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Thinking about playing: some questions for vets :)

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  • #16
    Re: Thinking about playing: some questions for vets

    Originally posted by Kinsella
    do paladins have any solobility? I was under the impression there really was no way to solo in this game anyways.

    I would think about going red mage, but i like melee type classes better i think, you know like big heavy armor and huge sword or axe or something?
    Soloing in terms for a little EXP or for fun can be done with any job, PLD does soloing decent as its high DEF. Soloing is more for killing a few mobs to keep from deleveling upon death and the sort, but yes PLD can solo and do it well, maybee not aswell as RDM but they are good at it.



    • #17
      Re: Thinking about playing: some questions for vets

      ok thanks, i think i will be going Paladin. :D


      • #18
        Re: Thinking about playing: some questions for vets

        As a Paladin:
        1. Dieing is an honor! lol.. You are twice as likely to experience death as a Paladin (if you're playing your party role well) ^^
        2. Forget about offense. There is no way to compensate the defense you sacrifice for offensive powers. Well.. none as far as I know =]
        3. Dieing is an honor. ... I just have to emphasize on this =p

        I can get you a worldpass to Shiva, but since you've decided to go Bahamut... ^^
        Welcome & have fun
        Ailleann (E)- 28MNK / 30WAR - Shiva - Bastok Rank5
        Beauseanne(H)- 36WHM / 31BLM - Shiva - Bastok Rank5
        >> Woodworking33; Smithing22; Alchemy16


        • #19
          Re: Thinking about playing: some questions for vets

          FFXI has the best storyline out of ever MMORPG ever. Period.

          Quests are more than backstory too. Some quests are just god damn amazing when it comes to it. Mostly the CoP ones.


          • #20
            Re: Thinking about playing: some questions for vets

            Originally posted by aimuko
            As a Paladin:
            1. Dieing is an honor! lol.. You are twice as likely to experience death as a Paladin (if you're playing your party role well) ^^
            2. Forget about offense. There is no way to compensate the defense you sacrifice for offensive powers. Well.. none as far as I know =]
            3. Dieing is an honor. ... I just have to emphasize on this =p

            I can get you a worldpass to Shiva, but since you've decided to go Bahamut... ^^
            Welcome & have fun
            lol i'm getting from this that they die alot? =x


            • #21
              Re: Thinking about playing: some questions for vets

              Well, as a job that's built to take hits for the other members of the party, you should expect some close shaves.

              Or deep cuts? Ouch. ;

