Re: Empty Server?
True but Thats where the balancing act comes in. Npc's wont sell everything. Kinda like how the storage Npc's dont store everything. But they can obviously store rare/ex items.
This "New" economy means that vana'diel has adapted to the changes over the years.
Players will still be able to set prices and control things to a large extent. BUT "Needed" items should be able to be afforded by everyone.
Why should i pay 10k for a level 1, +1 siphos that does 1 more point of damage versus the normal one for 500 gil?
Where's the logic in that? if the difference in performance were enhanced then the cost could be justified.
My use a phantum tahtlum when you can get a Hedgehog bomb which gives =30 mp, Thats an marked differnece in performance. and the cost can be justified.
But Common Nm's their items should not be out of the reach for normal players.
I like what SE started with in having some Nm's now drop rare/ex items. But it can be expanded upon.
Im not saying my way is the right way, just one of many.
Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
This "New" economy means that vana'diel has adapted to the changes over the years.
Players will still be able to set prices and control things to a large extent. BUT "Needed" items should be able to be afforded by everyone.
Why should i pay 10k for a level 1, +1 siphos that does 1 more point of damage versus the normal one for 500 gil?
Where's the logic in that? if the difference in performance were enhanced then the cost could be justified.
My use a phantum tahtlum when you can get a Hedgehog bomb which gives =30 mp, Thats an marked differnece in performance. and the cost can be justified.
But Common Nm's their items should not be out of the reach for normal players.
I like what SE started with in having some Nm's now drop rare/ex items. But it can be expanded upon.
Im not saying my way is the right way, just one of many.