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So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

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  • So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

    ok, i ask my RL friend how much gil he had. He said 770k. I was like how the hell did you get all that?! After being hesistant, he finally said he bought gil from ige. But the thing is, which i know has to be a lie, he said FFXI was supporting them (wtf) he bought 1mil gil for $20. Can i get a rip off?

  • #2
    Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

    It wasn't a lie he probably bought 1 mil for 20 dollars... but it was a lie about SE supporting it... wow what a waste of money
    [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


    • #3
      Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

      While gil selling is bad, it really isn't a waste. $20 can be earned in 1-2 hours of work at a real job. Most players however can not earn 1mill gil in 1-2 hours (some claim it, less can do it). So consider the time saved farming that could be spent earning real money. Thus it is really a waste to farm gil if you have the ability to get a real job and want to be technical. The way gil sellers gain gil is still wrong, but it can not be called wasteful.
      Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


      • #4
        Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

        everyone that has a problem with this are usually very vocal. if it wernt for gilbuyers there would be no gilsellers.i myself do not pass judjement or my beliefs on others. if i had the extra not needed for food and rent i would probaly buy gil. yes i know paying real money for play money is stupid. but like already stated farming is more costly in the long run on a per hour basis. my main problem with buying gil is the gil sellers themselves, or more exactly the ones that farm the gil, by camping the nm's that drop, highly sought after items. i wouldnt have to farm as much myself if i could camp an nm without competing with teams or alliances of gilsellers. i could get my item and go away happy. but with things like they are now prices go up so fast that you cant farmat a fast enuff rate to keeep up. case in point; when i was closing in on lvl 57 i wanted to buy vassago's scythe for drk. first time i checked ah price was 320k. i farmed near that much in one week went back to ah to buy price was 420k. 2 weeks later when i finally saw one on ah for sell price was around 600k. back to farming i go. it would have been better for me to have bought the gil and saved myself from the inflation alone.

        i would say if someone has real money to spare and wants to buy gil thats their decision. they are taking a chance on having their account deactivated. i will also tell you these are the same guys that will burn out. also in the long run, they will not have the feeling of accomplishment, that those of us have, that have spent hours farming and camping nm's for every item we have.


        • #5
          Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

          If you buy gil, you harm the games economy...

          but as people do buy gil, the games economy is already been harmed, and as a result you're at a disadvantage if you don't buy gil.

          What a vicious circle.


          • #6
            Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

            Originally posted by Zaptruder
            If you buy gil, you harm the games economy...

            but as people do buy gil, the games economy is already been harmed, and as a result you're at a disadvantage if you don't buy gil.

            What a vicious circle.
            Um no it doesn't harm the economy.

            The stupiest excuse one can make, we are all disavantage/advantage based on our real-life assets(time, money, connections). A lvl 75 character giving money to LSmembers/friends: Is he wrong to pick one over another? Of course not.

            I can borrow a peacock, sniper+1,speed belt, and kreken, but other people can't? Is that unfair? No of course not, it's my connections, and I use them freely.

            Same with online selling
            Gil/items mearly changes hands. No inflation, no cheating, no nothing.

            There is nothing techically wrong with gillselling, and actually beneficial as Station online from Sony has proved this, doing mass sting operations on hackers trying to sell duped money/items.

            What is wrong is it's againist the rules, and will be punished.

            Those are choice of the indivivual, but saying "It hurts xxx" is plain whining and wrong.


            • #7
              Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

              Originally posted by kuu
              Um no it doesn't harm the economy.

              The stupiest excuse one can make, we are all disavantage/advantage based on our real-life assets(time, money, connections). A lvl 75 character giving money to LSmembers/friends: Is he wrong to pick one over another? Of course not.

              I can borrow a peacock, sniper+1,speed belt, and kreken, but other people can't? Is that unfair? No of course not, it's my connections, and I use them freely.

              Same with online selling
              Gil/items mearly changes hands. No inflation, no cheating, no nothing.

              There is nothing techically wrong with gillselling, and actually beneficial as Station online from Sony has proved this, doing mass sting operations on hackers trying to sell duped money/items.

              What is wrong is it's againist the rules, and will be punished.

              Those are choice of the indivivual, but saying "It hurts xxx" is plain whining and wrong.
              People who buy gil are usually willing to pay more for certain items. This causes the price for many things to raise. It hurts the economy. It's mere economics.

              TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
              Personality Tests


              • #8
                Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

                Originally posted by solid-jamz
                People who buy gil are usually willing to pay more for certain items. This causes the price for many things to raise. It hurts the economy. It's mere economics.
                That includes me also? Gee I don't remember buying gil anywhere... I just have enough that I will pay for it, because I need it.

                Just because you can afford it doesn't mean you're buying gil somewhere.
                I.E. -> illogical point.

                It's another way of saying anyone who's rich buys gil, not only is it an insult, it's wrong again.

                The most important issues surrounding gilsellers are bots and prices. They will do it for cheaper then you, and they will take more risks then you.

                Just Like Rones said, $20 for 2mil is a heck of a good deal, most of us would not do the reverse. But's that a problem with outsourcing, not gilselling.

                Willing to work for less is simply that, you can't compete because your standards are high(as most 1st world countries are in contempt for)

                Neither have real answers except to regulate, much a reason why Sony's Station online was made. It's lets them regulate a market from things they don't want.


