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linkshell etiquite

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  • linkshell etiquite

    my LS went down the toilet, but im still awaiting an answer from a LS to get in an upper tier linkshell. Should I wait until they say yes or no before i try for another LS?
    or just wait a week then apply to my second choice shell?
    Thom @ Lakshmi server -> 70WHM/75PLD/75SMN
    Shall Shell / The Ultimates / FatesHand All Right!

  • #2
    Re: linkshell etiquite

    Do what's inside your heart Daniel Son.
    "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
    <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
    nuts" -warbucket


    • #3
      Re: linkshell etiquite


      some LS take 1-2 months to decide. can you wait that long?
      if you apply to another LS will the first LS get offended?
      if you don't apply will it mean you miss a chance to join the 2nd LS?

      weigh the risks/rewards
      63/63 maps obtained


      • #4
        Re: linkshell etiquite

        they take as long as 2 months to decide o_O?
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Re: linkshell etiquite

          If the LS is down the toilet I would say hand in your pink slip and go LS less then apply to another.

          The Golden Age of BLM


          • #6
            Re: linkshell etiquite

            Just apply to lots, its just a game and if you want in a upper tier ls youll just have to wait for one to get back to you. If u really only want in one then wait for there reply but if you know a few good ones I dont not see a reason to apply to more than one at a time, especially when they take a month 2 reply
            75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
            Woodworking 91.9+2
            ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


            • #7
              Re: linkshell etiquite

              every LS is different. some LS can answer in 2 days, most take 1-2 weeks, some take months just because they are disorganazized
              63/63 maps obtained


              • #8
                Re: linkshell etiquite

                Originally posted by grunion
                every LS is different. some LS can answer in 2 days, most take 1-2 weeks, some take months just because they are disorganazized
                isn't "top-tier ls" and disorganized a contradiction?

                is this for an hnmls? ie what makes them "top-tier?"

                the reason, for my questions, is i've never had to "apply" for an ls, it's more like "hey, you want a pearl?" but then I'm not rank 6 yet either
                Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
                San Doria Rank 6
                ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

                Which FF Character Are You?

                a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

                #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


                • #9
                  Re: linkshell etiquite

                  I know my ls takes its time picking recruits. You must first be tested which means you'll go on hunts with us. The problem is the recruits are not always on during our hunts. So sometimes it takes a while to be able to test them. So all in all it can take a couple weeks between discussing, voting, and testing. The problem with applying somewhere else is that word gets around. If we hear that you applied to another ls then we don't think your very serious about ours. This does influence some people's opinions in the ls.
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                  • #10
                    Re: linkshell etiquite

                    What GrandMom says is true, when someone else switches LSs alot, its hard to give them help or know if they are going to stick with this LS or are they gonna leech help and ditch. I dont have a "top tier" LS but i think it applies to just about every LS somewhat when you ask for help but arent really on alot/help alot in return.


                    • #11
                      Re: linkshell etiquite

                      The family LS I'm in lets in new members every once in a while, and they're pretty good about helping out the new people when they need it. I try to help too, but I'm not at the best levels to help out. Since it's a family LS there's no do or die attitude about new recruits. Getting into higher tier HNMLSs and the like is usually done through word of mouth and friends. It's the easiest way.

                      Always good to have a family LS.


                      • #12
                        Re: linkshell etiquite

                        I dont naturally drop LS's for power or stuff like that, most of the time the linkshells just die.
                        Yeah im searching for a HNM oriented LS. It just takes awhile
                        Thom @ Lakshmi server -> 70WHM/75PLD/75SMN
                        Shall Shell / The Ultimates / FatesHand All Right!


                        • #13
                          Re: linkshell etiquite

                          You're a PLD... You should be gobbled up man... I run a linkshell too, and to get in is pretty simple for us, we have u apply online at our website, and then u get interviewed by a leader, so we can find out what your schedule is. If it doesnt fit in with the event days, not much of a reason to join is there...

                          So it all depends on the LS. Personally, I would be cool if you applied elsewhere, btu when the time came, you would have to decide, which LS. Most HLMN/Sky LS's have a 1 HLNM Ls rule, meaning you cant go kill gods with another Linkshell, its just dishonest...

