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Acc Vs. Dex

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  • Acc Vs. Dex

    question i have wondered about for a long time what is the deffrence between ACC and DEX? i have a elvaan character and they have low dex what is better dex or acc.

  • #2
    Re: Acc Vs. Dex

    Dex supports Acc. Dex also helps with critical hit %(good for HNMs/sky gods). Acc if you wanna focus on hitting more. Dex if you want to build up that stat. Acc is probably better for the most part, but Dex is easier to get.


    • #3
      Re: Acc Vs. Dex

      Acc > dex, I believe the current theory is 2 Dex = 1 acc. But 1 acc =/= 2 dex.

      you need to increase your dex by a large amount to notice any increase in crit hit rate or accuracy. But by doing that you'd have to fill gear slots that could have Str/Att/Acc instead. Unless you are a thf, Dex is the last thing you want to focus on. Acc > Str/att > Dex is the way you should equip yourself as a melee. If you are a thf however, you'll need Dex to increase your Sa damage, but when not using SA Acc/Str/att will all help you more.
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #4
        Re: Acc Vs. Dex

        2 DEX =/= 1 Acc. I'm not sure what the relationship is myself, but that one hasn't been proven nor does it *seem* to hold true from personal experience. I have never suffered from accuracy being an Elvaan WAR, and I have compared my accuracy to a Mithran WAR with less -DEX items and a bit more accuracy and our only difference was 2% (and I was on top...I attribute this mainly to randomness.) Moreover my girlfriend's Mithran THF has at least 15 DEX over my WAR and EM mobs don't check low evasion because of it. I think DEX is fairly useless when it comes to accuracy, because you can't get a big enough ammount of it to make a difference 'til possibly end-game. It DOES help with critical hits, as my girlfriend certainly does critical much more often, but given the choice of X STR or X DEX, STR would prove more beneficial and reliable all around, especially when it comes to WS. The only situation where I'd choose DEX over STR is if I could get Byakko's Haidatte (sp?) I mean, 15 DEX in a single slot is a lot, enough to warrant using it, aside from the Haste. Like Ziero said, DEX is the last stat you'd pump as a melee.

        My priority is: STR > Attack > Accuracy (I only keep this high enough to hit consistently and/or not hold people back on skillchains.) I don't even have DEX on my list, I see it as an added bonus on certain equipments. Of course, I could be wrong, but I've definetely never been lacking in accuracy just because I'm Elvaan, and I've been very successful with STR-and-Attack setups on my gear.


        • #5
          Re: Acc Vs. Dex

          Just my 2c, if you're not benefitting directly from DEX (like THF) there's not much reason to pump up your dex. Go with Acc and Str will be much better for drg maybe.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            Re: Acc Vs. Dex

            Just be sensible on when raising Acc vs. DEX too. Obviously equiping an item that gives 1 Acc vs. and item that gives 3-4 DEX better to go with the DEX.

            Like stated DEX is what you'd call a general boost stat. Were as Acc is a specific boost stat. General boosts are best only when specific boosts are going to give less benefit. Otherwise getting the specific boosts are by far better.

            For DEX the general boosts you get is in Crit rate, Accuracy, Parry, Shield, and Guard I believe it is. Were as AGI has been attributed to increasing Evasion, Rng. Acc., and a few others.

            Going back to the example of 1 Acc. vs. 3-4 DEX or even 2 DEX, going with DEX is better because it isn't just the Acc boost which at the least may be 1 Acc. but it also increases the effectiveness of all those other stats even if it's small as a whole it's a greater boost (As long as the stat increases many general things that your job can use).

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #7
              Re: Acc Vs. Dex

              Parry, Shield, and Guard are controlled by AGI, just to clear that up. The only things you get out of DEX are Accuracy and Critical Hit rate.


              • #8
                Re: Acc Vs. Dex

                Shield might be controlled by STR, I don't think AGI does it. Think about it ... it takes a lot of strength to block a blow. AGI makes you evade ... kind of pointless for that stat to control something like shield/block.

