Only 5 more days until I get FFXI. This has been bugging me for a while... it's about the battle system. Does it work with a simple menu system with commands like in other FF games, such as FFX, or do you have to type some kind of code in every time you want your character to do something? I plan on using a joystick to play, so this could be the deciding factor for me, do I want to play it or not? I've also heard some talk about "macros". If you play with a joystick, is it possible to assign "macros" to joystick buttons, or only on a keyboard?
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FFXI battles...
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Re: FFXI battles...
when you draw your weapon, your character attacks durring the set ammount of time that they have on them, you can cast any spell if you have it by selecting it. . . This is hard to describe lol. :sweat: you'll understand once you start
Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~
Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor
80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.
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Re: FFXI battles...
since it's an online game, the attack mode tried to be real time... you enter auto attack mode and your char will swing the weapon at it's target by itself. you do have menu to choose spells and special abilities from but it's seperate from normal attacks.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: FFXI battles...
Its technically impossible to play this game with a joystick even though i played the PC version only. I tried using a controller and while it took a while to figure it out the ammount of things you need to do does not ammount to what a joystick can do. Joysticks should stick to fighting games anyway. Just use the PS2 controller that came with your system.
Yes the game is similiar in battle system to EQ and FFXII, however unlike FFXII when you decide to choose spells and other abilities the action does not pause for you, as it happens in real time. So while it does seem slow at first(to many people), the things that happen and the pace of battle in a party, the speed of battles seem perfectly fine.
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Re: FFXI battles...
I use the PS2 controller on my PC. I have my macros attached to L1 and R1. So like ill hold R1 and then use Dpad to pick what macro i want, then hit X.
But, if your say... a RDM... At higher levels you have alot of magic to use. Sometimes its easier to type...
/ma Dia <t>
/ja Convert <me>
/ma Gravity <t>
So as you see, sometimes it best to type things out, better to see something happen and type it out, then scrolling thru macro sets looking for the right one.
So it all depends on situation and job, as a PLD, i go by all macros, and it works for me.
PLD75| BLM42| WAR37| DRK30| THF25| WHM25| NIN22| MNK20| BST10|
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Re: FFXI battles...
try play with a dance pad.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: FFXI battles...
I have a Nyko Airflo for my PC (though the fans have long since died), and I do the same thing, I attach my macro palettes to my shoulder buttons. I don't find it impossible at all, and in fact, I can't get the hang of playing with a keyboard now. Being a 50 RDM, I think if I tried to use the keyboard at this stage I might get a bunch of people killed. XD
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Re: FFXI battles...
That is really annoying to read FINAL FANTASY X-2 as FFXII, especially since that is the roman numeral for 12 not 10-2.
Anyway FFXI the way it's designed if you have played a game like SOCOM or SOCOM II and got use the character movement on that FFXI is similar to with the controller. It's a little more complex with the controller but as long as you aren't really going to chat with anyone (Which in this game is very difficult to do and progress well in), then the control works out quite well.
Otherwise the keyboard is much more functional for the operations, when you select a monster to fight you'll by default lock onto that target (Which means you will always face it if you end up moving). You do have the ability to unlock the target though and move as you like, in this one respect the controller is superior to the keyboard in function. With the controller while in battle mode you are able to rotate your view in directions impossible to achieve on the keyboard.
I would suggest getting proficient in using both keyboard and controller on this game, they both have very useful funtionality. I suggest also to never use the mouse, it's funtionality is the WORST out of everything.
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Re: FFXI battles...
Originally posted by MachtYou do have the ability to unlock the target though and move as you like, in this one respect the controller is superior to the keyboard in function. With the controller while in battle mode you are able to rotate your view in directions impossible to achieve on the keyboard.Last edited by Cade; 08-10-2005, 09:04 PM."We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"
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Re: FFXI battles...
Originally posted by CadeKeypad * to unlock camera, shift + arrow keys to rotate (or drag right mouse button) using keypad 7 an 1 to zoom in an out.
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Re: FFXI battles...
Or you can press switch target and while in switch target mode move the camera up and down.
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Re: FFXI battles...
Originally posted by Jeitry play with a dance pad.
Keyura [Remora] ★ WHM52/BLM26 ★ BRD75/WHM37 ★ BLM62/WHM31 ★ SMN33/WHM16 ★ RNG15/WAR7 ★ BST19/WHM9 ★ (Active in Red)
Greenkingdom LS to chat, Akui LS for sky, and Higeki LS for dynamis.
Saroku [Unicorn] ★ WHM5 ★ (Active in Red)
Pingpong used his Masamune, but Keyura dodged! Pingpong's anger grows by 13.
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