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Live cams- accurate representation of population?

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  • Live cams- accurate representation of population?

    Are the live Vana'diel cams on this site an accurate representation of how many people are around when you're actually playing the game? Because the game seems very deserted in the videos... it's pointless playing a MMORPG when there's hardly any other players around....

  • #2
    Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

    There are plenty of players. Believe that. They all just seem to be certain zones. Lower Jueno comes to mind, Crawler's Nest, Garliage Citadel. The zones you walk into and you get slapped in the face with a huge LAG!

    Some servers are over populated. I'm convinced Lakshmi is over populated, and have wished for more servers added for some time. But who's listening to me anyway.... :depress:
    PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
    RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

    Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
    SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


    • #3
      Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

      Lakshmi is over populated? Awesome! I hope i get that server...


      • #4
        Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

        Personally I wouldn't get to excited about it. Meanwhile I like it, since the only two servers I've had were Lakshmi and Cactaur (Beta server), so I've "learned to love it." But Lakshmi has a big problem with gil sellers. And even on a pretty decent Internet connection Lower Jueno is like waching drying cement run up hill.
        PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
        RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

        Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
        SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


        • #5
          Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

          Lakshmi is overpopulated? I'd thought we were on a less popular server. I guess I just assumed based on the fact that all the high profile players I can think of play elsewhere.

          Double Post Edited:
          Err... to answer to the original post, at least on my server you can count on there being thousands of people online at any given time. I think the problem with the live cam is just that the world is so big. Even if there are 20 or 30 people in a given zone, the camera can still fly though a lot of empty space without seeing any of them.
          Last edited by Taskmage; 08-07-2005, 08:07 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

            Who is the player in the live cam anyway?

            Vanadiel is a big world you can't expect people to line up all within sight distance of each other anywhere and everywhere... you can even get away with not seeing anyone in Jueno if you know where to hid yourself.


            • #7
              Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

              I don't know what server the live cam uses, but if its the test server (Atomos) then the population could be underrepresented.

              But, like I said, i dunno which server the cam feed is from.

              Title: Sergeant Major
              SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
              Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
              Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
              Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


              • #8
                Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

                I think the live cam is a special client for the game that s-e made to do flythroughs and show off their world.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #9
                  Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

                  It has to be some server that isn't normally accessible, such as Atomos ( Test Server ) I notice the livecam usually only shows around 10 people around the auction house. Well, whenever I go around an auction house, I see at least 25+ people.


                  • #10
                    Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

                    Originally posted by Agnastar
                    It has to be some server that isn't normally accessible, such as Atomos ( Test Server ) I notice the livecam usually only shows around 10 people around the auction house. Well, whenever I go around an auction house, I see at least 25+ people.
                    I've thought abou this too. "Wait a minute.. that's Lower Jeuno. How in the hell can there only be 5 people standing there??" I've never seen Lower Jeuno as dead as in those snapshots. And I've been in the game at every hour of the day. Hell, right after a server maint. I've seen more people than that in game!
                    PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                    RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                    Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                    SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                    • #11
                      Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

                      I'm guessing it's a closed/test server 'cause I was watching a Ballista on it once and no one had nin sub. Even Thfs and Rdm weren't subbing Nin which was pretty wierd seeing as those are two of the toughest jobs to kill when they do sub nin. o.o
                      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                      • #12
                        Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

                        Well dont forget Vanadiel is HUGE...and alot of the zones the camera goes threw are un populated or only have a few partys in them camping in save places...If you watch it go into Boyodha(sp?) Tree it sticks around areas filled with crawlers wich in that area agrro...making it a bad place to camp in, or just walk in...

                        There are normally 3k people in my server at anytime...And also what the live camera doesnt show you are people invisable while going threw a zone to another place...

                        Really more people in your server starts to piss you off, its hard to find places to farm, harder to camp NMs...


                        • #13
                          Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

                          The live cam rotates through servers and follows only a preset path. Not everywhere it goes is particularly scenic or populated. Plus it only snaps a picture every few seconds. So if it say, runs past you, you'll only show up for a couple pictures or so. Take into account lag in drawing in players in crowded areas, and you can easily see how the world might look sparse.

                          If you see it, it's a Taru named like Chumimi or something like that, and has a special icon. We had lots of fun with it when it rotated through to Pandy. There's like a 5-10 sec delay on the images too before they pop up on the site.

                          FFXI Blog


                          • #14
                            Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

                            No the camera isnt a physical person...since people cant fly...The people you see with a odd icon are people testing out the game at places such as E3...

                            Well acctually there are 2 icons, 1 are for people testing the game at events and one is for the people who wright the sections for the vanadeil news paper thing...


                            • #15
                              Re: Live cams- accurate representation of population?

                              Originally posted by tdh
                              I'm convinced Lakshmi is over populated,
                              lol you wish we never have over 800 ppl on at any given time.
                              → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
                              (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

                              ♂ ラブストーリー♀

