Sorry about the total lateness about getting great event info Se is apereantly slow with updating. >_> But I do have good news because out of all the 5 questions. They could only answer 1 and so I picked the best question I could find out of the 5 and I got a responce (NO please try sugesting other blah blah crap either for a answer) I'lll post my question as part of the transcript on the event site and here it is.
Quote from site
Community: How much of Vana'diel has already been uncovered? Can you give us any more information on the new expansion pack? Will it be in the "Far East"?
Yasu Kurosawa: We did announce that the expansion pack is coming, however the content we cannot discuss at this time. Usually we announce more info at large events like E3 or Tokyo Game Show. Of course the new expansion will be a new zone because things are always evolving in Vana'diel, so please watch for upcoming announcements.
I feel this means at the next BIG Gaming event the stuff on the new expanshion will be revealed.
As for the other stuff They had ballista all pvp only original jobs preset caracters 4 wins = prizes lots of teams played our team lost bc I couldnt get used to their gaming mice played whm..... Stupid taru whm...
As for the cure marathon ppl won befre i could arrive and I was in a rush to get my mirthra photo so i droped out the farthest I got to was lusisfse(sp) meadows.
I got my mirthra photo ^^ and better yest I got it signed by pretty much all the staff at the event Miss Rochester was there I got her to sign too.
There was some publicity including a rock radio station and some news team was there for a bit.
The event Its self was in two buldings a reception hall where you entered LFG for the ballista relaxed and got the photos and bought T-shirts (I got Jueno and Bastok they also had sandora BUT NO WINDURST) There was also 2 projection screens which showed the action and also beverges and food where served here (I didn't eat any food wings = stains ).
Near by was a local Anime store It was selling Japanese FFXI plushies ^^
I bought a sabertooth tiger one thay also had tonberry and cataur ones as well on sale 10% off.
In the main buliding there was pretty much all Major events about 50 computers in three rows two sides. At the first one it was used for free play (Didnt have acount ID couldn't log in ) and one for ballista when it was going on (It lasted long. Also there was a table near the rear where the pannel sat to relax until the q+a was up). When the cure marathon was happening all computers where in use. Then afterwards they used one row to do serveys.
There was also a stage set near the rear this was where the Q+A pannel sat when they came up and where the winners for the Marathon/Bsllista where given prizes. This was also where the costume contest was held ( sadly i never made it to the top 5. A Thief from texas won the contest ) In the back was another projection screen.
At the end of the Event they had a raffle. I did win but I didn't win the big Prize a comp but I did win a gaming mouse. ^^ My pic with my prize is on the site. (Its still there still unopened at my house currently )
Later If i get enough time I'll post some personal photos of the event as well as some of th stuff they gave out. So watch this space.
But until then find me on the Offical site link below.
Event site link (hint to find me in the photos I appear 4 times on the 1st page and im the only whm with a dark staff I also won a mouse im with the mirthras. )
Please post any comments about this.
Thank you
Quote from site
Community: How much of Vana'diel has already been uncovered? Can you give us any more information on the new expansion pack? Will it be in the "Far East"?
Yasu Kurosawa: We did announce that the expansion pack is coming, however the content we cannot discuss at this time. Usually we announce more info at large events like E3 or Tokyo Game Show. Of course the new expansion will be a new zone because things are always evolving in Vana'diel, so please watch for upcoming announcements.
I feel this means at the next BIG Gaming event the stuff on the new expanshion will be revealed.
As for the other stuff They had ballista all pvp only original jobs preset caracters 4 wins = prizes lots of teams played our team lost bc I couldnt get used to their gaming mice played whm..... Stupid taru whm...
As for the cure marathon ppl won befre i could arrive and I was in a rush to get my mirthra photo so i droped out the farthest I got to was lusisfse(sp) meadows.
I got my mirthra photo ^^ and better yest I got it signed by pretty much all the staff at the event Miss Rochester was there I got her to sign too.
There was some publicity including a rock radio station and some news team was there for a bit.
The event Its self was in two buldings a reception hall where you entered LFG for the ballista relaxed and got the photos and bought T-shirts (I got Jueno and Bastok they also had sandora BUT NO WINDURST) There was also 2 projection screens which showed the action and also beverges and food where served here (I didn't eat any food wings = stains ).
Near by was a local Anime store It was selling Japanese FFXI plushies ^^
I bought a sabertooth tiger one thay also had tonberry and cataur ones as well on sale 10% off.
In the main buliding there was pretty much all Major events about 50 computers in three rows two sides. At the first one it was used for free play (Didnt have acount ID couldn't log in ) and one for ballista when it was going on (It lasted long. Also there was a table near the rear where the pannel sat to relax until the q+a was up). When the cure marathon was happening all computers where in use. Then afterwards they used one row to do serveys.
There was also a stage set near the rear this was where the Q+A pannel sat when they came up and where the winners for the Marathon/Bsllista where given prizes. This was also where the costume contest was held ( sadly i never made it to the top 5. A Thief from texas won the contest ) In the back was another projection screen.
At the end of the Event they had a raffle. I did win but I didn't win the big Prize a comp but I did win a gaming mouse. ^^ My pic with my prize is on the site. (Its still there still unopened at my house currently )
Later If i get enough time I'll post some personal photos of the event as well as some of th stuff they gave out. So watch this space.
But until then find me on the Offical site link below.
Event site link (hint to find me in the photos I appear 4 times on the 1st page and im the only whm with a dark staff I also won a mouse im with the mirthras. )
Please post any comments about this.
Thank you