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i love ENMs

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  • i love ENMs

    i just wanted to share my happiness w/ the ENMs they added to the game. a lot of people still don't know about these or haven't tried them. has a detailed page listing them all but i imagine some people just dont know enough about them to try

    enm is basically a BC that you enter with a key item. theres 9-10 ENM you can do, and you can do each one every 5 days. there's NPCs that can tell you how much time you have left til you can do an ENM again (like moritz, upper jeuno)

    what is great about enms is:
    a) free to enter - no kindred seals to farm
    b) no exp loss for dying! not only does that make them risk-free, it makes the battle easier because everyone can raise themselves and others
    c) some VERY nice drops you can't get any other way
    d) the fights are mostly very easy
    e) 2000-4000 xp or limit points reward

    here's some of my favorits:

    Like The Wind
    prep: talk to taru at attowah chasm entrance to get cotton pouch. climb the top of the mountain on east side, trade pouch to spot at top. run back to taru at entrance and trade him the pouch for key item. enter BC at boneyard gully
    fight: an Eft that constantly runs around. hits moderately hard, does aeroga3 and gravity. i can *almost* solo it simply by sic'ing fenrir on it. 3-4 person limit i think
    rewards: 2000 xp, maneater, galatei, paeon5, other items

    prep: just talk to npc in jeuno, and warp to top floor from entrance
    fight: 4 memory receptacles. red one is invincible til you kill the other 3. the other 3 have very low HP (can be 1-shotted almost by a good WS) and when they die they pop an empty monster (also very low HP). what makes this amusing is the MRs are constantly doing empty seed and the central MR also does draw in constantly, so youll be pushed back, drawn in, over and over. its quit funny. 6-18 people allowed, beat it easily with 8.
    rewards: 3000xp, lots of good 1mil+ items but the really good drop is toreador's ring, HP +10, Accuracy +7

    anyway if you haven't done any ENM yet, try them! 3 are capped at level 30 so almost anyone can do them
    Last edited by grunion; 08-31-2005, 07:27 AM.
    63/63 maps obtained

  • #2
    Re: i love ENMs

    Originally posted by grunion
    i just wanted to share my happiness w/ the ENMs they added to the game. a lot of people still don't know about these or haven't tried them. has a detailed page listing them all but i imagine some people just dont know enough about them to try

    enm is basically a BC that you enter with a key item. theres 9-10 ENM you can do, and you can do each one every 5 days. there's NPCs that can tell you how much time you have left til you can do an ENM again (like moritz, upper jeuno)

    what is great about enms is:
    a) free to enter - no kindred seals to farm
    b) no exp loss for dying! not only does that make them risk-free, it makes the battle easier because everyone can raise themselves and others
    c) some VERY nice drops you can't get any other way
    d) the fights are mostly very easy
    e) 2000-4000 xp or limit points reward

    here's some of my favorits:

    Like The Wind
    prep: talk to taru at attowah chasm entrance to get cotton pouch. climb the top of the mountain on east side, trade pouch to spot at top. run back to taru at entrance and trade him the pouch for key item. enter BC at boneyard gully
    fight: an Eft that constantly runs around. hits moderately hard, does aeroga3 and gravity. i can *almost* solo it simply by sic'ing fenrir on it. 3-4 person limit i think
    rewards: 2000 xp, maneater, galatei, paeon5, other items

    prep: just talk to npc in jeuno, and warp to top floor from entrance
    fight: 4 memory receptacles. red one is invincible til you kill the other 3. the other 3 have very low HP (can be 1-shotted almost by a good WS) and when they die they pop an empty monster (also very low HP). what makes this amusing is the MRs are constantly doing empty seed and the central MR also does draw in constantly, so youll be pushed back, drawn in, over and over. its quit funny. 6-18 people allowed, beat it easily with 8.
    rewards: lots of good 1mil+ items but the really good drop is toreador's ring, HP +10, Accuracy +7

    anyway if you haven't done any ENM yet, try them! 3 are capped at level 30 so almost anyone can do them
    Sounds good, I'll try 'em out. ^^


    • #3
      Re: i love ENMs

      Man you just don't stop. A Somepage on wheels with attention whore intentions. On every forum too.


      • #4
        Re: i love ENMs

        shhhh. Don't spread the word.


        • #5
          Re: i love ENMs

          lol at above poster -.-

          he's right tho XD
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #6
            Re: i love ENMs

            Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
            Man you just don't stop. A Somepage on wheels with attention whore intentions. On every forum too.
            you aren't by any chance supposed to be on some kind of medication? relax guy.
            63/63 maps obtained


            • #7
              Re: i love ENMs

              Don't mind him, he's the local ENFT.


              • #8
                Re: i love ENMs

                Don't even know what that means.

                Anything he's said can be easily found at w/o all the bull crap.


                • #9
                  Re: i love ENMs

                  Yeah, I really like ENMs as well. The level 30 ones are pretty easy, but my favorite is probably the level 60 solo "Pulling the Strings".

                  It's like a mini-maat fight. Cept it's pretty easy xD. The drops are kinda lame, but free XP. Wewt. Only thing is.. the two ENMs that take place here aren't exactly free entry (Automation assault, I believe and pulling the strings). You've got two choices.. One is using firesand to move around bridges in movalpolis and navigate your way there.. or, gamble with the Gobbie near the entrance in gustaburg and you can get warped there. Usually only costs 10k but still. That's a lot of cash for 2k XP.

                  Corwynn's Journal

                  Red Mage for life.

                  What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