                          And do you have Sky access? That plays a big role too, I dont knwo how many times I have done ZM4-12 to get more people into the LS, probably 10 times, if not more, it gets old fast, so now we mostly accept people who already have Sky, or atleast past ZM5.

                          Hope that helped!

                          PLD75| BLM42| WAR37| DRK30| THF25| WHM25| NIN22| MNK20| BST10|


                          • #14
                            Re: linkshell etiquite

                            You obviously know a couple linkshells you would like to be in, and have them narrowed down to choices. Apply to the ones that you actually want in. Don't apply to a linkshell just to have one, that will not help you nor the members of that shell. Being in a shell is a give and take relationship, most will get very upset if they feel they were chosen just because you didn't get into one of the other ones.

                            I run a linkshell as well. We started accepting 50+ and are now up to accepting only 60+ and in the process of getting everyone sky so we can start gods. It generally takes me 2-3 days to get back to someone if i know them, 1 week if a member doesn't. Reason being if a member can not vouche for the person applying, then we want them to come to events to get to know some of the members to see if they mesh well with the rest of the linkshell. Eventhough we are doing a lot of higher-level events such as hnms etc, we are very much a family, we do'nt want to invite someone in that will disrupt the balance we have worked so hard to build.

                            Best advise, just wait out the application process. Go to the shell that you want to be in. Don't settle.
                            Sandy 10 / Windy 6
                            69 Rdm | 65 Smn | 44 Whm | 39 Blm
                            DivineSoulz -- Co-owner
                            Stonars (Dynamis) -- Sackholder
                            Cooking -- 98.7 +1
                            PM 5-3

                            "Fight with a sword in your hand, a friend at your back, and magic in your veins"


                            • #15
                              Re: linkshell etiquite

                              sadly to say, a lot of players in ffxi dont care about any linkshell etiquite or whatever. As people may know that i been building a hnm/sky/dynamis etc linkshell, this enable me to see a lot of different players/character of the people playing it etc. I must say at least 90% of what i meet/recruit is irresponsible for their action/doing in the game.
                              Below is a list of type of person i experience orz

                              Apply to more then 1 linkshell for hnm etc is nothing wrong but joining more then 1 linkshell at one go only show how good you are. Even if you join more then 1 hnm linkshell in a short period of less then 1-2month also refect about you.
                              It can mean you are a hnm ls hopper( one who hop around hnm ls ) maybe you just dont want to work for the item you want and want it easy or without any much work or help out for the ls. or it can be you dont like that linkshell, but hey, i am sure if you want a good linkshell that suit you, you would go find out more information about it before joining it. But did you?

                              Someone who join for like 1-2month or lesser and after they get some or those item they want, they say goodbye to you. They can give you excuse of all sorts.
                              Excuses like they dont play in the hunt time the ls do, before they even step into the ls, i always explain quite a lot of stuffs to them like our hunt times/day etc which i think is stupid for people to say they dont know the hunt times and day and is bad for them after they can get item and then say that.And i still saw them playing at those time they say they cant come lol. maybe the other ls is better, the leader is mithra fetish according to some people so the mithra itself will get "free" gifts ;p who knows?

                              or like the ls no longer plan to do haku hat run and when u all do it, why cant i get mine and get piss of and left. People dont understand doing 3-8 haku run in a row require a few hours from gathering to moving there and to killing it and waiting for it to pop the ??? for it again.They also dont know others helping out need a break/ have dynamis soon etc and we cant finish all the runs at one go.And they cant wait for their turn next time. after all we had did more then 3-4 haku run alone.Oh talking abt haku run there are also people in a mix of this 2 reason and mia. After getting their haku hat. bomb queen ring,divine might earring, they just mia.Well maybe me and my team of sack are too good and willing to help those who just join too to get all this item despite the fact we know they are morons in game lol.

                              Another type of people is impatience, they cant wait for people to gather, or make decision. i know i take like 3-10mins to think sometimes but does people put themself in my shoe? i need to plan, think of how to do it with what jobs if we get to choose or if 12 people can kill genbu etc. Yes is boring to wait, but is a pain and hardwork to think, work it out and yet get blame for slowing things down =.="

                              too many types of morons in games ;p
                              luckily, i still able to see some loyal face which put hardwork to gain.
                              but this potion of people are like only 10% of what i saw orz
                              very sad Jeanrc ; ;
                              Makes me so sad

