Re: Help on the expansion.
Hmm... Ok. I am glad to be wrong this time. ^^ A few years ago, I bough UO off ebay. Was a pain...
I'd start the installation before you go to bed. When it starts downloading, you can leave it over night and it should (barring any errors or isp drops) be ready in the morning. Unless you're on dialup. If you keep putting it off, it can come back to bite you.
Case in point, my ls was heading to Uleguerand Range. The whm got demon agro near the zone line. The rest of us told him to run to zone since it was close. He died because he didn't have cop installed and couldn't access Uleguerand. ;; We felt so bad. Those who have CoP take having CoP for granted.
Originally posted by pearlsea
I'd start the installation before you go to bed. When it starts downloading, you can leave it over night and it should (barring any errors or isp drops) be ready in the morning. Unless you're on dialup. If you keep putting it off, it can come back to bite you.
Case in point, my ls was heading to Uleguerand Range. The whm got demon agro near the zone line. The rest of us told him to run to zone since it was close. He died because he didn't have cop installed and couldn't access Uleguerand. ;; We felt so bad. Those who have CoP take having CoP for granted.