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Dynamis Newbie.

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  • #31
    Re: Dynamis Newbie.

    That happened to the leader of our LS... There were people afk and they lost the SMN AF because of the zone out. Needless to say he was not a happy camper and they have set rules about going afk in the last 5 mins of dynamis, as in, dont do it or you will receive a point deduction.

    Warrior TP Warrior WS


    • #32
      Re: Dynamis Newbie.

      my own ls lose a pld af2 in dynamis due to maybe afk or not paying attention fast enough and pass the af2 as it dropped in the last 1-3mins


      • #33
        Re: Dynamis Newbie.

        Yeah it really sucks, and the bad thing is that the people that did it are experienced dynamis players. It wasn't like they were new at it or anything. They knew better. Right now there is a chance that those people are going to be removed from the shell, but not sure yet.
        Sandy 10 / Windy 6
        69 Rdm | 65 Smn | 44 Whm | 39 Blm
        DivineSoulz -- Co-owner
        Stonars (Dynamis) -- Sackholder
        Cooking -- 98.7 +1
        PM 5-3

        "Fight with a sword in your hand, a friend at your back, and magic in your veins"


        • #34
          Re: Dynamis Newbie.

          Removed from the shell? thats a little harsh. Its nothing another 2 maybe 3 farming runs wont fix. I believe my old Dynamis LS might start doing farming runs on another day to get AF and currency. (I say old because I had to resign due to school. Going from 9-9:30pm EST to anywhere from 11pm to 2am or later was not working for me when I have to get up at 6)

          Warrior TP Warrior WS


          • #35
            Re: Dynamis Newbie.

            yes i agree removing them from the linkshell will be very harsh, but it's not my choice entirely. I can voice my opinion against it since it was a first time occurance, but if it continues to happen there is no way that this person will be allowed to stay in the shell.

            Everyone knows dynamis is long and time consuming and requires a lot of attention, it gets old sitting there for that long, and i understnad that, but going afk like that just can't happen. Emergencies are one things, but just outright afk is another.
            Sandy 10 / Windy 6
            69 Rdm | 65 Smn | 44 Whm | 39 Blm
            DivineSoulz -- Co-owner
            Stonars (Dynamis) -- Sackholder
            Cooking -- 98.7 +1
            PM 5-3

            "Fight with a sword in your hand, a friend at your back, and magic in your veins"


            • #36
              Re: Dynamis Newbie.

              If you go afk during a boss pull or in the last few minutes sure, but if you go afk when everyone is still working their way over to a camp then its not such a big deal. Just stay out of repop zones in case they kill an NM that causes repops >.>

              Warrior TP Warrior WS


              • #37
                Re: Dynamis Newbie.

                Just for future dynamis, generally if you have to afk for more than 2 or 3 minutes for something IRL (i.e. cooking dinner) you should /logout or /pol log till you get back. Saves the small chance of you fucking up dynamis by being afk and somehow causing everyone to die (I've seen it quite a few times in more than one dynamis LS)
                Calin - Ragnarok


                • #38
                  Re: Dynamis Newbie.

                  My first dynamis LS lost a red mage hat by people being AFK/not passing when it dropped in the final 2 minutes of a dynamis-xarcabard run once - a RED MAGE HAT. That's like the drop I would cry if I ever got (as would most RDMs) and because of AFKers it got lost.

                  FFS just flip the off switch on your PC as you walk out of the door, then at least your character would clear the zone eventually (and you'd have a smaller electricity bill). The only time I've afked in dynamis has been to go to the restroom while dead and waiting on a raise, or with my old LSes permission in a known safe spot in case RDM hands dropped so everyone could pass and they would auto-lot to me (I'm in England, it was a LS that works on PST so went in REALLY late by my standards and it was a work night - and people knew how much never getting those hands has bugged me)... they didn't drop.
                  Cesaria ~ Midgardsormr

                  Always remember - no matter how high you level, there is always a bunny somewhere in Vanadiel that can kick your ass.


                  • #39
                    Re: Dynamis Newbie.

                    {wireless phone} {do you have it ?}

                    and you really shouldnt even think about cooking something while doing a dynamis...

                    if you do dynamis give your head /realLive OFF
                    ppl will always bitch about afk'ers and and failed sack pulls because thats the real reason for them AF not dropping or them not having enaugh points to lot

                    CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                    Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.