                Parrying should be controlled by DEX ... not sure where you're getting your information from. As a DRK, I get more parrying rates with higher DEX than AGI ... my own experience.
                My Stats


                • #9
                  Re: Acc Vs. Dex

                  Soloing on my rdm I notice a decent boost in parries and shield blocks by buffing agi, not dex or str. The Eisen armor seems to point to agi as a tank stat as well. I have no real proof, but experience tells me agi boosts shield, parry, evasion, and lowers crits taken. Pretty noticeable on DC and EM mobs.

                  You could say you have to be fast to block and parry with high agi, the same way you could make an argument with str. It doesn't really mean much.

                  But it does justify a mithra pld a bit more if agi is tanking stat.


                  • #10
                    Re: Acc Vs. Dex

                    Think about it ... it takes a lot of strength to block a blow.
                    While some may make logistic sense in RL it may not work like that in game ^^ Having a higher grade in maths doesn't mean my fireball gonna be more powerful.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #11
                      Re: Acc Vs. Dex

                      That AGI controls Parry/Shield/Guard is a fact established long ago. I can't remember where I *originally* got it from but S-E establishes it in the infamous interview often linked to in Attack/STR/Defense/VIT discussions. Too lazy to dig up the link at the moment. There's lots of stuff in the game that don't make sense though. How can you miss a boomerang throw at a mob less than a foot away that has its back turned to you?


                      • #12
                        Re: Acc Vs. Dex

                        Originally posted by Armando
                        That AGI controls Parry/Shield/Guard is a fact established long ago. I can't remember where I *originally* got it from but S-E establishes it in the infamous interview often linked to in Attack/STR/Defense/VIT discussions. Too lazy to dig up the link at the moment. There's lots of stuff in the game that don't make sense though. How can you miss a boomerang throw at a mob less than a foot away that has its back turned to you?
                        Dex/agi/ and actually pretty much all stats have too many uses that we are only certain of a few.

                        One SE interview said that crit was agi vs dex, both ways, and maybe it effects shield/parry/etc in the same way also.

                        This is the reason you can crit alot if a lvl 75 start skilling up on a lvl 30 crab.

                        This also brings in the problem of 2dex ~1acc, but not really true.

                        Problem 1: agi vs dex = crit, and a crit will always hit. How does it relate to acc? It's not part of acc, but it's still a hit.

                        Problem 2: Level range, a 198xp monster and a 210 one seem like a chasm when you fight them. You miss so much less after a ding of mear 1 levels and opposite wize so much more if it's overed level to you.

                        Acc is a fickle thing it seems. Sometimes it will help a lot, other times it's worth crap.

                        A wize man knows when to use information to his advantage, but a wiser one knows that there is more he doesn't know.

                        As to the orginal poster's question. It will depend on your class the most whether to choose acc over dex, 2nd is your playing style and what you and pt fights, and finally your budget.

                        Actually if you're not sure, you probably don't have a very big budget so most likely it will come down to whatever you can afford that make your decision.


                        • #13
                          Re: Acc Vs. Dex

                          2 DEX =/= 1 Acc. I'm not sure what the relationship is myself, but that one hasn't been proven nor does it *seem* to hold true from personal experience.
                          This is wrong. You can very easily test this yourself by finding a High EVA mob and slowly adding accuracy items until it's neutral EVA. Or neutral EVA to low EVA. Then, you take off the acc equipment and put on double the amount of the DEX equipment. You'll find the mob has returned to the lower EVA rating. Very simple to test and it's a pet peeve of mine that people still don't believe this.


                          • #14
                            Re: Acc Vs. Dex

                            You and your "scientific experiments"
                            It seems like the 2 of whatever stat = 1 acc/r. acc/ atk or whatever. I thought I heard it was said in an interview, but I suppose its just as likely its something someone thought might be possible a long time ago and its been around so long its just taken as fact.
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #15
                              Re: Acc Vs. Dex

                              Actually, 2 dex does give 1 acc (plus the critical% bonus). The reason why some people think differently is because the aforementioned interview was translated in such a way that it was misleading in English.

                              So, 2 str gives 1 atk, 2 dex gives 1 acc, etc. etc.
                              DRK75 BLM75 WAR37 THF37 NIN37 SAM38 WHM38 RDM37

                              Which FF Character Are You?

