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English translation

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  • English translation

    What is the english translation to the main theme of ff xi
    ff vii
    and the sephiroth fight on ff vii

    where can i find it? put in sooooo many hours on the games, i'd
    like to know what they are singing about
    A Warrior's place is not to die,

    But to allow others to live.....

  • #2
    Re: English translation

    Not sure about FFXI, But I know you can find One Winged Angel ( FFVII ) and FFVIII ( Forgot the real song name...Fithos Lusec Vinos Winosec? I probably butchered the name ) at


    • #3
      Re: English translation

      Originally posted by Agnastar
      Not sure about FFXI, But I know you can find One Winged Angel ( FFVII ) and FFVIII ( Forgot the real song name...Fithos Lusec Vinos Winosec? I probably butchered the name ) at
      Lol, yeah you butchered that name....

      It's "Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec" I forgot what you call it but its actually words made up using other words. If you descrable it, it becomes "Succession of Witches" and the left over words spell "Love".

      Other then that they really are not any actual language, though they do sound like they would be Latin-ish.

      For the One Winged Angel I think I have the translation at home, I know most of the soundtracks provide a translation of the song I'll have to look to see if it's there. For FFXI is there there even a vocal song in it? Well except for the ones just released that's somewere in the game that SE even posted about.

      Double Post Edited:
      You know I always found that intresting that they used Italian for the song title yet it is in Japanese through most of it (Liberi Fatali).

      Double Post Edited:
      Either way from what the previous guy posted in case you couldn't find here is the links he was stating.

      One Winged Angel
      Liberi Fatali (FFVIII Opening Theme)

      As for the FFXI one I didn't relize there was vocals in the background of that song. I'll have to listen to it again I guess, when I had saw it was just in such awe of the intro I didn't pay attention to that detail. Web search seems to prove finding a translation tough, some think it to be Latin yet none of it seems to translate in Latin.

      Double Post Edited:
      Ok, found FFXI translation here you go.

      Legend-The Crystal;Memory of the People;Memory of the Stone;Memory of the Wind
      Last edited by Macht; 08-18-2005, 03:16 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        Re: English translation

        It might have been a Japanese version of that song. I saw a Chinese series about Vampires and it also used the same song but in a Chinese vocal. And its not surprising to see songs made in Japan or China crossover to the other langauge, its like Simple and Clean or Eyes on Me in English, Japan has a version too.


        • #5
          Re: English translation

          Why is it either in Latin or Italian, but listed as Romanji?


          • #6
            Re: English translation

            OK got it, I thank all who posted the links.
            A Warrior's place is not to die,

            But to allow others to live.....


            • #7
              Re: English translation

              Memoro de la Åœtono is not Latin, it's Esperanto.

              Thanks Yyg!


              • #8
                Re: English translation

                Originally posted by neighbortaru
                Memoro de la Åœtono is not Latin, it's Esperanto.
                Esperanto? Hmm, never heard of that before. Something new to look up and see.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #9
                  Re: English translation

                  Originally posted by neighbortaru
                  Memoro de la Åœtono is not Latin, it's Esperanto.
                  Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't "Memoro de la Åœtono" the poem that we see all over in mission CS? Staring with the opeing FMV you get the first verse (everything before "In the XXX year of the Crystal Era"), then it is reviealed more in the 5-1 and 5-2 CS, and latter finished in the CS you get before going to sky for the first time.

                  There is also some talked about in CoP missions, mainly when Ulima(sp?) is singing on the clift and Mag'Naguld(sp?). More may be in CoP but I only just finished Rivine #01-B.

                  The intro song transluation seams to be just a different verson of that poem, it also talks about the "One bright light" and "One song rings clear" ect.

                  No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
                  Rest of my sig

