I am camping lizzy fine for an hour... All of a sudden i DC the slow type that take 5 mins or so... I come back on 3 times and Dc within 20 seconds each time. Now i reset the game entirely by logging all the way off, i come on and bam map loads for widescan and widescan wont load. I look and look at that DC logo... Why is it that everyone else camping dident dc even once?
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Yeah why....?
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Re: Yeah why....?
Is this a trick question? The only times I can think of, where other people disconnect when you do, are when the server is heavily congested somehow, Friends list, search system, and auction house don't work properly. And when everyone of a certian service provider collapses. Other than that, your disconnection is most likely a personal problem. Perhaps its your FFXI installation or internet/router settings.Altaeciana:75RDM/40BLM/71WHM/40SMN/37NIN/37DRK/40RNG/37WAR
Elemental days of our lives . . .:Fire-Earth-Water-Wind-Ice-Thunder-Light-Dark
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Re: Yeah why....?
Everythings been going very smooth for the past forever.. I've played since last january and this is the first time i've ever dc'd this many times in a row. Curious if anyone else is doing it on other servers than hades.Hey Yahiko, Want any lessons?
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Re: Yeah why....?
I wouldn't be to surprised about it with the recent loging problems to login and logout that have been occuring. Along with the data display during selecting your character being inaccurate. All this is basically network issues and getting DC'd is also network issue, possibly going to happen more till SE is able to hunt down the source of these problems and correct it.
Double Post Edited:
Probably something you might not like to hear but give it like a week from the sound of the resent problems it should take around a week or two to correct the problem.
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