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what has pissed you off?

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  • what has pissed you off?

    ok i am currently a lvl 26 DRG, now training WHM, and i was in kazzam last night and was looking for pt. Well all the pts were full atm and no one was seeking so i decided to TRY and take a mandy with my npc, my sub was WAR btw, so i find a VT mandy near by and take it. We took it down in a few minutes and got 200 exp out of it!!!^^ well during battle i got a tell for a pt, i said sure but give me a sec to finish the fight. Well after we kicked its arse, i dismissed my NPC and asked to be invited now, only to find out that his/her friend wantedto join the pt and so let him/her in and no oom left for me. So basicaly i dissmised my soloing pt to join a pt i later couldnt join and my WHM sub was lvl 5 so i couldnt use that. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FU#&ING PISSED I WAS. well anyway tell me if this or anything else has happened to you that has sent you through the roof!^^

    Take The Quiz Yourself!

  • #2
    Re: what has pissed you off?

    many PTs, I repeat *many* PTs I join spent more times sitting around waiting for AFK members and replacement than actually killing stuff.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: what has pissed you off?

      My third to last party was supposed to go to Cape Terrigan, but only two of us made it there. The other four GOT LOST IN KUFTAL. It's a simple straight run, no fancy footwork or anything. They had two people that could sneak and invis them if neccessary. One person died, then like the stereotypical mage both the Rdm and Whm left.

      Come on people when we commit to spend time seeking for a party why can't we commit time to the actual party?


      • #4
        Re: what has pissed you off?

        I was fighting leaping lizzy at lvl 7 thf and I was actucally winning with the help of a lvl 5 WHM. WHM got linked by another lizzy and had to zone I was one hit away from killing lizzy when i got petrified. By then this person a RDM because they 2hr'd was watching and yelling at me in very terrible english that I was a stupid noob. So I asked in japanese for a cure and recieved this ? from the RDM. After I died they dia'd the mob and killed it then raised me afterwards. WTF I could of used cure not raise. If the roles were reverse I would of helped the person get the lizzy. PPl are just so greedy.

        Lvl'in Thf again when I get a invite to pt on my WHM. Well since my MH, storage, delivery box full. I dropped all my THF equips. I rush to sky and after 30-40 mins, The DRK says "me, PLD, and BLM have to go after this chain." The PLD was the DRK's gf so she wanted to go when he went and the BLM was in their LS and wanted to go because of that reason. WTF! If your sleepy or it's late don't invite someone (especially w/o asking your pt what's up and if anyone else is sleepy). If you only have a hour to pt...don't pt because by the time we get to camp you'll have to go. I don't pt unless I can dedicate 4hrs+ to a pt, I'm not saying everyone should do the same but come on ppl. So now I have watch out for couples pting because almost all of them pull that BS of leaving together. BS! So that's what pisses me off. ^-^
        → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
        (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

        ♂ ラブストーリー♀


        • #5
          Re: what has pissed you off?

          god arris..i stopped reading your post at Leaping Lizzy X.X (lets not go there)


          • #6
            Re: what has pissed you off?

            Originally posted by berzerk
            god arris..i stopped reading your post at Leaping Lizzy X.X (lets not go there)
            lol sorry i was pissed
            → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
            (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

            ♂ ラブストーリー♀


            • #7
              Re: what has pissed you off?

              Arris - expect no help when it comes to NM. When 1 drop is (or was) worth a million gil, everyone around you will only dance in joy seeing you die.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: what has pissed you off?

                Originally posted by Jei
                Arris - expect no help when it comes to NM. When 1 drop is (or was) worth a million gil, everyone around you will only dance in joy seeing you die.
                I wouldn't of been so mad if it wasn't a gil seller that got the drop
                And there was a few other ppl standing around...was either me or the gilseller /sigh
                → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
                (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

                ♂ ラブストーリー♀


                • #9
                  Re: what has pissed you off?

                  I had just reached lvl 20 and had entered valk to see if anyone needed help. A taru being chased by 5-9 gobs comes zoning pass me and leaves the area. After the taru was gone the gobs came after me and I died, couldn't react fast enough. Before I home point I saw the gobs go after someone else. My home point was in Selbina so I went to it. Just about when I was getting ready to leave Selbina the kid I saw that was just recently have been chase by the gobs came into the town. His lvl was 24 and he was pretty beaten up so at the time I thought he killed them. I left the town and went into valk only to find he didn't kill them, he brought them to the entrance. I quietly went back in and warned others but no one listened. About 3 or more left the town and died from the gobs. This last for about 15-20 mins because new people being chased by other gobs started to link and built it up. Finally a PLD came into town and said he killed them all.

