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Empty Server?

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  • #16
    Re: Empty Server?

    Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
    Player based=Captitalismn.
    NPC based=Communismn.
    True but Thats where the balancing act comes in. Npc's wont sell everything. Kinda like how the storage Npc's dont store everything. But they can obviously store rare/ex items.

    This "New" economy means that vana'diel has adapted to the changes over the years.

    Players will still be able to set prices and control things to a large extent. BUT "Needed" items should be able to be afforded by everyone.

    Why should i pay 10k for a level 1, +1 siphos that does 1 more point of damage versus the normal one for 500 gil?

    Where's the logic in that? if the difference in performance were enhanced then the cost could be justified.

    My use a phantum tahtlum when you can get a Hedgehog bomb which gives =30 mp, Thats an marked differnece in performance. and the cost can be justified.

    But Common Nm's their items should not be out of the reach for normal players.
    I like what SE started with in having some Nm's now drop rare/ex items. But it can be expanded upon.

    Im not saying my way is the right way, just one of many.
    It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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    • #17
      Re: Empty Server?

      we're getting a whole bunch of new people (or alts) and people leveling other jobs, so the dunes are pretty busy, same with the AH. I do feel that quite a bit of these are new players considering how many blind Invites I must fight off.
      Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
      G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
      San Doria Rank 6
      ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

      Which FF Character Are You?

      a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

      #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


      • #18
        Re: Empty Server?

        Originally posted by tazirai
        True but Thats where the balancing act comes in. Npc's wont sell everything. Kinda like how the storage Npc's dont store everything. But they can obviously store rare/ex items.

        This "New" economy means that vana'diel has adapted to the changes over the years.

        Players will still be able to set prices and control things to a large extent. BUT "Needed" items should be able to be afforded by everyone.

        Why should i pay 10k for a level 1, +1 siphos that does 1 more point of damage versus the normal one for 500 gil?

        Where's the logic in that? if the difference in performance were enhanced then the cost could be justified.

        My use a phantum tahtlum when you can get a Hedgehog bomb which gives =30 mp, Thats an marked differnece in performance. and the cost can be justified.

        But Common Nm's their items should not be out of the reach for normal players.
        I like what SE started with in having some Nm's now drop rare/ex items. But it can be expanded upon.

        Im not saying my way is the right way, just one of many.
        Have you sent a suggestion into SE like this? if not, get on it ;P

        Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

        Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

        80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


        • #19
          Re: Empty Server?

          Originally posted by Impaction
          Maybe he's exaggerating, there's tons of crap on the AH on Seraph. Most of what you can find on the San d'Orian AH you can find in the weapons and armor shops five steps away for a little cheaper. Not to mention people can buy belts for 400 gil, and people will buy them on the AH for 1000 gil. I made my first 10k reslling NPC items. >_>
          I'm not exaggerating. I played in Windurst and I couldn't find any low lvl WAR/RDM swords or daggers for sale, except maybe one +1 dagger that was being sold for near 10k+, and the NPC stores don't sell swords/leather etc so I was out of luck at lvl 7 fighting with the onion dagger (couldnt even find any onion swords to use to get my sword skill up)


          • #20
            Re: Empty Server?

            Originally posted by Vladko
            Do you want to jump severs? ill give u worldpass to fairy server.... i never had that promblem on this server
            lol i'm on fairy ..... believe me u won't have trouble finding anything here so many people selling whatever they can find just for some money ebcause everything costs so much :-D its kinda fun ... in a way..... if u really think about it ........... or mabey its just annoying >.>

            Which FF Character Are You?


            • #21
              Re: Empty Server?

              i would jump to a new server

              -DEATH?? What is this word you speak of? I can not die I AM IMMORTAL

              -yeah yeah i at least heard 1000 of u say the same thing and they all felt tip of my blade

