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How Many Quests Between Fame Levels?

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  • How Many Quests Between Fame Levels?

    Does anyone have any idea how many quests are needed inbetween each levels of fame?

    I'm starting on the 2nd Gobbibag Quest, passing some items to Melyon in Selbina (the Cabbages, Millioncorn & Boyahda Moss) to raise fame in Bastok and Sandy, (from what I have read) so I also have to do some quests in Windy before I can go back to Bluffnix in Jeuno to get my 2nd Gobbiebag upgrade.

    My fame in Sandy was level 3, (and was probably the same in Bastok & windy too, but didn't check) and level 2 in Jeuno when I got my first upgrade.
    So how many quests have to be done to reach the next level in Windurst?

    Edit : I've just come across this thread from last year on how to raise your fame. Click Here
    and reading the info, "How to Level Up Fame" I am confused by something.
    For each city, they all seem to have numbers by the side of them, but I don't know what they indicate.

    2 ideas spring to mind, but they don't seem possible.
    1 - Quest 1 for fame 1, quest 2 for fame 2 e.t.c. but that can't be possible since the maximum you can get is Fame Level 9, and there are only 4 quests in there at the most.

    2 - The numbers indicate which level you are at in the Goobiebag Quest, but that also can't be possible since there are 6 quests altogether for the Gobbiebag, and again, there are only 4 quests mentioned in that thread.

    So what other possibility could it be?
    Last edited by Snowball; 08-07-2005, 06:44 AM.
    (\ /)
    ( . .)

  • #2
    Re: How Many Quests Between Fame Levels?

    um Snowball, those are just numbers in a list
    they are giving you 3 or 4 choices of quests you can repeat to level your fame. nothing more, nothing less.

    btw, there is no set number of quests between fame levels (least no one has found any). furthermore, the amount of fame you get per quest varies by your alliegence and race, e.g. if you are Hume and from Bastok, you'll get more fame completeing Bastok quests than a Mithra from Bastok and an Elvaan from Sandoria.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: How Many Quests Between Fame Levels?

      i thought thought it wass 3 or 4 oops my mistake^^

      Take The Quiz Yourself!


      • #4
        Re: How Many Quests Between Fame Levels?

        The amount of fame given by a quest varies a lot. It's assumed that harder or longer quests give you more fame, but since fame is a hidden stat nobody has any hard data on the subject. Even the same quest can give you different amounts of fame depending on how you complete it. For instance, I think your fame level will rise faster if you complete the Only the Best quest in Selbina by turning in Boyahda Moss rather than Millioncorn.
        Originally posted by neighbortaru
        furthermore, the amount of fame you get per quest varies by your alliegence and race, e.g. if you are Hume and from Bastok, you'll get more fame completeing Bastok quests than a Mithra from Bastok and an Elvaan from Sandoria.
        I didn't know about this at all. Is that true?
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: How Many Quests Between Fame Levels?

          Thank you for the replies.
          I must have been rather confused over the numbered quests in the link I posted to start with, but I presume that there is no spceial reason for it really. Only the fact that you can choose from each of them which one you want to do to raise your fame.

          I'm glad I came across that link actually, (hoping it is still up to date e.t.c and that nothing has changed since it has been written) because before I found it, I had been scowering the allakhazam site through the list of quests for Windurst, just going through them in any order, thinking that any quest at all will raise your fame for Windy, and I didn't know until I came across that link that there were only certain quests which raise your fame, and not all of them.
          So I'm rather glad I found it.

          I was doing the "Community Service" quest in Jeuno yesterday (to raise fame for Jeuno) where you run along the shoreline in Lower Jeuno lighting all the lamps, but the thing is, it's not as easy as it looks. I read that there can be only one player per ingame day to light them all, but it's always very bad luck on me, as when I speak to the NPC who runs that quest, he always tells me that such and such a player has already lit them, and has beaten me to it. /sigh

          It takes a bit of practice maybe, but it's definitely NOT an easy quest at that.
          (\ /)
          ( . .)

