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my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

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  • my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

    ok some backgroundstory is that I am levelling up my mule as a whm on a seperate account.
    So, I used my Jaza to PL her up to 20 to get over the VK period.
    This guy, I'll call him C was in 1 of the PT I was PLing myself. It went well... nothing wrong

    2 days later he sent me tell. We talked and it was ok at first but at the end i was so stressed out and annoyed... dunno how to handle this guy.

    I was fishing on ferry as usual. In about 40 minutes my hnmls was about to hunt fafnir. That's when he /tell me. Here are parts of the conversation...

    >> he tells me
    : I reply

    >> hey
    : hi
    >> do u member me
    : you were with my kitty right ^^ (my mule is Kittypenguin)
    >> ya do u want to pt with my warrior me and kitty could start a pt
    : i'd love to but i have LS hunt in an hour

    then it was just a normal chit chat at this point. he ask my level, where I was and etc.

    >> maybe could u come to 'Lower Delkfutt's Tower( and give me a linkpearl
    : I can't man I'm sorry. my LS is an HNM shell. you'll have to apply if yourself wanna join
    >> hopw do i apply to it

    I gave him websites, tried to explain what we do and that he needs to be higher (he's a 23war.) A this point I was already at fafnir camp waiting for pop.

    >> what do u guys do in it
    >> ???
    : we hunt hnms and gods
    >> i kno but what do u guys do on it ussauly
    : camping fafnir/ninhod and do sky triggers
    >> ????
    : well, we fight very mean NMs ^^
    >> somtimes do u guys fight easy ones
    : those that needs up to 20-30 members to kill
    >> do u ???
    >> do u ???
    >> do u
    : do I what o.O?
    >> in your link do u guys somtimes fight easy NM's
    : well if some member wants the drops yes
    : but if it's easy enough to solo there's no reason togo as an LS...

    then he ask about where the nms are that I fight... then...

    >> does it cost money do apply
    : no
    >> could u just say im a family member

    wtf? ok here's where it got annoying... more and more

    : well i don't think that will work. the LS concentrates on end game
    : so they might not be around to help with stuff around your level anyway

    >> where r u right now
    : camping Fafnir
    : 'Dragon's Aery(
    >> what does he drop
    : um many things. better look up online
    >> did u fight him yet
    >> hey
    : sup
    >> where r u
    : 'Dragon's Aery(
    >> still
    >> can
    >> u
    : what ?
    >> can u come pl me and my pt in qufim after u fight that NM

    alright... maybe it was my fault I spoiled him.

    : well if I'm not too tired want to do some fishing sorry
    >> where do u fish
    : on ferry normally

    then we talk about fishing a bit.... about cooking the fish, and ebisu quest. about pirates attack ferries...

    at this point, niddhogg pops. My LS lose the claim but you can imagine what kind of chaos was going on. And I miss out many tells.

    >> how much gil do u have'
    >> can u give me 500k for the airship pass
    >> can u

    yea... I acutally missed this part due to all the mess -.- I just see it as I checked log right now. At this point, the other LS was losing... and my LS won the dice roll to attemp next fight.

    : fighting now i'll talk later
    >> ill pay u back
    >> did u dioe
    >> did u die
    >> where r u now
    >> ewhere r u right now
    : dude. i told you i can't talk
    >> did u kill it yet
    >> did u kill it yet
    >> did u kill it yet
    >> did u kill it yet
    : we wipe

    our blm casted ga spell and linked all the darters... order from leader was to HP and come back.

    >> what????
    >> where r u right now
    >> dude
    >> where r u right now
    : going back to 'Dragon's Aery
    >> why
    : back to nidhog
    >> come to the boat with me
    : no dude listen
    : im busy
    >> what is so important about this NM

    ok.... after this I got too tired. I didn't reply him anymore and just log out.

    Well duh.... what should I do with this guy -_-' just blist him heh?
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso

  • #2
    Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

    I think you should o.O seems annoying.

    PLD47, WAR29


    • #3
      Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

      I'm sure the guy didn't mean to be annoying Jei but he obviously just was. You explained the situation to him several times I think, and any considerate person would have left you alone. For the most part he was just looking for a high level to hold his hand and help carry himi through the game. What I would do? If it's so difficult for him to get the point then you should just blist him and move on. I know it sounds harsh, but he's acting entirely too dense. He needs to learn that kind of behavior is very frustrating towards other people. Not only that but it makes him seem quite selfish... it seemed like he only cared about what you could do for him.

      Now that I think about it, the way he's acting reminds me of a little kid. Could be someone who's just too young to play this game. Just a thought.
      My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

      Which FF Character Are You?
      Originally posted by Balfree
      Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


      • #4
        Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

        I pl my ls friends often when their leveling their subjobs or whatever, i get this often, it has come to the point of blisting at the first sign of dumbness.

        I agree with nana completely
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

          I'd guess he's around the age of 13.
          Just blacklist him and go about your business, you went out of your way to be kind to him. But if he's getting on your nerves that's what the blacklist feature is for. ^^


          • #6
            Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

            Give him this EXACT link:


            Guy like that will have HOURS of fun.

            Warning: Not for the feint of heart/music buffs!
            Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
            90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

            Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


            • #7
              Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

              Jei, can you make an account on Fairy, lvl it to 75, give me lots of gil, PL all my jobs, and get me into a kickass hnmls?
              can you?
              can you?
              can u?
              can u?
              can u?
              Yeah, sadly the best thing would prolly be to blist him. I've always tried to be very respectful towards my hi-lvl friends. I'll ask for help occasionally, but its usually an open-ended request. Like, whenever they have some free time and can give me a hand with a genkai or af. Better yet, send him to this thread and collectively we can educate him.
              Better luck next time though man.
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian


              • #8
                Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

                Let him down easy Jei, don't break his heart.


                • #9
                  Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

                  The clue meter is reading zero, Captain.

                  /blist add idiot

                  That's how you deal with it, Jei.



                  • #10
                    Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

                    Next time he sends a /tell just tell him you don't care to speak with him anymore if that's what you wish. It may see hurtful at first but in the end it will be better for both of you. It's always sad when noobs can't really fit in. I would only blacklist him if he just wouldn't stop bugging you.
                    You kill one man, your a murderer
                    Kill many and your a conquerer
                    Kill them all... your a God.


                    • #11
                      Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

                      /blist add

                      ABSOLUTELY!! You were MORE than patient with this young man!

                      I've run into this a LOT. This comes from being too nice. Some people just don't get that they are bothering you too much or that what they are asking for is too much. This is also one of the reasons I do not p/l pt's. Linkshell members that have 65+ jobs and want to lvl another job, yes I'll p/l them ALONE. Party p/l'ing never fails to cause me problems in the end. And p/l'ing true n00bs is a bad thing anways, they need to learn the game in the lower lvls so they can become a better player faster.
                      Originally posted by Feba
                      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                      Originally posted by DakAttack
                      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                      • #12
                        Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

                        You could /blist while you're fighting and if you want to let him talk to you later just remove him from your blist.

                        Not sure how to do that though. -_-


                        • #13
                          Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

                          Originally posted by Caspian
                          ..... Better yet, send him to this thread and collectively we can educate him. .....
                          this would work only if you could insure that he doesn't at that way on the forum or wouldn't try to spam the forum with topics that are are like "subject: whinning content: more whinning"

                          i dunno about blisting him if it keeps up over the next few days i would do it but usually he'll forget how to spell your characters name or something.

                          maybe this is his first major online game and doesn't know etiquette


                          maybe he is to young to understand.

                          find out his age


                          • #14
                            Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

                            I would say /blist add, a problem I had though doing that for about 4 months was this person was giving me a bad reputation for doing that. Got bad enough that it almost killed all that would play with me, just was fortunate though that he was dumb enough to do the same thing to someone else and got my name cleared.

                            Though judging from what I can in that conversation the guy doesn't seem crafty or sly enough to pull anything off that could possibly harm you anyway, so probably just /blist add and go on with what you normally do.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #15
                              Re: my god. how to deal with this kind of conversation. help please.

                              You should of tried scaring him away.

                              WHACHACHACHA And thats how the cookie crumbles <- out of nowhere and don't respond to anything he says afterwards.

