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what has pissed you off?

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  • #31
    Re: what has pissed you off?

    I had a bad habit of hping when I died (when I wasn't in a pt) cause its so embarrassing lying down dead when ur an elvaan. Of course, this habit ceased when I started to feel the pain of xp loss at higher lvls. >.<

    I'm glad I never had to deal with racism in my FFFXI experience (romanjii saved my ass a couple of times)

    and the constant raise in AH prices ticked me off the most probably.
    noein 萌え


    • #32
      Re: what has pissed you off?

      Ok heres a new one that happened to me today. I'm in Qufim waiting for a party. I wait 4 hours for a party!!! I sent shouts and everything asking for a invite to one. Finally someone from ym ls invites me to his party because their BLM left.


      • #33
        Re: what has pissed you off?

        What u should do is lvl ur subjob
        noein 萌え


        • #34
          Re: what has pissed you off?

          One thing I hate is the Character Creation Models.

          Gorgeous, aren't they?
          But they're heavily embellished of what the actual in-game models look like. In-game, the color palette seems rather drab and the faces look horrible. Especially for humes. If you notice that the first two hairstyles/faces for Humes probably look the best in the game ( in the character creation ), yet their ****ing ugly in game. Just take a look at the mouth area. It looks like they've got quite a pair of fat lips, and huge soar in their cheeck.


          • #35
            Re: what has pissed you off?

            I bet you have your texture resolution set on low.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #36
              Re: what has pissed you off?

              Originally posted by Taskmage
              I bet you have your texture resolution set on low.

              Registery h4x for teh win.


              • #37
                Re: what has pissed you off?

                ooo what else pisses me off are the lvl 75's (some) that act like gods....sheesh you'd think they could walk on water by the way they act -_-;;.
                → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
                (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

                ♂ ラブストーリー♀


                • #38
                  Re: what has pissed you off?

                  Originally posted by Agnastar
                  One thing I hate is the Character Creation Models.

                  Gorgeous, aren't they?
                  But they're heavily embellished of what the actual in-game models look like. In-game, the color palette seems rather drab and the faces look horrible. Especially for humes. If you notice that the first two hairstyles/faces for Humes probably look the best in the game ( in the character creation ), yet their ****ing ugly in game. Just take a look at the mouth area. It looks like they've got quite a pair of fat lips, and huge soar in their cheeck.
                  Have you tried turning up the vibrance on your graphics card? The grass in Ronfaure is geen enough to make any Texan happy.

                  And on an unrelated note, there's a lot of people I know that are level 75 that take themselves too seriously. One monk would refer to himself as an ownage monk, but come on he's just a DD. When I hit 75 with my Dragoon it's going to be a party all the time.


                  • #39
                    Re: what has pissed you off?

                    Originally posted by Impaction
                    Have you tried turning up the vibrance on your graphics card? The grass in Ronfaure is geen enough to make any Texan happy.

                    Vibrance? What you say! !
                    I built my own system and I have no idea what you're talking about.


                    • #40
                      Re: what has pissed you off?

                      Digital vibrance!
                      For nvidia graphics cards (im fairly sure earlier drivers dont have the digital vibrance slider may want to get newest if its not their) right click desktop and go to the tab settings. From here click the advanced button, and then go to the tab which should have the name of your graphics card. On the left should be a sub menu; go to colour correction and just wack up the digital vibrance until a level that is fitting.
                      It may be teh same method for radeons im not entirely sure.


                      • #41
                        Re: what has pissed you off?

                        Blood Red Poet Joins Room
                        [01:49 PM] Blood Red Poet: There was a man...
                        [01:50 PM] Blood Red Poet: His name was Sally...
                        [01:50 PM] Blood Red Poet: Salley didn't like people who's names were different than his own
                        [01:50 PM] Blood Red Poet: He used to ride bulls in the wild east, just to piss them off
                        [01:51 PM] Blood Red Poet: One day, he met Jim, a pencil with the mind compacity of a super dolfin
                        [01:52 PM] Blood Red Poet: Sally got over his prejudice and together, Jim and Sally, created great music together, some of the best metal ballads of all time
                        [01:54 PM] Blood Red Poet: Another day, Jim grew wings, pink fluffy wings that were on fire at all times, he said his goodbyes and left Sally to become an agent for the CIA.
                        [01:55 PM] Blood Red Poet: As time past, Jim destroyed Washington because it challeged his ideas on Open Heart Surgery preformed on healthy kids, just for the hell of it. To this day he regrets his attack, but still harms children.
                        [01:56 PM] Blood Red Poet: Sally on the other hand, became a blind nun for the order of jesus christ. He got in a fight with a homosexual hippo named Zozo-Ran-THE MAN. Sally died while impalling the creature with his neck.
                        [01:58 PM] Blood Red Poet: Not even Jim gave a damn about the death. Sally's tombstone however, became a landmark in New Jersey because it kind of looked like Michael Bolton the first tuesday of every august at noon.
                        [01:59 PM] Blood Red Poet: Jim gets cyber cancer and dies, his last words being "In Cuba, they eat dogs". This is how the story ends, but this tale inspired the Harry Potter novels. omglolz
                        May is the best month.


                        • #42
                          Re: what has pissed you off?

                          What pisses me off is tryin to get my coffer keys and having some idiot in the pt get his key and take of with his MOM ( his real life mom) lol to go look for his coffer only to bring back 30 yagudos that wipe out everyone but our thf and get a 74 RDM killed , then instead of being sorry he blames us for not listening to him and his MOM for not teleporting us out while we were all being beaten down, then zones himself back to jueno and disbands the whole PT while we are all laying dead on the floor ;; ya not gettin my coffer and dying 5 times in a day , that pisses me off lol


                          • #43
                            Re: what has pissed you off?

                            I hate people who undercut themselves on the AH. That makes no sense, but thanks for ruining the economy anyways.


                            • #44
                              Re: what has pissed you off?

                              Undercutting = item off the market faster = more gil for you faster and more gil now is better than more gil later unless its an obscene ammount. Its how a market should run.


                              • #45
                                Re: what has pissed you off?

                                How people make Summoner into a weak whm .
                                How they make young NA summoners feel about not having Dog.
                                How they make it seem we can do nothing without our BP time being lowered.
                                How Summoners are invited to kill dog for 100-300k per bc....wait i like that part.
                                It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                                それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                                A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                                BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage

