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Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

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  • #46
    Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

    The only role playing ive experianced soo far is a galka or some other character atempting or thinking of eating a taru (usualy me). I dont mind the ocasional RP but it gets a little lame or anoying after a while.


    • #47
      Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

      Originally posted by Xhaztol
      Hello everyone. I'm posting this in the general forum because I'd like to appeal to people of all servers because I have an offer.

      Some friends and I have been playing FFXI for 2 years now, and we've noticed that the amount of people whom we can readily RP with has dwindled sufficiently. Searching for these scarce entities has become our own mission, within the game. We have created the Linkshell EX POTENTIA TOTUS, which in Latin, loosely means "The Power Within Us All". We're but four members right now. Sad, I know. But we are always looking for more people to join. Always.

      I know that creating a new character just for the sake of being with a band of RPers is probably going to sound like a horrible idea to 98% of you, but if you are like me, and miss the company of the imaginative, conversational, and the literate, I am more than happy to purchase World Passes for you (we'll talk).

      However, if you are a resident of the Remora server and have been unable to RP just because there haven't been many to do it with, we welcome you with open arms.

      Please, even if you don't want to make a new character or even if you're on the Remora server and have a linkshell you like, let me know! It's always nice to FIND the RPers, and know they exist.
      I am Role Player as well... I play RPGs all the time for fun... Sadly I would join you but I am banned right now cuz my credit card got all fuckered up... hopefully I can fix it soon... If I fix it I'm sorry that I won't be able to join you on your server because I got a great LS and I have only begun to sart playing FFXI again... But I just wanted to let you know that I am out here and wanted to say sup? PEACE!


      • #48
        Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

        Lame or annoying? Alright captain open mindedness.

        If anything, RP'ing brings a certain flare to the gaming experience. I used to play NexusTK and Dark Ages, two small mmorpg's created by a company formerly known as Nexon which the USA branch seperated from the Korean company and formed Kru Interactive.

        The point I'm making though, is that in these games, RP'ing was enforced. Especially in Dark Ages. If you were caught OOC then the guards (which are also real players) would give you a warning, if you persisted, then you were sent to jail for heresay. There was a whole political hierarchy, and only the most dedicated RP'ers ever got into the positions of real power. Even religion in the game is a big aspect, there are worshippers, acolytes, priests, and high priests devoted to each God or Goddess. Although some are more popular than eithers, I.E. Glioca the Goddess of Compassion whos temple is found in the starting city.

        In NexusTK, the RP'ing was a little more lenient, as RP'ing was not enforced, but if you wanted to be in one of the subpaths you had to have decent RP'ing skills. The subpaths were created with the intentions of RP'ing. There were 3 subpaths for each class, plus a 4th standard NonRP subpath in case you weren't into the RP aspect. I myself was in the Muse subpath. I don't know how the game is now, but when I did play there were many events being hosted by the Muses. A player run community. Much like UO.

        To say that you cannot RP in a game is ignorant. You don't have to talk in old english to RP, you just have to bring your character to life. Give it that extra spice that makes everyone believe that your character just possibly may be living in that world.

        I myself RP'd when I played FFXI. A lot of people thought I was great fun. My character wasn't anything special, she was just very outgoing, obnoxious, and free spirited. Rp'ing is not for everyone, but there is no need to make fun of those that do. I myself think that it makes the game more fun, what you think about it is your choice, but please do not slander those that enjoy to RP. Thank you.


        • #49
          Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

          i know 4 rper on ifrit. and well me and my friend and ls mate shaila will go hunting both dragoons me a hume and she is a mithra and we always rp as we hunt or just hang out lol, well we where hunting pirates for the sand charm for a map, and we rped and went thru our back stories and we sparked alot of intrest almost everyone on the ferry started in rping it was too great. but we also have posted our ig stories and adventures on our ls site.
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • #50
            Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

            not enough people in ffxi that would like to do that, even though i kinda like doing that also, it would be cool to find have kinda like a team of people that will always lvl with you, quest, and do missions with, and i tried that once with 2 other people i know irl, it didnt workout so well, but if i were on the server ur on, i'd like to join ur ls, always willing to make new friends


            • #51
              Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

              Of course RP is not needed but imo it makes a persons character more interesting and developed. I wouldn't mind a RP LS at all. Maybe it would liven things up abit.
              My Split Personality
              Which FF Character Are You?

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #52
                Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                In a game like this (as this is only my personal oppinion) everyone is RPing. You do have power players people who just after big lot, skills etc. that says n00b, pwned and all that lingo but all in all everyone who loggs into FFXI meet friends, chat, do quests and missions or help others are RPing in every fashion. They communicate properly and talk like any normal person would talk. Playing a role is all dandy and well living out your character creation your own background history but in some of the RPG LS`s ive seen they say you are only allowed to RP in this LS. meaning if you talk like your normaly would like "hello how is everyone doing, anyone up for hunting some HNM`s" etc. they go all ballistic lol when in fact that is a perfectly good RPGing line.

