Hello, I am fearly new to this forums and to ffXI.
I decided to start FFXI just recently and have a few questions I must know before i start the game. All your help and knoledge will be apreaciated.
1)What difrance in fors/cons is there in FFXI compare to Ragnarok Online, WoW and Lineage.
2)Wich is the best server to start a new Character?
3)When we purchase items such as shields, weapons, armor, hats, ring ect, do they show on our character?
4)how whide is the world of FFXI
5)How do the sub class/main class work? Do weapons and equipent affect our skills like in ff tactics?
6)What class is best to sub as Dark knight? Red mage, Warior, Thief ?
7)How does time work in FFXI? is there a night/day are there houres and does it affect my skills?
8) How muh does it cost to play FFXI monthly ?
9)What is the official site in where I can register?
I know must of thses questions are really nooblish, I will search the forum for most of them.
Thank you for your help !
I decided to start FFXI just recently and have a few questions I must know before i start the game. All your help and knoledge will be apreaciated.
1)What difrance in fors/cons is there in FFXI compare to Ragnarok Online, WoW and Lineage.
2)Wich is the best server to start a new Character?
3)When we purchase items such as shields, weapons, armor, hats, ring ect, do they show on our character?
4)how whide is the world of FFXI
5)How do the sub class/main class work? Do weapons and equipent affect our skills like in ff tactics?
6)What class is best to sub as Dark knight? Red mage, Warior, Thief ?
7)How does time work in FFXI? is there a night/day are there houres and does it affect my skills?
8) How muh does it cost to play FFXI monthly ?
9)What is the official site in where I can register?
I know must of thses questions are really nooblish, I will search the forum for most of them.
Thank you for your help !