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redo AF?

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  • #16
    Re: redo AF?

    It stands for Artifact. Its the first set of armour that's unique to your job and obtained by a mixture of quests and coffer hunts.

    At level 40 you'll be able to get the quest for your AF weapon then from level 50 and after completing the quest for the weapon you can start on the armour.

    The first piece is obtained from a quest.
    The hands can be started after the first armour quest. It invovles getting a key item from a coffer (location depending on job) and defeating an NM bomb in Castle Zvahl Baileys.
    The 3rd and 4th pieces are obtained from coffers. The location depends on your job.
    The final piece is obtained from a quest, usually requiring an allience.

    Each piece is equipable at level 52, 54, 56, 58 and 60. Although which piece is equipable at which level depends on your job.


    • #17
      Re: redo AF?

      Originally posted by Kafeen
      I tried to post this yesterday but my connection died before I posted.

      I think this is right. I talked to the guy yesterday and the only AF I had the chance to forget was my RDM AF. I also have some pieces of DRG AF but not the full set and that didn't appear. So, if you haven't finished getting the full set you might have to do that first then redo the whole thing.
      dose this mean i dont have to throw out all my AF(not that its not all gone now, but still have AF dagger) and reset the quest? i havent checked yet been busy will do tomorrow once i get off work

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      • #18
        Re: redo AF?

        Originally posted by xXx
        dose this mean i dont have to throw out all my AF(not that its not all gone now, but still have AF dagger) and reset the quest? i havent checked yet been busy will do tomorrow once i get off work
        You must thow out everything of a particular set from af1 (weapon), to the coffer AFs, AF2 and AF3. AFs of different sets (mixing sam and rng for instance) shouldn't matter (admittedly i'm not 100% sure).

        Title: Sergeant Major
        SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
        Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
        Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
        Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


        • #19
          Re: redo AF?

          I've never actually tried resetting my AF quests, but with BLM, WHM, BRD and RDM Artifact weapons and Armor all completed, the NPC offers to erase my memory for any of the 4 sets when I talk to him. I've thrown away the AF weapon for all 4 jobs except Bard (and should probably throw that one out too, come to think of it...)

          Whether you can choose to actually erase the memories without tossing all the gear, I don't know. But simply getting it on the menu seems to require that you at least complete the weapon and both of the quested pieces.



          • #20
            Re: redo AF?

            In my case when I did this, I had to complete the rest of my AF quests before I could reset it. I had all but SAM AF3 and the AF body coffer taken care of when I threw away my other SAM AF pieces and the NPC wouldn't let me clear my memory. So I finished the AF3 (I had already done the BCNM fight and already had the key item). Then I went to this NPC in Lower Jeuno, and he let me clear my memory this time. I paid him 10k to clear my memory, and started over. I didn't throw away the AF3 helmet. I paid 30k to get another LV1 Great Katana and did AF1, then AF2, then AF hands, then I went and got coffer keys for Kuftal Tunnel and Quicksand Caves and got those two coffers. I already had the Temple of Uggalepih coffer key, so I went and camped that area for the coffer and got the body piece. So I was done. I'm sure if I threw away the AF3 helmet, I could do the quest over again. I may even be able to accept the AF3 quest even though I already have the helmet. I'm not sure, I haven't tried. But I don't need to do the AF3 again since I still have the helmet.

            Even though I don't play Samurai anymore, I went and did them all again because they introduced the AF storage NPCs, so I figured I would do it and get it stored and maybe one day play Samurai again.

            So it seems you cannot reset your "memory" of having done the AF quests without having completed AF1-AF3. Don't throw away any of the coffer-only AF pieces. I think you can keep those. It's the AF1-AF3 and the AF hands quests that you will have to re-do.

            (Edit: I might be wrong about the needing to complete ALL the quests, but I think you can't have any "current" or "active" AF quests when you clear your memory.)
            Kurgan @ Ramuh
            NIN75, PLD75, BST75, WHM75
            TrionsDeathCrew linkshell leader
            Ranks: Sandoria(10) Bastok(9) Windurst(8)
            On ZM14, CoP missions completed.
            Leather 92.8+1, Cloth 60, Smithing 45, Alchemy 27

