Hey, i'm a newcomer to FFXI. I haven't even bought it yet, but i've seen a friend play it a while back, but i never got around to trying it. But now i'm in the position where it's getting more tempting and tempting.
Basically i'm coming from WoW, and i'm trying to decide between Lineage 2 and FFXI now. WoW is just boring me and i'm losing all the interest i had in it, really fast actually. I want something new and fresh to me, and FFXI is probably one of the only MMORPG's i've really never played, and i hear many good things about it.
Now some questions:
1) How is the story in FFXI? I love a good storyline in MMORPGS, despite how most people tend to think MMORPGS are just grind fests, i actually like to pay attention to the story somewhat, at least understand it lol. Is it evolving? Are there any quests/missions in the game that actually reward you? (Lineage 2 quests are pointless and unrewarding, for some relation).
2) How is the community? I love friendly communities. My friend played on Bahamut when he played FFXI, and everyone seemed really nice, so i will probably be joining that server. But how is the FFXI community as a whole? One reason i'm leaning more towards FFXI over Lineage 2, is that i've played Lineage 2, and i can say that 80% of the Lineage 2 community are either elitist pvp @$$hats, or 13 angsty kids playing Dark Elves. I know their are gil farmers (like every other game), but basically i'm just looking for a friendly environment.
3) I think i will want to play a sword/shield wielding class......so if i was going to do that, yet i still wanted to be desired highly by groups and find groups easily, which class/subclass would i go, or what are some options that still meet that criteria?
4) I will be probably joining Bahamut, but i would really love a guild (linkshell, is what you call them?), to take me under their wings and befriend me, just simply so i can have a group of friendly people to talk to while i learn the ropes, and maybe even they can teach me a few things along the way and i can eventually catch up and group with you all
So basically, without sounding like a beggar, can any experienced LS on Bahamut offer to take me under their wings and help me out alittle if i have a question along my way of leveling? If so, this will really help convince me to pick up FFXI, b/c i enjoy games 200% more when i have a good group of people to always chat with and play with.
---if you made it this far, thank you much for reading all this, and if you have any input, it would be muchly appreciated. I'm just a MMORPG fiene who needs a new drug, and hoping FFXI will fit just right, as i'm actually getting more excited about picking it up, the more i type.
Basically i'm coming from WoW, and i'm trying to decide between Lineage 2 and FFXI now. WoW is just boring me and i'm losing all the interest i had in it, really fast actually. I want something new and fresh to me, and FFXI is probably one of the only MMORPG's i've really never played, and i hear many good things about it.
Now some questions:
1) How is the story in FFXI? I love a good storyline in MMORPGS, despite how most people tend to think MMORPGS are just grind fests, i actually like to pay attention to the story somewhat, at least understand it lol. Is it evolving? Are there any quests/missions in the game that actually reward you? (Lineage 2 quests are pointless and unrewarding, for some relation).
2) How is the community? I love friendly communities. My friend played on Bahamut when he played FFXI, and everyone seemed really nice, so i will probably be joining that server. But how is the FFXI community as a whole? One reason i'm leaning more towards FFXI over Lineage 2, is that i've played Lineage 2, and i can say that 80% of the Lineage 2 community are either elitist pvp @$$hats, or 13 angsty kids playing Dark Elves. I know their are gil farmers (like every other game), but basically i'm just looking for a friendly environment.
3) I think i will want to play a sword/shield wielding class......so if i was going to do that, yet i still wanted to be desired highly by groups and find groups easily, which class/subclass would i go, or what are some options that still meet that criteria?
4) I will be probably joining Bahamut, but i would really love a guild (linkshell, is what you call them?), to take me under their wings and befriend me, just simply so i can have a group of friendly people to talk to while i learn the ropes, and maybe even they can teach me a few things along the way and i can eventually catch up and group with you all

---if you made it this far, thank you much for reading all this, and if you have any input, it would be muchly appreciated. I'm just a MMORPG fiene who needs a new drug, and hoping FFXI will fit just right, as i'm actually getting more excited about picking it up, the more i type.