                When RPGing lets say P&P you dont have a visual character for others to relate to. When ur in FFXI you allready have all the visuals in there so you cant really go around explaining what you see and how your character relates to it because everyone can allready see it (hence emotes). Only worthwhile explenation of a feeling is going to a place and commenting "This place is beautifull"

                I think a good RPG LS would invite whomever wants to join except the immature players who goes PWNED, NOOB etc. Just do quests and missions together and talk like you would talk in a civilized conversation and the RPGing comes out by itself. Take lots of screens and write out each quest, session, event that the LS has done together and post it on a dedicated LS forum and the stories will unfold into a great book like you would read from P&P sessions where GM`s write a story out of what the players do.

                Its all in all much more rewarding to not only your LS but other players as well who likes to get a good read from a imgainative mind.

                Well all in all this is just my own oppinion about RPGing in a game like this.


                • #53
                  Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                  As an avid roleplayer I feel your pain, but in FFXI I don't bother trying. People here are about numbers. It's a social, conversational game where people discuss the game as a game, not as a story. People don't rid the land of orcs because orcs are threatening their way of life, they kill them for experience or for farming and they express this because the majority of the FFXI playerbase chooses to remain out of character. My roleplaying days ended in 2001 when I left UO.


                  • #54
                    Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                    I've thought of some ideas for RP'ing, but they never worked out. I dunno why, but they didn't. Mebbe I'm just not as imaginative as others but oh well...

                    Take The Quiz Yourself!


                    • #55
                      Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                      Some of the earlier responses in the thread sadden me......I love to RP, and will do so at every opportunity! I'd definitely be glad to join an RP LS and get to know some people and stuff....I've only just come back to the game and was planning on starting a new character soon anyway, so I'd definitely be glad to join something and get RPing properly ^^ There are so many opportunities for excellent RPing in FFXI, it's a shame that not a lot of people take them up.


                      • #56
                        Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                        There has always been a strong RP community on Sylph almost since the NA launch. There has always been 1 or 2 active RP shells (4 at one time, long ago). With Crystalline being the oldest, longest lasting and (atthe time of this posting) currently the only RP shell, having almost 30 active members, and more that like to stop by occationally. And we are still in the middle of a membership boom gaining new members weekly. And a number are comingfrom other servers starting from scratch as well as vetran players on our sever looking to add something more to the game, so theres is no lack of members in your range.

                        And RPing in FFXI is not only fun but very easy. Although I do agree that it is better to have individuals to keep everyone in line, essepcially since the bigger you grow that more chance you get trouble makers. That is why crystalline has a Democraticly elected council whos job it is to form and enfoce the rule of the community, as well as handle disputes between members (me being one of them). But for the most part everyone is just there to have fun and creat interesting stories.

                        The FFXI community hasn't cause us much greif either. Its not uncommon for us to draw a crowd while we're RPing in public, who sit down and applaud or cheer, much as if they were watching a play (although the first few time I got kinda nervous being put on the spot like that XD). And for every one person that shouts "take it to tells" or "RP is gay", we get 10+ people telling them to STFU.

                        So while FFXI doesn't go out of its way to make an optimal enviroment for roleplay, its far from and adverse enviroment. I say more power to anyone that is starting an RP shell of their own. I always see people who say they would like to roleplay but they aren't willing to leave behind all the work they've put into their character, to start anew on another server. For any that are interested in Crystalline you can visit our page by the link in my signiture.


                        • #57
                          Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                          Hi Xhaztol! My name's Jaudemus, and I'm a roleplayer from Queztalcoatl. I used to play FFXI religiously, but nowadays all my time's in college. ^^ I enjoyed playing the game for its battle/trade/group content, PLUS the immersive RP setting. I always felt that FFXI's music, landscapes and graphics made it a great place for RP.

                          While I won't be coming back to FFXI until the summer, let alone switching servers (if I even do), I'd like to let you know that your cause is noble. Many people don't understand roleplaying, they feel it's just running around playing make-believe. To all of you who do, think about this: when people read fictional novels, or go to see movies, isn't that like playing "make believe" with your mind? It is, but who cares... you enjoy the story and the intellectual/emotional twists that come along with it. This is how roleplaying makes roleplayers feel. It's all reaction-based, and you don't know what your fellows are gonna say next. The motivation? Social depth. The reason? Plain ol' fun.

                          Also, I agree with the person above who says that you don't have to speak in old english to roleplay. You don't even need perfect grammar for it, as long as you get your ideas over. Contrary to popular belief, most roleplayers are an easy-going lot.

                          Xhaztol, I salute you in your efforts. Best of luck with your linkshell.
                          Last edited by Bushido; 03-04-2006, 07:02 AM.
                          Jaudemus Azelought
                          ~ San'Dorian Youth ~
                          ~ Former member of Headstrong Hope linkshell ~


                          • #58
                            Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                            To be honest, trying to come up with and stay in character for most races is a bother. If my hume had a personality, he'd be consistently more grumpy than I already am, but who wants to do that constantly?

                            The only character I ever really role played on was my taru mule. I only spoke in rhyme, and it was pretty fun. >_>


                            • #59
                              Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                              I remember once when this mithra was being RP'd. Didn't know what to think about it and thought it was some perverted guy that was doing all kinds of crazy **** and trying to seduce gil from other guys.

                              Come to find out much later that it was actually a girl who really did end up sleeping with 6 of those guys IRL (travelled across the states as it were) That's one case where it really was more than RP...


                              • #60
                                Re: Bringing Role-Playing Back to FFXI

                                Lol ewww online prostitution.

                                Seriously, keep it in the game people. Realize the line between fiction, and reality.