                  No body listened to me is what pissed me off, if only they would have listened they would have lived.


                  • #10
                    Re: what has pissed you off?

                    That would piss me off also
                    Hello btw Arris


                    • #11
                      Re: what has pissed you off?

                      I'm pissed the servers are down for maintenance...

                      Anything and Everything...It's Got To Be Fluff!!!

                      Blog of A Monk with no Goals or Ambitions...

                      Liruc (Main) MNK/WAR | Jizzum WHM (Mule/Plaything)


                      • #12
                        Re: what has pissed you off?

                        I hate when i get an invite to Boyada Tree, or somewhere that requires a small amount of traveling, only for the PT to break or invite someone else.

                        I accept the invite, make the WHM or whoever is inviting PROMISE that when i get there the PT wont disband or they wont find someone else while im on the way, and they always do promise, then i go to the AH, buy 100k worth of Ninja tools, pay 1000g for a choco, or Teleport, arrive at the place, send the leader a tell and say "hey, invite me im in Boyada Tree", and all they can say is "oh im sorry man, we found someone else.. :S".

                        It makes me go ADFJKKSAFJDLKFJITRJOIEJSALDASD DIE.

                        One time i got soooo mad because a PT did this to me that I shamelessly trained them with like 123123123123 mob and Mijin Gakure next to them. Bastards. They deserved it.

                        p.s. I dont train people often :X only gil sellers.

                        Take The quiz yourself!

                        My Gear


                        • #13
                          Re: what has pissed you off?

                          What's pissed me off mostly is how I get denied a group because I don't have this godly equipment, food, etc. Thus leading into about 6+ hours of LFG (Samurai kick ass, but sucks we barely get invites)

                          I want to continue my Promathia quests but because I don't have a NIN as a sub job, they tell me to bug off. (I'm usually WAR/SAM)

                          This wasn't me but my GF (lvl 15 THF at the time) got denied a group because she didn't have DEX rings and some Dumbass in that group was shouting in Valk to not invite her because of that...

                          God Elitism sucks...
                          (pronounced Vy-ro)


                          • #14
                            Re: what has pissed you off?

                            Originally posted by Viro
                            What's pissed me off mostly is how I get denied a group because I don't have this godly equipment, food, etc. Thus leading into about 6+ hours of LFG (Samurai kick ass, but sucks we barely get invites)
                            Yuck I hate that too, I am a DREG

                            Now this did not happen to me but a friend, but it still pissed me off :p
                            She got a group to do prov-Hola and they died twie getting to the boss room, now when they got there about 2 hours later, a PT member left their group to join a ENM group that was already there!......... and so of course they could not figth be boss, becasue another member said that she did not belong in prov andway because she was a THF, and he disbanded too.... enuff said she was PISSED, and after hearing that story, as soon as she sends me their names...I am Blisting them
                            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                            • #15
                              Re: what has pissed you off?

                              Originally posted by Jei
                              Arris - expect no help when it comes to NM. When 1 drop is (or was) worth a million gil, everyone around you will only dance in joy seeing you die.
                              How untrue. >.< I was in the dunes when a lvl 25 sam got aggro'd by the VE. (Ya try as you might to get the bugger and this guy gets it by aggro. LOL) So since he "beat" me to it, I hung around to see how he was going to do. He was not doing well. LOL So I stood by and healed him and used poisona on him until he beat it. Then he msg's me and says "Oh this hairpin dropped. I'm a sam and I don't need this, do you want it?" Well that little good devil and bad devil were arguing BIG TIME on my shoulders!! LOL But I told him to keep it and sell it because it was a very expensive item. He was very happy and thanked me profusely.

                              Now to things that have really aggravated me...

                              Anytime a pt member does something so completely and udderly stupid that it causes your death. A pt TANK just up and said "Gotta go afk and eat for 20 mins" in the middle of a fight. I was the blm, guess who died? LOL

                              When people revel in the misfortune of others. In other words, act like total immature, greedy, selfish, moronic, a-holes. NOTE: This is a thread about stuff that really ticked you off. This is an example of one thing that happened to me. I am not starting a JP & NA debate here. If you want that go start a new thread and don't ruin this one.One very good example was when I was on my lvl 65 drk and laying dead in W. Altepa. Along came a whm who kindly decided to R3 me. I /t'd him and said {Thank you}. Shortly after that the whm sat down and stopped casting. I then got a /t saying "no {Raise} stupid NA <insert cute angry JP emote>"
                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                              Originally posted by DakAttack
                              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

