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Quick question from a new player

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  • Quick question from a new player

    Hey guys I just started and i've been play WOW since beta and after haveing 2 lvl 60 characters it just lost all its fun. Now im gonna get into FFXI because i heard it takes time and theres more story etc. But my question is how are the healing classes in FFXI? My main in WOW is a LVL 60 priest and I really love playin a healing class, from experience how are the healing classes in this game, hard to play, really easy to play, boring to play, really fun to play, you get the idea. Just a quick stupid question from a noob . And it seems that all the people on these forums are really nice compared the the WOW fourms lol. thx again

    Double Post Edited:
    Last edited by kaim; 09-04-2005, 08:32 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  • #2
    Re: Quick question from a new player

    Playing WHM is close to playing a Priest in WoW. If ya liked priest you will definitely like WHM, maybe even more.


    • #3
      Re: Quick question from a new player

      Whm doesn't have the killing machine capabilities that Priests have in WoW. If you like healing, and purely healing, you'll love Whm.

      Leveling Whm also opens up possibilties in leveling other mage jobs, because you can sub it. Black mages are types that nuke and magic burst, red mages are a little bit of both Whm, and Blm, but do have a set of their own unique spells. Bards are basically buffers and wanted in every party. Summoners have a potential that not everybody sees, and usually suffers from a lack of invites. =/

      So you wont always be healing because you'll need to level a sub job for the Whm, which will most likely be Blm. The "diversity" in talent trees in WoW is replaced by the diversity in the experiences you'll have while playing FFXI. I'm sure you'll enjoy anything you choose.


      • #4
        Re: Quick question from a new player

        Yea, WHM is pretty much the main base to healing. They have some cool armor too! ^0^ I hate being an RDM since they give you multiple commands, lousy freakin' lazy people.... -.-; Go for WHM though! ^-^ One like the priest, two not many of them around, and three you can get around pretty easily with that job! (^-^)b


        There once was fish,

        Whom made a perfect dish

        To a giant fish.

        The giant fish was caught,

        By a Mithra which sought

        To fill her hunger.

        The Mithra was slayed,

        By a monster whom would raid

        The land.

        What have we learned?


        • #5
          Re: Quick question from a new player

          playing a whm in ff is sort of more easy then a rdm but u still have your big part to play in.
          If you want to be a very good whm then look at here.
          Always cast regen spell on the tank( regen = constant small healing without getting much hate ). Haste ninja or other melee when u get the haste spell. cure negative effect like para, slow, stone, whatever it is. This is the harder part because is hard to notice it sometimes what cure is needed but if you pay good attention and has a good filter on u could quite easily spot it and cure it fast. and the last thing is cure cure cure cure and cure


          • #6
            Re: Quick question from a new player

            Originally posted by JeanRC
            playing a whm in ff is sort of more easy then a rdm but u still have your big part to play in.
            If you want to be a very good whm then look at here.
            Always cast regen spell on the tank( regen = constant small healing without getting much hate ). Haste ninja or other melee when u get the haste spell. cure negative effect like para, slow, stone, whatever it is. This is the harder part because is hard to notice it sometimes what cure is needed but if you pay good attention and has a good filter on u could quite easily spot it and cure it fast. and the last thing is cure cure cure cure and cure
            Some mobs do abilities where it does not tell you in the log if the pt members are silence'd, etc. You have to become familiar with the mobs abilities and always keep a very close eye on the log.

            Rdm is busier than whm but whm carries a lot of responsibility. Both jobs have their +'s and -'s and some people are better suited to one over the other. I enjoy both but I think I prefer rdm.
            Originally posted by Feba
            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
            Originally posted by Taskmage
            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
            Originally posted by DakAttack
            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


            • #7
              Re: Quick question from a new player

              If you are familiar with WS effect, you can also look out for say Mandragora's Leaf Throw.


              • #8
                Re: Quick question from a new player

                Used to play WoW as well, but got bord so order FFXI, cant wait to get it should get it in the next 2-3 days (ordered it from the US).

                But that is besides the point, my first char is going to be a white mage, I love the healing idea and I like my healing char in WoW 2.

                Now the only thing would be sub job, I like the idea of a healing samurai or ninja, but it sound like not a sound idea. lol

                So I guess I will be Whtmage/ summonder.


                • #9
                  Re: Quick question from a new player

                  healing samurai or ninja will only work well or maybe accepted in solo.
                  in party usually u are require to sub blackmage or summoner if u have it.
                  Subbing redmage may do too but not that good compare to blackmage or summoner.
                  But remember summoner is a advance job which mean u have to be lv 30 in any job before u can do quest to get the summoner job.
                  So is wise to start off with whm sub blackmage first.
                  For the new people coming to ffxi.
                  u need to do sub job quest too so u can get a sub job and the requirement is lv 18 i think if i did not remember wrongly


                  • #10
                    Re: Quick question from a new player

                    I typically find SMN to be a worthless subjob before lvl 50 when you get Auto Refresh from its traits.