                • #9
                  Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

                  The difference between earning your own 20mil and buying 20mil is, you don't feel the pain of getting that 20mil, if I earned myself 20mil, I wouldn't go straight for a peacock charm or something, and spend it in a second, because I know to get back there, it will be hard work all over again, however to gil buyers, for as long as their wallet have money(and themselves without a life), they will just buy more if the stash run out;
                  For example, if someone is trying to put peacock charm up for 21mil(assuming 20mil is the accepted price, shown in price history), normal players like us who would be careful with the hard earned money of ours, would most likely be holding back til the next seller put it up as 20mil, but for gil buyers, they would just pay that 21mil, since everyone know, they "don't" have time to waste, must buy all the 1337 equips and lvl like a kazham n00b at lv50~(assuming they have the skill to get there, or leech party)

                  Also, if there isn't any gil buyers, there won't be any gil farmers, as IGE will have to close down FFXI section, since they can't afford to buy all those gil/account/item, then no one to sell to~ Gil buyers feed the gil farming industry, so directly or indirectly, gil buyers still hurt economy.


                  • #10
                    Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

                    Thats kinda stupid saying they dont hurt the economy. if it were no for the gilbuyers there would be no sellers to jack up prices its called supply and demand as lomg as there are people willing to pay X amount for y amount of gil there will people selling it. so when it gets to the point when leeping boots are 90mil lets see what your saying about them then
                    My gear

                    Jelly Ring thanks to Omegasoul woot! He pwns
                    Rank 7-2 sandy
                    ZM4 damn needing to wait till 65 ; ;
                    CoP chp 2-3
                    Enagaged to Veldan
                    It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool.


                    • #11
                      Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

                      yeah I agree, saying it does not hurt, just means that you are very blinded, the more gill that is farmed/gamined from AH and other metheads, and sold, the more and more taht prices will go up becuase of it, so STOP BUYING GIL and stop being morons. Tell your friend that bought some go shoot himself in the foot.
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                      • #12
                        Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

                        Sure, they got it pretty easy and might be more willing to spend it readily. However, consider the inverse of if they only earned $1 an hour, they might be more tight with the gil they buy. Also, if they don't care about money they will sell their items for less (causing just the opposite you claim). How is this any different from someone getting a lucky argus camping trip in the past and netting 20mill.

                        Gilbuying doesn't hurt the economy. Inflation occurs because their is more money being created than destroyed. Gil is created when you sell to an npc, complete a rank quest, etc. Gil is destroyed when you buy from an npc (eg: chocobo, ah fees, npc vendors, taxes). The only time gil sellers really encouraged inflation was the soft cap bug in rabao where people could easily craft and sell an item to npcs for good money.

                        Another factor in inflation is the number of products on sale vs money supply. As product stock increases, the value of items decrease (temporary deflation), as stocks become low, value increases (temporary inflation). Gil sellers do a good job of increasing stock by maximizing item production from nms (making sure an nm is killed asap so it can respawn soon) and farming. While their practices of mpk and monopolization are bad, as long as they don't sell to npcs they are not hurting the economy.
                        Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                        • #13
                          Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

                          Some people will try to blame everything bad on an easy target even when it has nothing to do with it.

                          History repeats itself so to say

                          Look another murder, damn those pedophiles!
                          Look another teenage death, damn those games.
                          Look another war, damn those Americans...wait that one might be right...

                          Getting it vs earning it??? Wow...I'm trying not to comment on it without making it sound degrading.

                          So how does picking up $10 oppose to working for it? I'll still spend based on my income and my desires... It's MY money. If spend it I lose it, no matter the source.
                          Last edited by kuu; 08-20-2005, 02:02 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

                            I'm not here to state anything, but I sort of enjoy it when people buy gil.

                            I don't myself, because I have no way to pay for it IRL; but at least people want to have good equipment. It's better to have a well-equiped person that sucks ass rather than a poorly equiped player that suck ass.


                            • #15
                              Re: So yeh my friend decided to buy gil...

                              I posted this on another forum about this same subject:

                              If this were real inflation, then the price of all items in game would rise. But this is not the case. Rare NM items and such have risen in price at incredible speeds while items that most people farm haven't.

                              Fire crystals have been 4-5k a stack for as long as I've been playing
                              Bee chips were always 6-9k
                              Bone Chips were always 3-4k
                              Sheep leather and ram stuff have been the same prices now as they've always been
                              ect ect

                              The only things to dramatically rise are the prices of rare equips. Most of which are farmed and camped by Gil sellers. It's not that there is more money in the game then items people need, it's that people don't need to work for it and can get it instantly. Thus the higher priced items will sell faster, and the seller can then try to raise the price of the same item in an attempt to get more gil.

                              And as for the 'I don't have time to make gil' crap I keep hearing. If you have time to exp you have time to make money. Instead of throwing your LFG flag up that day, take up a craft, go farming or mining, do some quests and sell the rewards, hell even do a BCNM or ENM Garisson or Eco war or any other way that was provided for you to make gil IN GAME the right way. Farming is only one simple option to make money, and though the easiest there are many better things you can do to get it. And it will take is one missed day a week of EXPing, just one day a week devoted to making gil is not hard to do.

                              As for the 'finding money is the same as buy it' thing. Getting the drop on a rare NM and selling it's drop is not the same as buying gil. If you camp an NM, it's not gaurenteed you will get anything out of it. You have to compete with others to get the initial claim, and even if you do claim the mob, you might not even get the drop at all. Where as you buy it, all you have to do is point and click.
                              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater

