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I must Know !

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  • I must Know !

    Hello, I am fearly new to this forums and to ffXI.

    I decided to start FFXI just recently and have a few questions I must know before i start the game. All your help and knoledge will be apreaciated.

    1)What difrance in fors/cons is there in FFXI compare to Ragnarok Online, WoW and Lineage.
    2)Wich is the best server to start a new Character?
    3)When we purchase items such as shields, weapons, armor, hats, ring ect, do they show on our character?
    4)how whide is the world of FFXI
    5)How do the sub class/main class work? Do weapons and equipent affect our skills like in ff tactics?
    6)What class is best to sub as Dark knight? Red mage, Warior, Thief ?
    7)How does time work in FFXI? is there a night/day are there houres and does it affect my skills?
    8) How muh does it cost to play FFXI monthly ?
    9)What is the official site in where I can register?

    I know must of thses questions are really nooblish, I will search the forum for most of them.

    Thank you for your help !

  • #2
    Re: I must Know !

    All of your questions can be answered by reading the forums and then some.

    1) FFXI is basically a massive traditional RPG. You'll find a lot of community, storyline, and intense graphics.

    2) Any server.

    3) Yes.

    4) Very whide.

    5) Weapons affect weapon skills, that's about it. Sometimes they'll have added effects and such.

    6) Check the forums.

    7) There's time, weather, etc. Each zone has it's own weather effects. Vanadial days are about 57 minutes long.

    8) $12

    9) Gotta buy it for about $30 which includes all expansions and most updates.


    • #3
      Re: I must Know !

      I'll try and give these a shot.
      1. Not really sure since this is the only mmorpg I've ever played. There is, however, a thread comparing ffxi to WoW, so try a search for that if you can.
      2. Reall a matter of opinion. There are some very messed up economic servers (such as Fairy, so I've been told). Midgar and Ragnarok both seem to be very popular though.
      3. Rings and earrings do not show up on your character, but hats, all armors, and weapons do.
      4. Huge. Offhand, I think there may be roughly 20 different regions, each with about 5 different areas. All the areas are very big too. It usually takes about 10 minutes to run through an area on foot. Though, as you lvl you'll find new ways to get from point A to point B faster (i.e. airship, chocobos, teleports)
      5. Your main class is the one that will gain experience when you lvl. Your sub class gains no experience and can only be as high as half the lvl or your main. Aside from your special "2 hour" job ability. All or virtually all job abilities and traits of your sub are available to your main. (A level 30 warrior subbing a lvl 15 thief will have access to sneak attack. A thief gains that job ability at lvl 15) The same also holds true for magic spells.
      6. For dark knight your best bet would be subbing warrior until 60. At 60 you can sub thief for sneak attack + trick attack, but that is your decision. Subbing red mage may prove useful in some conditions, but not in an experience party.
      7. There are 8 days in a week. Each day takes roughly 40-45 minutes to pass. There is a day and night, with some mobs appearing only at night. The days of the week and the phase of the moon does have some effect elementally. (Fire based monsters are stronger on certain days of the week to certain spells and weaker on other days.) It also plays a role in crafting and gardening.
      8. I believe the monthly fee for one character is about 15 dollars a month, maybe only 12 I cant remember for sure. It costs an additional dollar for every additional character.
      9. To register for the game? When you install the game it walks you through the registration process.

      EDIT: Dang you Impaction! Beat me to it!
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #4
        Re: I must Know !

        I'm known to be a very strong FFXI fanboyist, so I try to cut down on rambling which got me in ahead. :D


        • #5
          Re: I must Know !

          You and your concise to the point responses. Grrr
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #6
            Re: I must Know !

            Thank you both you where verry helpfull, I will start FFXI early in the week, that is if i dont get to much work. I will try and find a rather good and populated server.

            Also I am verry surprised to see that FFXI dosent cost verry much for a monthly fee.

            Thank you again !


            • #7
              Re: I must Know !

              Good luck! ^^
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian

