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Some news from Famitsu

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  • #16
    Re: Some news from Famitsu

    Originally posted by Manatra
    Well, the community has essentially made Ninja a tank (though it can be somewhat effective at other roles).

    Even if SE never intended Ninja to become a tank, they've left it for far too long like this to significantly change it's role (ie, make shadow tanking near useless and changing them to DD) as most Ninja's now a days play it to tank. At this point they need to learn to go with what the community has turned it into. If they decided to neutralize a Ninja's tanking ability I suspect the community backlash would be quite severe...
    You mean like how they decided to change Rng 3 years into the game and the backlash then? I don't think SE care about backlash so much. People said themselves that Pld is last choice for parties at lvl 75. This is similar to how there use to be 6-8 Rng at hnm camps (sometimes per LS) compared to 1-2 of other melee jobs. I don't hate Nin. However, with SE seeing how popular they are compared to Pld, I can see them nerfing Nin more to make Pld more popular instead of making Pld better. Similar to how they nerfed Rng and instead of enhancing the other melee jobs, but not as severe. That's my prediction, but we'll see.
    Last edited by fastcart; 09-07-2005, 03:30 PM.

    Title: Sergeant Major
    SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
    Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
    Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
    Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


    • #17
      Re: Some news from Famitsu

      I don't see it as a nerf per se, but more of them molding nin into what they wanted it to be, which is probably more of a damage/support role.

      But if you really like nin tanks then I guess you would perceive it as a nerf... meh
      DRK75 BLM75 WAR37 THF37 NIN37 SAM38 WHM38 RDM37

      Which FF Character Are You?


      • #18
        Re: Some news from Famitsu

        Originally posted by Manatra
        Well, the community has essentially made Ninja a tank (though it can be somewhat effective at other roles).

        Even if SE never intended Ninja to become a tank, they've left it for far too long like this to significantly change it's role (ie, make shadow tanking near useless and changing them to DD) as most Ninja's now a days play it to tank. At this point they need to learn to go with what the community has turned it into. If they decided to neutralize a Ninja's tanking ability I suspect the community backlash would be quite severe...
        That having been said, I don't think I've ever found a "DD Ninja."

        There have been times I'd check a WAR's /search comments and it will mention weapons they can use, as well as if they're a Tank or just DD. I never see "Tank or DD" in the /search comments of a NIN. I only see how much Atk or Eva plus gear they have.
        PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
        RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

        Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
        SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


        • #19
          Re: Some news from Famitsu

          Originally posted by tdh
          That having been said, I don't think I've ever found a "DD Ninja."

          There have been times I'd check a WAR's /search comments and it will mention weapons they can use, as well as if they're a Tank or just DD. I never see "Tank or DD" in the /search comments of a NIN. I only see how much Atk or Eva plus gear they have.

          Read both. Even considering he has top notch equipment, I see no reason not to see 600+ Blade: Jin and 60+ normal attacks out of any NIN after 70 with even half-decent STR/ATK gear and proper food.


          • #20
            Re: Some news from Famitsu

            Originally posted by fastcart
            You mean like how they decided to change Rng 3 years into the game and the backlash then? I don't think SE care about backlash so much. People said themselves that Pld is last choice for parties at lvl 75. This is similar to how there use to be 6-8 Rng at hnm camps (sometimes per LS) compared to 1-2 of other melee jobs. I don't hate Nin. However, with SE seeing how popular they are compared to Pld, I can see them nerfing Nin more to make Pld more popular instead of making Pld better. Similar to how they nerfed Rng and instead of enhancing the other melee jobs, but not as severe. That's my prediction, but we'll see.
            RNG didnt go from DD to tank...You still are the same type of job just you cant destroy everything you see...Changing NIN from tank to DD would show DRASTIC changes to the game...RNG where damn good DDs...but sorry their not the only ones who can do damage, there was a very small diversity between melee on HNM/GODs, as you see SE doesnt like this...They want a balance to the game and having 8 RNG and 2 other melee isnt what they wanted...There are still a good number of PLD to every NIN, and some things NIN cant tank (things that spam Ga spells or AoE) to balance out the mix. Its the same thing for RNG now and things take more plaining then "Ok the party of RNG Barrage and sidewinder and the party of BLM thundaga 3" and knock of a few thousend damage...

            Having just PLD as a tank (seeing how something would be nerfed to Utsusemi not so much the job) would drasticly change the game...They wouldnt do something that changed the job from tank to DD, since NIN can already do damage just no one does it...


            • #21
              Re: Some news from Famitsu

              You mean like how they decided to change Rng 3 years into the game and the backlash then? I don't think SE care about backlash so much.
              Where was the backlash? If you mean people bitching on forums, PT chat and LS chat or giving up RNG and starting another job thats not really backlash. I dont know if anyone quit the game over it; but thats the only thing that Might cause SE devs to say "oh maybe we made a mistake"

              If they decided to neutralize a Ninja's tanking ability I suspect the community backlash would be quite severe...
              Same as my above paragraph. There will be no big backlash, just alot of people moaning and whining on forums and in game.

              Until SE does something that is causing accounts to be dropping like flies there has been no backlash from changes made.

              Hell SE cares about the accounts being active, more people have quit due to grouping, economy, and level cap quests then any of the job changes made in the time I have been in game.

              Hori retreated from battle. What a coward.
              San d'Oria
              (´ ゜ω゜`)
              Don't like to haste our precious NIN tank? You're not RDM, then. -Apple Pie/Grendal


              • #22
                Re: Some news from Famitsu

                Thanks for the info Johnny, I cant wait for the new areas and hopefully new storyline material. I loved Promathia, even if im in the minority. The new jobs discussion sounds good also.

                Thanks for sharing ill check out Famitsu and magic box soon.
                It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                • #23
                  Re: Some news from Famitsu

                  I liked CoP cause you actually had to be skilled at the game to make it through the missions. A lot of people thought CoP was too hard but most likly they need to become better at the game. The storyline was great I really had a fun time doing it. It was kind of dissapointing that SE made the missions easier. I did all the missions before they were made easier.

                  Now Jobs sounds great.

                  As a PLD i know that PLD doesn't ever get merit point party. Its kind of a joke job to have at 75 because you always get picked last if a Ninja is seeking can forget about getting an exp party. I made almost all my partys to exp my PLD. Sometimes i get the random tell for exp when i am not seeking cause there was no nin. I did most of my merit points on my RDM and RNG. I don't really think SE intended NIN to be the sole tank. The change which I think needs to be implemented is that Nin blink should be similar to WHM blink in that there is a chance they actually get hit. As a pld we don't do good damage, nin hit much harder. We need healing as a pld and Nin can take no damage. Just doesn't seem quite fair.


                  • #24
                    Re: Some news from Famitsu

                    Actully they need give nin abilitys nerf no thanks
                    cant wait for new offical info

                    Originally posted by Paul
                    It was kind of dissapointing that SE made the missions easier. I did all the missions before they were made easier.
                    Did they? :/
                    i did all once they was released as far i know only first mission become easy now

                    actully its harder now in the past brds can sleep ouryu none stop now you cant also after rng nerf cop must become little harder since most ppl do cop with 2 rng + tank and 3 mages setup and lets not forget now when blm is weakneed there magic atk power will be very weak so the old tactis reraise>freeze>reraise>freeze>reraise>freeze not good as its used to be

                    orz if they nerf nin ppl who want to clear cop will get fuked since nin is way better than pld at most missions for cop also tankin hard stuff will be pld/nin job <.< not fair

                    Main : Sephiro
                    Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                    COP missions = Complated


                    • #25
                      Re: Some news from Famitsu

                      We need more mages in general...preferably Blue mages...but that's personal prefrence.

                      Another refresher, another tank, and perhaps another healer would be nice additions.
                      All spells obtained!
                      Homam Gear: 2/5


                      • #26
                        Re: Some news from Famitsu

                        Originally posted by l)@RK-l)EVIL
                        Did they? :/
                        i did all once they was released as far i know only first mission become easy now
                        A few of the missions they made easier. I remember a time where players were leveling rng, blm or smn to 30 just to get past promivions. Now, a balanced party (even with a drg [no offense to drg]) can beat them. I recently re-did the Ouryu fight. He didn't spam Ochur Blast or Bai Wing like he used to. In fact, I would call the fight a breeze. It took my cop spt 4 tries to beat him before due to his ability spamming.

                        Tenzen is still a pain though.

                        Title: Sergeant Major
                        SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                        Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                        Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                        Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                        • #27
                          Re: Some news from Famitsu

                          Ninja doesn't need to be altered.

                          PLD needs to be buffed, if anything. Make Sentinel reduce a percentage of damage for starters.

                          The change which I think needs to be implemented is that Nin blink should be similar to WHM blink in that there is a chance they actually get hit. As a pld we don't do good damage, nin hit much harder.
                          The change you're suggesting would cripple Ninja's usefulness as it currently stands an reduce it to another DD, something which this game does not need more of. Hasn't this been argued about enough as it is?

                          An rangers were hardly crippled in the last patch, they still rip hate off my PLD, an they still do great damage. It only dropped them down a peg or two so other DD classes could compete.
                          "We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"


                          • #28
                            Re: Some news from Famitsu

                            I agree we don't need another DD, and we need more tank jobs, but Ninja as a tank? They could probably change Ninja and Samurai around so that samurai tanks better and Ninja can get back to DD. Samurai would be the equal to a knight or paladin in the far east so it would make more sense than ninja.

                            War/Mnk can still make a good tank, but nobody wants to invite them. Everybody thinks warriors should be DD.


                            • #29
                              Re: Some news from Famitsu

                              Originally posted by Impaction
                              I agree we don't need another DD, and we need more tank jobs, but Ninja as a tank? They could probably change Ninja and Samurai around so that samurai tanks better and Ninja can get back to DD. Samurai would be the equal to a knight or paladin in the far east so it would make more sense than ninja.

                              War/Mnk can still make a good tank, but nobody wants to invite them. Everybody thinks warriors should be DD.
                              OK, then give SAM all the ninjitsus and nin a JSE and equip pool that lets them have +98 str if they want. thats fine with me.

                              i cant belive how you guys want ninja to be changed, not only ninja but THF , WAR, RDM and PLD (end game wise) would get crippled. ><

                              sorry i dont see how anyone would benefit from that.

                              CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                              Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


                              • #30
                                Re: Some news from Famitsu

                                I don't want to see nin gimped but I do want to see more viable options for being a dd. Right now its way too expensive to be a top of the line dd as a nin. Some people want to play the job that way but its really hard to between the cost and the attitudes of people. Of course, they would have to figure out some way to seperate the 2 because a tanking nin that could do top of the line dmg too would be hell on wheels! But having the option to be one or the other would be nice.
                                Originally posted by Feba
                                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                                Originally posted by Taskmage
                                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                                Originally posted by DakAttack
                                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

