name for myself, I thought I could actually become famous like one of your players in any FF game. I had the dream of being respected, that is until I found out that you have to pt to lvl and you can't test yourself agaist other players other than Ballista... -_-
            It's sad, I wish I could just be really strong and be feared, all this pt stuff and not being able to do PvP it's just sad, they really missed the point of all FF, you should be able to solo and challange other players, then you'll be able to make a name for yourself but I don't think it's happening, I can only dream


            • #7
              Re: ffxi PVP

              Funny..i thought the point of most FFs was a party of people banding together for a common cause and triumphing..>_>


              • #8
                Re: ffxi PVP

                Well it is about that, but pting gets boring at some point ^^
                Once you hit high lvls, you get killed even by less than easy stuff, now that's just sad at times
                I do love pting but not everyone is made to pt, some want to do things the solo way ^^
                I tried to solo my WAR and got as far as lvl 24 on my own, and it was hours of going crazy because of low lvling but I did get to bound with it really well ^^
                But it would be cool if you could solo any job, not only bst or rdm
                That's just me though, I don't know if everyone thinks like that ^^b


                • #9
                  Re: ffxi PVP

                  I see what you are saying, and I do agree with you that there aren't many solo aspects to Vana'Diel, but I must say that there are ways of making a name for yourself. Many people that post on this board everyday are respected members of the server in which they reside. They often make a name for themselves not only in Vana'Diel, but also on our forums. There is a great thread where someone asks what makes them a "good player" in the job of their choice, I myself can't seem to find it, but perhaps someone could postit here for some evidence to my opinion? Besides don't you think that a less balista, more IG sort of PvP would get out of hand eventually. Look at other things that have been moved from the original purpose into a negative way.


                  p.s.- Think about becoming infamous, it might be more interesting, no?


                  • #10
                    Re: ffxi PVP

                    The game deliberately throws you into parties at relatively low levels, and cooperation is the key to success. This results in players with great noteriety and fame. for different reasons than PvP. I like the teamwork aspect, there is power in the group above the individual skills of the players. When everyone works together, each job becomes more powerful as your weaknesses are covered and your strengths hilighted. Any class can solo, just not very efficiently. This is because the power of the class only comes out in a group situation - solo your weaknesses are too exposed. Bst gets around this because the critters are generally evenly matched to their foes, Rdm have an easier time than most because of their general skill base - they have no inherit weakness, apart from their slower damage over time than almost every other job (whm and bard excepted ^^).

                    The thing i'm trying to say is that the enemies you can take down are many times more powerful than six individuals summed. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is awsome chaining enemy after enemy while the party operates in perfect sync to dispatch the foe. While direct duelling would be a nice feature, most jobs are massively unbalanced in that scenario. Again, a rdm would be able to silence/melee a mage opponent, or sleep/bind/nuke a warrior class.

                    You can PvP in ballista, but I have yet to try this, though I can hardly wait. I solo a fair bit on my rdm character, and it is slowing down a lot. I could take on toughs till recently, I have hit level 25 and can still solo even matches (although it can be a close call). I can kill about 1 even match per six minutes. Thats ten an hour, or 1k exp/hour. This is when I don't get links or ather aggro, or beat a hasty retreat, which cuts it down to about 800xp/hour. Even bad parties can triple that easily. So while rdm can solo, it is far from an optimal situation.

                    I dont think we need explicit PvP, as defeating the NM's as a team seems more fun than soloing other players who weren't designed to fight 1 on 1 in the first place. Apart from the fact the storyline has all nations at peace, competing through Conquest points not bloodshed.

                    A competition duelling would be good, where there are qualifying rounds and a final series which could establish a monthly champion, with rare/ex prizes for the finalists. I would like more PvP, but in an organised fasion similar to Ballista, but with the solo angle.


                    • #11
                      Re: ffxi PVP

                      What above poster said!

                      Honestly, i wish they never add common PVP in ffxi, it's degrading in my opinion, i hate seeing these posts of people claiming they killing person A or person B, it's just so sad and dishonoring, ballista doesn't tick me either.
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • #12
                        Re: ffxi PVP

                        I wouldn't mind being able to 1v1 duel outside of town zones....
                        "We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"


                        • #13
                          Re: ffxi PVP

                          I guess a 'Match Proposal' thing could be done:

                          Duelist1: /duel <t>
                          Duelist2: "Duelist1 proposes a Duel! Do you accept? (type /duely to accept, /dueln to refuse)"

                          if /duely

                          Duelist1/2: "The match will commence in 30 seconds, get ready to face Duelist1/2!"

                          if /dueln

                          Duelist1/2: "Duel proposal refused."

                          :-P i still wouldnt do it unless for testing purposes or with a friend for fun

                          Btw, is anyone forgetting abdhalis or whatever? isnt that good for duels?
                          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                          • #14
                            Re: ffxi PVP

                            Ick, lot of philosophy and speak of the thrill of PvP. It would be nice if the speak and philosophy of it was true, unfortunatly that isn't always the case. Some of those statments are usually accurate for only about 25% of the time. PvP was the very thing that ruined so many MMOs for me, especially if they get a chance to get something of your items as the spoils. That is extreemly irritating and just pissed me off to no end when I spent hours get a specific item only to have a player waiting for an oportunity to kill me for it instead of spending the time to get themselves.

                            The sad part to much of the 1v1 PvP and dueling crap is that players will harrass you if you deny a dueling request. PvP was the number 1 reason that hindered many MUDs I had played, the only one or ones to truely succeed with no surprise to me were the ones in which PvP was removed or restricted to specific situations. The worst design for it though has always been 1v1 matches, because without a doubt you'll have players that'll start harrassing another player to try and coax them into a duel.

                            Accomplishing such a task with a group is nearly impossible and when it is a group vs. group you are more guarenteed that the players a going for their own enjoyment and were not harrassed into it. Yet again the theme of getting players to work together instead of against eachother is still enforced at a level as well still, this following in theme to the games story.

                            Probably the only way I could possibly accept a 1v1 is if it is designed were the players don't have control of who they are paired against. So say a signup list were they make it into like a Tournament structure, this way it should lessen a players ability to harrass another player to get them to fight against them. In turn also Tier the tournaments so you won't have lv. 75 players antaganizing lv. 1 or so players just to beat the crap out of another PC.

                            The absolute worst possible PvP is to allow the players to decide completly on when and by their terms, you're very likely to get players waiting for a player to match off on a monster to test their strength and then goes after them for a easy cheap kill. It's bad enough that players get MPK'd to ward another player away add in a PvP free of restrictions and it would be rediculous.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #15
                              Re: ffxi PVP

                              What Macht says is very much part of he bigger picture we usually put into "penis envy" (it's a legit term I swear!) section. The mine is bigger and better then yours ideal.

                              Where a person will strive for fame not by deeds they do, but deeds they consciously go out to do.(Not the same).

                              PvP 1v1 is a very physical representation of that, and sadly as Macht says, some will seek it to the point of harrasment. And that's no fun. I don't like to be called "A chicken" because I decline.

                              It is also worse that its big brother, is what is now pretty much known as Ganking. To "put people in their place" idea mentality, almost gang like.

                              In the end it creates a very hostile atmosphere, that ffxi doesn't want. FFxi wants adventure, companionship, and sportmanship. Even ballista is very team/sport oriented. You don't go into ballista to kill the same person 15 spawn times, and ground them to the floor with degrading comments(not many anyway).

                              This is also I believe why ballista put restrictions on the new rent system. By making people "pay" and also not have a ranking system, like Diablo2, it is to make sure both parties "really" want to duel, and not just raise up in the world.

                              There is a saying, that go along the lines of, "To go up in the world is to step on the heads of others", and that's a very grim aspect ffxi shouldn't have.

